Monday, May 1, 2017

T Stands for the Buggy Tea Party

Happy Tuesday ladies. Its already once again
and also this month we get a double celebration as it the May 2.
Time for Second on the Second also.
You can check out both of these events over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. And it would be great if you joined in also. All you need is a drink inspired post or link up to a previous blog post.
So today I decided to forego the food and drink photos and focus on some cards I made back in 2009 with a T theme.
I don't show you cards very often, but I used to make a lot more of them. I call this set  the Buggy Tea Party.
But these work for T Day with their tea theme and Second and the Second due to their being posted on my blog 8 years ago :).
 The original post from May 4, 2009.
 The original post is from May 4..
The original post from May eight 2009.
And I thought I'd share this photo with you.  Many of you know  Corrine. We live fairly close to each other and met up for a fun day out this past weekend.  We went out for pizza for lunch, and you would think I would remember to snap a photo for T day. But silly me, I didn't.
But I think this is a fun selfie.
And also today I have a journal page for Try It On Tuesday. The challenge is Transport.
The car was in an ad I received in the mail, and I figured it was perfect for this challenge.
And here's a close up of the quote sticker I added.

So this Tuesday I am headed back  to Boston from some pre-op tests and meetings. I won't be around next T day as  I am donating a kidney to my husband. (Or at least I hope the date doesn't get changed due to bad pre-op results.) But I hope to be back on the 16th. I'll miss checking in for sure. :)
Have a great T Day and second of he month everyone. We have some rain here, but hopefully you are basking in some spring like sunshine.


  1. The cards are beautiful. The teacup with the flower and butterflies reminds me of some my mother's teacups. I'm so glad there isn't a picture of food. The goodies everyone posts are so tempting, I almost lick the screen (-; A really nice photo you took of you and Corrine. I never take good pictures like that. A thumb or out of frame or a head cut off usually happens. You certainly nailed the transport theme. That old-fashioned car is perfect.

    Will be thinking of you and hubs. All will be well.

  2. Beautiful pieces for T day and 2nd on the 2nd, and I love the journal page for TIOT. Great photo of you two ladies, glad you had a fun meet up- Look after yourself, and good luck with the tests, hugs, Valerie

  3. Hi Happy T Day
    I enjoyed your art-everyone is so creative here in the T group
    Lots of rain here in Missouri we can use some sunshine
    Hugs Kathy

  4. Happy T Day. How lovely to see your happy smiling faces and the wonderful array of artwork as well

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Forgot to say thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. so nice to see all this awesome art and the photo of you and corrine!
    i Keep my fingers crossed and send good vibes to all the medical treatings of you and your husband. he can be very lucky to get one of your kidneys! all the best!!!!!!

  7. What a great page! I love the image you have used.
    Thanks bunches for joining us in the fun at TioT this time.

  8. A fantastic post to read as see all those wonderful cards you had made.
    Its a lovely photo of you and your friend as well, you must have had a great day out.
    The page for TioT's looks wonderful and I love the old car you found in the post, thank you for coming over to join in the fun.
    I am thinking about you both and I do hope you get the thumbs up for the operations to go ahead as planned.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. I will now go and have a catch up to see your posts I missed this past week.

  9. Hi Erika, I love your journal page, the vintage car image is fabulous together with the wonderful quote. Loved seeing your tea themed cards, all fabulous.
    Good luck with the pre op tests and the surgery. Will be thinking of you. Avril xx

  10. Love to see that cards! Worth a second look for sure! Your page for TioT is gorgeous and I love to see Corinne and you on the photo! You are fairly looking like relatives, at least on this photo!
    I will cross my fingers you know! All the best for the pre-op results♥♥♥
    Thanks a lot for joining us at TioT!
    oxo Susi

  11. These cards are super I love the blue one first, then the pink one, and of course like the other one too. That is a very pretty teacup, I'd love one like that.
    Great to see you and Corrine together, I'm sure you both had a lovely day.
    The car piece is great too, I like how you have collaged round it, and the words, very appropriate.
    Best of luck with all the hospital things, I'll be thinking of you both.

  12. The cards you created are beautiful and perfect for T Day with all the beautiful cups teapots - pretty designs! What a lovely photo of you and your friend, it looks like you had fun taking that selfie :-) . It's so nice to see you at TIOT too, your transport page is awesome, I love the layers you have created with the papers and paint and the car is really cool! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  13. Your cards are just lovely! I just scored a lot of supplies and will be in a card making frenzy soon.

  14. I sure did enjoy looking at your art on today's post. Love your tea cards. And by the way, you sure do look happy!!
    Sandy xx

  15. What a lovely photo of you and Corrine ..... I used to swap postcards with Corrine... but i'm not sure if she does that anymore.. All your cards are just lovely... especially love the bumble bee one.. but then i'm a little partial to bumble bees.. :) I wish both you and your hubby well Erika... Big Big T day hugs! deb

  16. Such wonderful art, cards and that gorgeous journal page!!!
    Great selfie photo, too!
    I am leaving here with a big smile, too~

  17. Lovely tea-related cards :) Looks like you and your friend were having great fun.

    I'm glad the medical process is going forward. I know y'all will be happy to have all this behind you, and I trust that will happen without complications.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  18. best of luck for the hospital visits. I love the smiley selfie and I like your page

  19. Such beautiful cards, adorable selfie...And then you drop the kidney transplant thing! Wowser! Best wishes for a great outcome for you both!! We'll be waiting to hear about your success. Sending healing thoughts

  20. I love every single image here from your art to your selfie! Good luck with the pre-op tests!

  21. Love your second look at those lovely cards! You two look as though you were having fun together! Your journal page is fabulous and I'm so pleased you joined us at Try It On Tuesday! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  22. Apologies! Just popped back to wish you both luck with the ops! Chrisx

  23. Love the cards and the selfie looks like the two of you were enjoying yourselves :) Best of luck with the pre-ops and will keep the both of you in my thoughts and prayers.

  24. Best of luck to you both with the surgeries.

    Your buggy tea cards are delightful, Erika. Plus, I finally understand how 2nd on the 2nd works thanks to you! I thought you had to repost an old post, not just describe and link to it. Thank you.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen


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