Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lazy Morning

Today is a lazy Sunday morning because 1)its cloudy, 2) its COOL-feels like fall and 3)yesterday we got home late from Dave's mom's house where we were visiting with friends from San Francisco-and I had 2 BIG glasses of wine-equal to about 4 or 5 real glasses of wine. So, I am dragging a bit. Plus its Sunday-the day of REST. Or better yet, the day for me to go PLAY in my studio...which is my plan. Katie went back to school last night so its quiet here too, the cats are both asleep and Harley is exhausted from his busy day at the lake yesterday. Dave's watching the Nascar race which we recorded and I'm poking around on the internet.
So today's photos were taken last Monday-Labor Day, which was the last trip out in our boat. I snapped these while Dave was getting the boat set-we don't leave the boat in the water as its CHEAPER to store it on dry land and just put it in and out as we use it. Our boat is not that BIG either so we can trailer it easily enough...but these sailboats can't be and they've been dry docked all summer at the marina. I really like the back of this sailboat with the name vintage-there is something vintage about it I think.

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