Thursday, August 23, 2018

Up, Up and Away

This page makes me think of that 1960's song which goes "Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon."
I am linking up to the newest theme at Try It On Tuesday which is Take a Ride. Just to show you how long it took me to finish this page, the background is some book paper from an earlier theme.  I used a page from a magazine which is sprayed with ink. And I took some string media which I bought off the markdown rack awhile back. I usd a bit of blue paint to give it some color, and then I swirled it over the page. 
The border flowers are die cuts which I added and then colored with either markers or paint.I also added some paper tape along the top and bottom. I drew and painted the balloon, and then I added the chipboard dragonflies which I painted and outlined with black Sharpie.
I also think music is a blessing so I am going to link up to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's challenge over at Art Journal Journey. The challenge this month is Count Your Blessings.
Hope everyone has a great day. And thanks for visiting.


  1. Beautiful page Erika, I'll be singing that song all day now! Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  2. great page love the colours ;O))

  3. It may have taken a while to create Erika, but this resulting page looks fantastic. I love the hot air balloon and the lovely flower detail.
    Thank you for joining us all at Try it on Tuesdays.
    Yvonne xx

  4. This is wonderful, Erika. I was most impressed by that string. It was unique and unusual, and painting it gave it flair. But of course I loved the balloon, too. You are an incredible mixed media artist and this page shows it. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey, too. You are truly a blessing, dear.

  5. This is. Great page with the use of the magazine page for background writing. I love the balloon and dragonfly which stand out.

  6. I am amazed at what you all do with paper, some paint, glue, and other things for your pages. Those are not my usual materials, and I’ve only made one journal, but the theme fits my other projects sometimes at AJJ. This one reminds me of the Wizard of Oz when the Wizard was going to take Dorothy home in a balloon. Lots of music in that movie too., I must be older than most of you!

  7. Second try at commenting. This reminds me of the balloon in the Wizard of Oz when the Wizard was going,to take Dorothy home. It’s nostalgic for me, love it! I must be older, but I also remember the 5th Dimension song well. I love the way your pages come together. A bit of paper, paint, glue, ink and such are not my materials. I’ve only made one real journal! But sometimes my project’s theme fits so I stick around.

  8. A song I loved as it was one of my childhood songs. So often played on the radio since I was a kid and still a fantastic song, isn't it? I also love " Let the sunshine in"
    And a page I LOVE ERIKA !!! Gorgeous and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you linking to ART JOURNAL JOURNEY ( Dr. E. has such a fantastic theme this month) and TRY IT ON TUESDAY!
    This page is simply GORGEOUS - I just love all about it and that swirled color looks simply fantastic! WOW!

    Hugs, Susi

  9. Wowwww Erika , what a so gorgeous balloon !! Absolutely wonderful Art journal page !! Love the colours, the balloon, the background, the flowers... all is amazing ! I would like to ... up up and awayyyy tooo
    I wish you a very nice evening, big hugs, Caty

  10. A fabulous page with wonderful colours!
    Hope you had a good start of the new term today!

  11. Lovely page Erika - that balloons so cool! That string medium looks fun - great texture and depth.
    I'm desperately trying now to ignore that song otherwise I'll be humming it for days ha ha
    Gill xx

  12. Fabulous page! The string medium worked beautifully, I was wondering how you were going to use it and I love the texture it added 😁. That's a great song too, I'm probably going to be singing it for the rest of my day now 😉. Have a great day! J 😊 x

  13. ... Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! J 😊 x

  14. Now that song is stuck in my head lol I always liked that one. Such fond memories. I like the page, a perfect piece for that song :)

  15. beautiful happy page,i love this colors,and the song loved too.
    happy weekend,dear erika.

    hugs jenny

  16. this reminds me of seeing the Fifth Dimension perform live when I was in college -- freshman or sophomore year and I think we only paid 5 or 7 dollars to go. Can you imagine now?! (Oh, and they were popular then!)

  17. Oooh! a bear, exciting but a little scary!! The grounds of the museum look fabulous - love the cloud reflection in the pond! Chrisxx

  18. What a fabulous page Erika! Just love the movement here! Of course, I am going to be singing that song until bedtime! So pleased you joined us at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  19. A great page Erika, I've never taken a balloon ride but I think it would be thrilling.
    Thanks for sharing at Try it on Tuesday Avril x


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