Sunday, November 11, 2012

Put a W in the results column

Yeah- it was very exciting at the hockey game last night- FINALLY Maine won a game in hockey east and beat Lowell-4-3. Our good old Black Bears were back and unlike the last 2 games, was a really good game to watch and get excited about. (Might be why my voice is a bit horse this morning....)
We don't have any more tickets for a month until they play Boston University in early December, but we're hoping in the 3 games they have until that they will continue to improve.
Or win!
OK, got that off my chest.
Now I can move onto something that might interest you more.
Silly cards. I made these for my college daughter back for Halloween- and I know
I am going to be totally out of the season,
Halloween seems like a long time ago to me,
but let me show these to you.
(I asked this question because my daughter, being a college student, is still taking tests.)
I like the card- stamps are from Paper Smooches (Spookalicious and He Said/She Said). I added some Viva Paint pen in red for the dripping blood off the fangs. The moon is a die-cut circle (Sizzix Framelits circle set) which is sprayed with Dylusion's yellow in and distress just a tad.
And then for the next silly card for the college kid:
I made the brick background using a Crafter's Worshop stencil, red, yellow, orange and brown acrylic paint and a deli wrap, and then I used black paint and the old receipt Crafter's Workshop stencil over the bricks. Some Paper Smooches stamps, same Viva Paint pen red for the blood, and then some old black sticky trim I had (I have no idea who made this).
The answer to the silly joke question
Ok, so I will never make it as a comedian, but here's one more for you to roll your eyes at.
I know, these ghosts don't have hair-
though I thought about adding some in.
This time I used the same Paper Smooches sets, and plain black background paper. I added some silver Stickles to look like stars-since ghosts do come out at night, right?
And for the answer this time-
Hope you had a little tiny laugh from these,
enjoy the rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Look at you still creating FUN!!! Love the little jokes! Hockey boys played for years, and I miss it!


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