Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A couple of cards with owls- they're both very different.  I love the top owl stamp, its one of my all time favorites. Its by Rubber Stamps of America.The Hello is by CHF/Kim Hughes. The more whimsical card below has the owl punched out (Martha Stewart) with an Inkadinkado pumpkin, Hampton Art word circle and Hero Arts word. Both cards have Tim Holtz leaves stamped and embossed in the background.
Another busy day at work ahead- some weeks just seem TOO busy-and that's this week. Too many people asking for things to do...too many things just to do...meetings...open house...I'm already behind with a bit of grading-ugh! When is it time for a vacation? I REALLY want to be in my studio-going through a highly creative time and hate wasting it at work...but then...wouldn't have cash for supplies if I didn't work. Vicious circle in some ways...but anyhow- I will cope with it. have before, and will again! Thanks for letting me have a couple minutes of morning whining-it does help you to feel better when you let it out.

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