Sunday, February 19, 2017

More Weekend Chatter

Another weekend is biting the dust for me. I know some people here in the US have tomorrow off for the President's Day holiday, but since next week is our winter school break, we don't have a long weekend this weekend. 4 days and counting!
So today was another gorgeous spring like day. We had all kinds of melt.
I love the reflection of the trees in this little mud puddle in the driveway.
My road is just a GIANT mud puddle. The snow looks sooooo dirty and yuk! Hopefully with the whole week being on the warm side we'll get a lot of melt.
I won't miss all this snow. :)
So I had a long list of things I wanted to do today, one of which was packing for my trip. I had this vision in my mind of my suitcase getting basically organized and together, and I did start working on it, but right now my suitcase is buried under a pile of "things", and its more like a disaster mound on my bedroom floor. :) That's about all that got done on my list, but I did enjoy the nice weather and did a bit of reading of my latest book too.
I've been biology brain geeking out lately.  Awhile back I got my own DNA ethnicity results back. I had some doubts about submitting my DNA, but my curiosity got the better of me, so my hubby gave me the test kit for Christmas.
I had a couple of friends who did theirs and had some real big surprises. 
What I find  amazing is that Ancestry (the test company I used), who really knew nothing about me, sent me these DNA results that matched what I knew about my heritage, with just a couple of surprises. Any doubts I had about how much my DNA could really tell me about my family tree and history were definitely erased. 
What amazed me even more is the list of people they connected me to who have also had their DNA tested and with whom I might be related. Now I haven't really started any genealogical research (but that will be coming), and I haven't contacted these people, but some of the names matched that of my maternal great-grandmother's family. They said a few of these people might be 3rd-4th cousins, and I do plan on finding that out once I get some time to sit down and do the research. There is also someone who they said could be my second cousin-hmmm, that has really peaked my curiosity. There were also a few people with my maiden name that they said were 5th-6th cousins, and even one listed with my married name. I would laugh if one reason I am a kidney match to my husband is that we are distant distant cousins. The scary part, is we both have distant relatives from the same general area in Finland going back past our great grandparents.
I'm sure I'll have more to share with you once I get more into my search.
Now my ethnicity does make sense but has left me with some surprises. I came back almost 60% Scandinavian, which is no surprise since 3 of my grandparents were Swedish immigrants here to the US. And I came back over 30% Eastern European, which also makes biological  sense because my maternal grandmother's family was/is Polish. And then I came back 4% Finnish/Northern Russian which also makes sense because one of my Swedish grandparents family still does live in an area of Finland with lots of Swedish heritaged people. Then there was my 2 % British, which did surprise me, but makes sense because of all the travel that took place between the British Isles, Iceland, and Scandinavia over the last 1000 years. And finally, I came back 2% Eastern European Jewish. Again makes sense with part of the family coming from Poland. But who knew? 
Its really fascinating stuff.
OK, and I'm finally getting to my art for today. Its the inside cover of my travel journal
I'm linking it up to Try It on Tuesday. The  challenge is  Messy, and I think my background collaging could be called that. 
I made it with some images stamped on tissue paper, some die cut sun symbols and a little bit of collaging to finish it off.
Hope you have a great new week. 


  1. Love your beautiful journal cover, and thanks for joining us at TIOT! Your DNA test results sound most interesting, hope you are able to do a follow up and find some lost lost relations. Glad the snow is melting, and in a few days it will be time for your vacation. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Like you, I hate dirty snow. Virgin snow, all pristine and perfect, is wonderful to look at. Otherwise, it's just a white pigpen in my opinion.

    I was really interested in your DNA test. It's fascinating, since I should probably check it out. Seems there are several that have come on the market that are designed for your specific history, unlike those designed for paternity testing.

    Looks like your New Mexico journal is nearly ready to travel. Hope you finish packing soon, too. I like to pack early, but my friend Sally is still packing about an hour before she has to leave for the airport. That drives me batty.

    Have a super week. Hope it's a no sludge day ahead.

  3. Great photos - here the streets are clean and dry - but where I walk the dogs there is just mud - it costs me a lot of time to clean them after returning from the walk - not nice-
    This DNA story is just fascinating - you seem to be a perfect ethnic mix - lol!
    Wonderful page - love it very much -
    Thank you for linking to TioT!
    Happy new week!
    oxo Susi

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing all the snow melt away, and I won't miss it. Exciting to be packing for a trip. The journal cover is awesome, though I don't see messy. I just see lots of texture.

    I also did the Ancestry DNA test to go along with my genealogy research there. What was surprising was not being 100% Italian as our family believed. Most of the results made sense even if they were a little bit surprising like less than 1 percent Polynesian. I've found the cousin matches really go by the percent of ethnicity, and really aren't related to me. I did find a second cousin through the DNA, but I instantly recognized her name. Still, it's exciting putting pieces of the puzzle together.

  5. I've not yet done the DNA but that's part of my ancestral journey as well. I'm pleased that your results seemed to match up in lots of ways and to hear about the lists they provided. I'm just about ready for this, I think. And also, to try to find descendants of my grandfather's siblings, whom we never heard about until I started digging through this. I'm hoping they will be able to fill in some of the blanks. Your post is encouraging me to get on the stick and do it.

    And I love your piece. It's lovely.

  6. This is the stage that I DON"T like snow!
    Your journal page has lots of heat - just like New Mexico. Love the Aztec looking design on the left side!
    Sandy xx

  7. We don't get snow often enough or for long enough to end up with a mess. It's always gone in a few days. The ice is a different matter.

    I've never thought about trying the DNA testing, but it sounds like you got fascinating results.

  8. What a great photo from the car, it has so much movement that I could imagine I was travelling along the road.
    How interesting about your DNA test, I'm astonished at all the information you got from it.

  9. Fantastic page. Thank you for joining us at TioT.

  10. Not sure how I missed this post Erika, but I have really enjoyed reading it. It must be so interesting finding out about your family heritage.
    Its a fantastic journal page, thank you for joining us over at TioT's.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Hi Erika, just catching up and this is such a fascinating post, really enjoyed reading
    about your DNA discoveries, so interesting, and 2% British!
    Love the photo of the snowy puddle reflecting the trees, looks like a piece of art in itself.
    Great travel page with lots of interesting images, perfect for the theme at TioT.
    Avril xx

  12. I am fascinated by the DNA testing! How exciting! Not so keen on the appearance of the road but your journal page well made up for that! So pleased you joined us at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  13. Your first photo with the reflection is fabulous Erika and I could imagine that framed on the wall too - I love it!
    Your journal is looking really good.
    I love genealogy so your DNA testing was a fascinating read..
    On my paternal line I'm stuck getting back any further than the early 1700s - so you've got me thinking now myself about the test.
    Good luck with all your future research - that will be exciting!
    Gill xx


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