Monday, September 13, 2010

Thomas Kinkade

I can't say I was a huge fan of these stamps, but I found them interesting. I wasn't quite sure what to do with them actually. But I bought a few when CHF was closing down and today during my mega card making session I stamped a couple and brushed on ink for the background color.  What I do like is you can make these seem like old postcards...and the new Crafty Secrets photography set (which I picked up last week) has this great photographer stamp which I stamped in the corner of both of these. In fact, all stamps except the Thomad Kinkade images are from this Crafty Secrets set. I mounted the "postcards" on some greenish houndsooth paper. And I must say I LOVE the way these cards came out.  I'm going to try some more with the couple others I have...I'll show you when I do!

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