Sunday, April 30, 2017

Just About a New Month

Just about a new month. I can't believe April has come and gone in such a blink of the eye.
I made this week's calendar journal page using a postcard I picked up at the Museum of Fine Arts last week and some words from a travel brochure that came in the mail.
Vacation is over and its back to work in the morning. But this is my last week as I have surgery  coming up on the 9th.
Kind of weird to think about school ending so early for me. Usually at this time I still have 6-7 weeks left of the year.
I feel like I spent most of my vacation doing chores. But I'm glad to get so many of the spring projects finished. 
But I was happy to make it to the Matisse exhibit at the MFA art museum in Boston. Here's a few views from this exhibit.
The theme if the exhibit was to show some of the artifacts Matisse included in his work, and then show the art that included that piece.
For example, this is a screen that Matisse had in his studio.

I thought the carpet was so well painted I took a close up.

And these chocolate pots.

More of his painting up close.  I found that fascinating.

I love how his paint work wasn't perfect yet he still painted these fantastic pieces.
Full of color. 
 He had some African figures that he also used.

 And this statue.

It was an interesting exhibit because you showed so much about his inspirations.
Every time I look at this piece I see more than before. They did have some of his vases on display, but I didn't photograph any. 
They also had pieces from his entire career. Including the cut outs he made at the end of his life when painting was too difficult.
 The close up details were really fascinating to me again.
And this is only a little bit of the exhibit. If your interested I'll show you some more another day.
Plus there's still the Botticelli's and one of my favorite childhood authors. 
And now its May (or just about) with some new adventures.
Hope yours will be a good one.


  1. What a GLORIOUS new banner! I leapt with joy (metaphorically!) when I saw it.

    And I loved everything in this post -- the page, the art, the background. I do love Matisse. Lucky you to catch this exhibit.

    Good luck this week with school. I send you good wishes as you prep for the transplant. Does my email show up on your comments? Would you be so kind as to send your snail address my way? If it doesn't, leave me a comment and we'll figure out how to connect.

    Big hugs and thanks for the good wishes!

  2. Wonderful pictures of the Matisse exhibition, looks fantastic. Enjoy these few days before the OP, and look after yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Yes April (especially the last 2 weeks) suddenly flew by - I'm behind (as usual arghh!) but so glad I didn't miss wishing you and your hubby all the best for the 9th xx
    My artist knowledge is very limited so I am always eager to learn new things - so it was lovely to so your photos of that exhibition - thanks for sharing :)
    Hope you have a good week
    Gill x
    ps Love the new blog header too

  4. I love the little dancer on your banner. So joyful. Maybe anticipating warm sunny weather. Oh, wait, that's me.

    It's so interesting to see the Matisse paintings with the objects he painted. I also like the cutouts. I'm hoping to get to the MFA to see the Boticelli exhibit

    Have a good day!

  5. Such a wonderful exhibit filled with beautiful treasures. Thank you for sharing Erika!
    I love your calendar page. It is a great use of your post card from the exhibit!
    Best wishes to you on your upcoming surgery~


  6. What a fabulous new banner and calendar pages - the exhibiton must have been really unique! Thank you for the fab photos! I am thinking of you and have all fingers crossed already for the transplant.
    Happy May and all the best dear Erika!
    oxo Susi

  7. What a fascinating exhibit to include the inspiration pieces with the works they appear in! I've never seen an exhibit like this and love the idea :)


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