Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Reader

I have always been a reader.  Even when I was too little to read, I would love to sit and look at the pictures in books. 

So I made this page for Art Journal Journey as this month's theme is Every Journal Page Tells a Story.
I tired to create a "blackboard" that was reminiscent of those back in the day when I was a kid. But who wants something so typical? I made mine pink. :) I used some wood print paper to make the borders because in the old days blackboards had this wonderful wooden trim. Those white blips on the bottom are the chalk pieces.
And I found some other images in my FLOW magazine. The young woman doesn't really look much like me, but she works. And unfortunately I don't know what the names are on these children's books, because there are in Dutch. But that's OK, the pictures say it all.
I have fond memories of many of my children's books.
Nancy Drew, The Boxcar Children, A Wrinkle in Time, One Morning in Maine, Half Magic.
I think I could keep going, but I will spare you.
And I want to say I enjoyed all the comments on my football post yesterday. :)  Seems like a lot of country doesn't like out New England team, so if you are one of those, the Pats did win and go on next week. Sorry. New England has never had a really good team up until the last 12-ish years so we are basking in a bit of  good fortune while it lasts. Since it was a late game I dosed off at the end, but it certainly didn't start with the Pats playing their best. But I will take the W.
Today is an art day for me, which I am excited about.  A Sunday at home is always nice.
Hope there is some fun  in your day too.


  1. I can so relate to this lovely page, as reading has always been my fave hobby since I started reading with 3. Books really take us to other places and other worlds. Thanks for making another great page for AJJ, you are a star! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Fantastic collage, I love your block lettering! Thanks for visiting my blog and also for the fantastic journal theme. I never thought about it, but indeed journal pages usually tell a story :) Happy Sunday xx

  3. Fab page and great idea. You have a good memory to recall your childhood books. I remember Nancy Drew books but only because you mentioned it ha ha.
    In earlier years I read fairy tales and fables.
    Hope you're having a lovely Sunday and having some arty fun.
    Gill xx

  4. I do love your wonderful page - she is a good girl to read so much!
    I didn't read that much during my early schooldays, but later at highschool I found the books that I loved and it ended up in being bookseller.

    Your ideas are just super for your lovely theme Erika!
    Hope you enjoyed your art-day at home!
    Love to have you as a host at AJJ!
    We were out and had so much fun with
    friends and sledding today. We have such a nice wintery landscape right now - even though our area isn't very hilly here, you always find a nice
    sledging track.
    Happy new week ahead !
    oxo Susi

  5. Wonderful inspiration and the quote is a super the one to add to this page.
    What would we do without books.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Like you, I have always loved to read. I certainly adore your beautiful blackboard and wonderful story with the girl. I also have some plaques somewhere from reading 100 books every summer until I was in high school (when I went to work full time in the summer). Nobody could believe I read that many books, but we had to answer questions about what we had read, and there were no cliff notes to help us out, either! Great page and entry.

  7. Amen - until you get to the age where you forget what you read and start inventing your own stories! Great for Art Journal Journey!!
    Sandy xx

  8. A Wrinkle in Time was one of my favorites, too :)

    Go ahead and rejoice over your football team. Trash talk is all part of the fun ;)

  9. I really admire how you can work the theme and do it every day! How in the world do you do it -- and do it well.


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