Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Star island

Hi everyone, Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I have one last page for Art Journal Journey this month. The theme has been maps (hosted by Mary), and so I used a map of Star Island to make both my big hotel building and the clouds. The clouds are actually the key for the place numbered on the map. I did paint over the map with some watered down acrylic paint, and they way my photo is, you may not see much of the map underneath.
You can see it a bit better here.
This is made in my summer journal. If you've been by this past week you've seen my post of the Star Island, but if you missed it, here's the link: Island Hopping.
Thought I would share my last few photos from my visit.
 These little stone cottages are so quaint, aren't they?

 The island is pretty bare. I don't know what the settlers who lived there  year round through the 1800's burned for fuel in the winter. Maybe they burned whale oil or dried seaweed. Hmmm.

And if you don't have a boat, this is how you'd travel to the island.
The ferry is really full because a crowd  were on their way for a week retreat.
Anyhow, that's all for me today. I'm off to visit my mom.
Have a great day!


  1. Wonderful photos, I would like to get closer to see those birds on the rocks! Great journal page, love the idea of putting the explanations in the clouds. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. I like your journal page. The stone cottage looks unoccupied. I think they look pretty. The island does look bare.

  3. An amazing journal page Erika- I love that you used the map here in such a cool way- so clever!!! The photos are super..what a fab island ... I am really happy to get known so much of New Hampshire through your blog Erika!
    I am well - everything o.k. here in my part of the world... kitchen comes week.... so excited!

    oxo Susi

  4. FANTASTIC photos and a wonderful page in your journal. The old stone houses looked lovely.
    yVONNE X

  5. I've had a terrible time getting here. Rebooted and finally shut my computer down to give it a rest. I love your Star Island drawing. Such fun to see the journal page AND the various photos, too. Can you burn seaweed? Thoughts to ponder as we head into Thursday.

  6. Now THAT is an island I would LOVE to visit! I love how you did the building on your page! And it's all so blue! Wonderful!

  7. I've been enjoying your posts with photos of your trip, and I'm thinking those stone cottages would be fun to vacation in. The blues of sky and water are beautiful!

  8. So much to explore in our world and we often take it for granted. Nice shots. xox


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