Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Grunge Part of Elegance and Grunge

Here's the page that I used to make my new blog header. The background is lots of grungy flowers.
So its perfect for the Gill's new challenge over at Art Journal Journey: Elegance and Grunge.
I like how my background looks like I digitally changed it but this is just how it came out. I used some Liquitex paint markers to make it.
This girl makes me happy and life is better when you smile, isn't it?
Pre-op appointments went well yesterday, except for them drawing 18 viles of blood. Not that it went bad, but it just didn't go as smoothly as it should have. I'll know if they didn't come back right only if I get a phone call in the next couple of days. Going into Boston is just exhausting with the traffic, never mind  day of appointments around a giant hospital complex, I was so tired last night I got home and went to bed by 7.
Short post for me today. Hope everyone is well and having a wonderful day.


  1. Erika I just love this little elegant girl and the grungy flowers. Makes me sad to hear that you are not doing well. Wishing you all the best and tons of strength to get through this. Art journaling and being creative can help in times of despair but I hope that you have family and friends who are looking after you. ♥
    Sending you great big comforting hug ♥
    xo Michelle

  2. 18 vials of blood? No wonder why you were tired. Sending positive energy your way.

  3. A wonderful page - this Liquitex markers seem to be made for you! Thank you for such a beautiful page for AJJ Erika!
    I can imagine that when they took so much of your blood that you were tired- no wonder! All will be good, I am sure!
    Here it is nice weather -- windy but way warmer as it was during the last days. I have my mentally handicapped brother now here - so my art- and internet time is restrained.But it's o.k.- we have fun with him.
    Wishing you all the best and I hold my fingers crossed for you ♥♥♥


  4. aww thanks for joining in at AJJ Erika especially with everything going on at your end of the world and I hope the blood results are all good.
    That's a gorgeous grungy background - love the colour and textures - and I'm sitting smiling too as that's such a sweet happy image of the little girl.
    Hope you've had a lovely day (and able to relax too )
    Gill xx

  5. Oh my gosh, it's a wonder you had the strength to drive. I'm rooting for you both. Glad you got some rest. Lovely reds busting out all over. xox

  6. This is my favorite of all your pieces so far. I love the little girl, I adore the colors, the textures, the energy behind it. My very, very favorite!

    I'm sorry the blood draw was so trying but my fingers are crossed that all will be well and all systems go! Get lots of rest now!

  7. Oh my, that was a lot of blood, 18 vials is really too much. Hope you are now rested, and that the tests all go well. Gorgeous journal page, love the colours and textures and the wild flowers. Take care of yoursef Sweetie, hugs, Valerie

  8. Its a beautiful grungy journal page, love the vibrant reds for the background flowers. You are right a smile does make folk happy.
    Rest well after your exhausting day.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Wow, it sounds exhausting, hope you are all recovered from your travels to Boston :-) . Your grunge background is lovely, the colours are so rich and I love the flower design - gorgeous! Your little girl looks so sweet and I'm a great believer in your sentiment too - life is better when your laughing, isn't it :-) . Have a great week and I'm thinking of you and wishing you and your hubby all the very best ops! Take care my friend! J :-) x

  10. Das ist ganz bezaubernd.
    Ich finde die verschiedenen rosa Farbtöne so erfrischend.
    Und die süße kleine Lady dazwischen ist perfekt zum Thema.
    Eine schöne Arbeit.
    Liebe Grüße

  11. Erika, this is a beautiful page for grunge and elegance. That little girl is elegance itself~

  12. I know you were tired Sugar - just the procedure sounds exhausting.
    Love your creation - I don't think I know what grunge means!!
    Sandy xx

  13. Love this, love the gorgeous colours too.


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