Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Little Splash

Happy Friday everyone! (Or Thursday evening if you are checking in before Friday.)
This week has been a tough one to get through for me. What a LONG week. Nothing major-just more lingering winter  weather-and REALLY COLD temperatures-GRRR-and not enough snow melt. It might be spring on the calendar but can someone please tell that to Mother Nature. :) Work's been a bit overwhelming-too many demands which has made everyone pretty cranky. Oh my, thankfully it is just about the weekend.
I'm hoping to maybe get to see the new Beauty and the Beast movie this weekend.
This past week I managed to find Highlander 2 (an older film from the early 1990's) to watch which was also a good sci-fi film. I had seen the first Highlander movie by accident this past weekend and wanted to seethe sequels. One down, 3 more to go.

My journal page today has been in the works for awhile. I started by adding the black and white background image which I found in a vintage photography magazine. Then I was stenciling some red flowers on some other pages and decided to add them here. Another day I was stenciling stars, and also decided to add some here. 
I picked up a new set of Dina Wakely stamps recently, and so I used one to stamped this cool lady and then painted her. 
 I think she is Dina's take on Freda Kahlo, and Frida  was really about color. Funny, lots of kids have been talking about her at school lately. Interesting to see what the hot topics of conversation are. Add her to the March Madness basketball chatter from my crazy second block boys. Its quite the range of topics I get to talk about all day. 
That's all for me.
Hope everyone is having more spring weather than our cold arctic wind here in New Hampshire. Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Starving for color. So tired of white with splashes of mud outside the window. Your journal page is a welcome relief. yup, tired of the snow and cold. I liked the Highlander movie with Sean Connery. Hope you get to the movies for some downtime after your week. Funny, I thought this week went by so fast.

  2. Love your colourful Frida page. Hope your weather soon warms up for you. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. An amazing page and new header Erika!
    Happy weekend!

  4. Frida looks really good in your spread. She truly did try to find a bit of color in her painful world, didn't she? It's a beautiful rendition.

    My March Madness ended when Wichita State lost, so I'm not interested in other games. Sally, on the other hand seems to want to watch EVERY game on EVERY channel. Good thing she has a DVR. I'd like to know the outcome before I watched the entire game, so I wouldn't have to watch a bad game. Kansas, which we call KU, is doing OK, but I could care less. That's my take on March Madness.

    As for the weather, we are supposed to get storms and possible tornadoes over the weekend, so as much as I want rain, I don't want the high winds and storms that will accompany it. Your weather actually sounds better, because it's so hot and dry here, I'd gladly change with you.

    Hope the weekend is better, and you can relax and enjoy it. Kids in Wichita are on spring break this week. See, it would be another good reason to trade places.

  5. Forgot to mention how much I like your spring flower blog banner. Wish my yard looked that good!

  6. Its another fantastic page with the Frida stamp, the colours are really warm and cheerful. Hope you get some better spring weather soon. Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Your colourful page is wonderful! Hope the weather starts to change for the better soon, it seems like the snow storms in your part of the world have been relentless this year. I was lucky to see the new Beauty and the Beast film this week and I loved it - although I'm a bit of a fan having seen the animated film many times as well as the amazing stage show when it came to London some year's ago :-) . Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend! J :-)

  8. Happy Friday! I like a lot of bright color, so I find your piece here very attractive :)

    We're having Spring here in Memphis, with highs in the upper 70sF, and it's quite breezy. I barely remember that bit of snow we got earlier in the winter ;)

  9. I know what you mean about the cold (although yesterday was very warm here, so hopefully it is coming your way!). Still, that means time for making lovely art! (And going to movies -- B&B is on my list, too!)

  10. P.S. Thanks for the nice words on the Easter banner! It was fun to make!


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