Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Big Game

So here's a page I made for my husband today.
This is his story!
Well mine too, because I like to watch football with him, but more his for certain.
I think I should have painted these helmets and not left them black, so they'd stand out more, When I had to adjust the lighting for you to see the helmets, it lost some of the strength of the ink color on all the crowd at the top.  They look all washed out.
Here I darkened it up to show you.
I am linking up again to Art Journal Journey.  The theme this month is Every Journal Page Tells a Story, and since I am hosting, I set myself a goal of posting every day this month. So far, so good. :)
Tonight is the big game-the quarter finals. The winner goes onto the semi-finals, and maybe from there-the super bowl. My husband isn't one of those loud crazy football guys, but he loves the game. If he's home with nothing to do and football is on, he will watch it.  (But I like the fact that he won't stop what he's doing to watch a game, unless its the Pats that is.:)
A beautiful cold but sunny morning here in NH. Off to the store ( with a million other people who are probably hosting game parties tonight) and to meet an old college friend for lunch. That's a good way to spend a Saturday.
Hope you are all having a great weekend!


  1. Your page is really cool! I watched a film on netflix last night where all the male protaginists got crazy with the super bowl - my gosh - nothing for me - I am not familiar with all the rules - it's all greek to me.
    Hope you enjoy your meeting and your Saturday!
    You set yourself a large scale project this hosting month Erika! I
    I would like to express my great respect and recognition for making a page every day! You rock!

  2. Go Patriots! I do hope they get to the Super Bowl, we watch it every year as it is telivised here in the UK! Me and hubby love American Football and we have seen quite a few games both NFL and college football on our visits to America, so exciting! Wish we could watch the game with you to cheer them on :-). You have created a fantastic page, I love the crowd and vibrancy of the page! GO PATS! Have a fab weekend! J:-)

  3. Great page. Go Pats! We are going over to my brother's tonight to have our Christmas with him. Hopefully, Himself will get home to at least see the second half of the game. The Brother isn't into sports. Enjoy your lunch and outing with your friend.

  4. Great page, I don't know much about your football, but I know you love it. Have a fun weekend, keep warm. Hugs, Valerie

  5. I don't follow football, but my husband says the Patriots must be destroyed! but that nobody can do it ;) I'm watching what little coverage I can find of the current Sumo tournament, so there's something out there for everybody I guess.

  6. Maybe KC and the Pats will meet in the Super Bowl. The KC game was supposed to be played tomorrow in the afternoon, but due to the ice, they postponed it till 7 pm (CST).

    We had a 20 car pileup last night due to ice on an off ramp. I saw photos on the late news. As of 10 pm last night, we had .34 inch of ice accumulated. I'm surprised more tree limbs didn't break off. I'm really not looking forward to tonight when the second round hits. This one is supposed to be the real thing, while last night was supposed to be nothing more than a preview. I am SO not looking forward to the next two days (and more if my power goes out). Last time it took them 6 days to turn my power back on. Ironically, they did it by ZIP code, and mine was one of the last to be fixed, although it was the second area to go out.

    Enough about my woes, though. I adore your game you drew and your story you shared about it. It's wonderful. I used to enjoy football, then I found pro basketball and the Lakers, and my life changed forever. Hope I get to watch your Pats game, because it will be on about the time the ice storm is expected to hit. Have a safe, warm, and enjoyable rest of the day, and game.

  7. I hope you had a lovely day and that you enjoyed the game.
    Its a fantastic page, although I'm afraid to say I really don't know the rules etc. But team game sport has a way of including us all in the excitement of the match. Its Rugby Union for my family.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Hope you both enjoyed the game.
    I confess I am not much of a football fan even though Mr M is.
    Your page is fun!
    Creating and posting every day WOWEE...
    you go Erika!
    Ever since my 2 month blog break I have been having trouble getting back in the swing of things.
    Maybe now that I got that "out there" I can get back in the swing of things ;-)

  9. This is a gorgeous football-page! You made it for your husband - that is very nice!
    WOW - you are posting every day this month - a fantastic work!
    I wish you a fine sunday!

  10. Great page! I love to watch football - all those handsome men running around in tight pants! What more could a lady ask for???
    Sandy xx

  11. Fabulous page Erika. I don't understand the rules of your football but it appears to me that is a really fun and family orientated event which I love the idea of.
    Hope you had a fab weekend.
    Gill xx


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