Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Holiday Journal

I haven't had a lot of time to do art lately. Been squeezing in some time here and there.
I want more time- its been a mental issue with me lately. Work has been exhausting this fall- too many things to keep track of and too many different class preparations.
Plus when it gets dark by 5 I must say it feels like bedtime to me.
But, I will take whatever time I get and make the most of it.
Started setting up my holiday journal. 
I began by cutting out the pages from this old hardcover book.
Then I gessoed the front covers and painted them green. Added some stenciling in both dark green, gold and light green, along with some paper scraps which I had gessoed and finally a 6x6 full page.
Oh, and I can't forget the tissue tape.
I cut the letters for the title using my Scan and Cut and some gold paper.
I due cut these poinsettia pieces using a new Paper Smooches die I bought which I actually quite like.
Perfect size- not too big or too small, and easy to assemble.
My kind of die.
I added some Stickles glitter glue to the title letters just to give it a bit of holiday bling. I love holiday bling, I must say. I also used some green glitter on the holly leaves.
I splurged and bought the little Tim Holtz metal tags with the Christmas sayings.
Looks better in real life than it does in these slightly off lighted and a bit fuzzy photos.  I snapped them upstairs right on my work table and the late fall light isn't all that good there. I think this cover looks kind of messy in this photo, but you'll have to take my word for this one right now- this page doesn't look half bad in real light.
I've made my inner pages but I am going to wait and put them in once they are done. Think they'll be easier to work on flat.
I am actually quite ready to start working on them now-
it is a holiday journal and I need to wait until the holiday season starts. I've made my official start date the day before Thanksgiving, which I have off from work so that is the start of my holiday season.
I will keep this book until January 1 when the holidays end.
Or maybe January 5th which is the last day of my holiday vacation.
We'll see.
My other goal is to make this more journaly than scrapbooky. 
I will put some photos into this.
I just don't want to make this book all about the photos.
So today I have a staff work day from my Costa Rica trip- must admit though sometimes it is more tiresome sitting I am looking forward to doing something different.
Will make this week really short!
Glad you stopped by today.
Hope to have you back again soon.

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