Friday, August 24, 2018

Ogunquit Museum of American Art and a Bear Story

Hi everyone. Another Friday has rolled around again.  One day down at work and I am right back in the routine. At least that's not the worst thing. But of course I was tired when I came home yesterday and decided to go read on my hammock on my screen porch. The dogs came out and joined me.
So it is just before 5 PM (17 hours) and the dogs get crazy. I figured it was a wild turkey wandering through the high grass off to the side of the house because they have wandered there before. So I look out and about 15 feet from me, sitting in the high grass, is a bear. I think he was trying to decide whether to go snack at the bird feeders or not.
I think, maybe with my phone (which I have with me) I can get a photo. I think oh no, I have to go out to get into the house.  And then I think about the dogs chasing the bear, just as Pete, who knows how to open the screen porch door, lets himself out and chases the bear off into the woods.
Then I worry that Pete is going to be clawed by the bear because I know that can happen. Black bear around here are usually run and climb a tree if they can't get away (I know that because one of the dogs we've had liked to tree bears and then spend like 2 hours running around the base of the tree barking at them), but you never know. A bear has big claws and if they turn the dogs can be severely injured. Luckily about 5 minutes later Pete comes running back, wagging his tail and wiggling his body like he's just had the best fun of his life.
Guess tonight the bird feeder comes back in for a while again. I already brought it in once earlier in the summer when the bear was out there one night at 3 AM. (More normal bear time and 5 in the afternoon.)
OK, let me get to the post I had planned.
Today I want to show you some photos from my trip to the Ogunquit Museum of American Art in Ogunquit, Maine. I went  last week with a friend, and surprisingly, I had never been there before. In fact, I didn't even know there was a museum there, even though I used to go and visit some other  friends in that town when they lived there.
The museum is small but sits on a gorgeous property right on the ocean. The art wasn't bad,  but the gardens were amazing. It's a beautiful day to be outside so let's take a walk.

Hope you enjoyed your walk around the grounds. I don't know about you, but I would love this garden to be at my house, but I guess I'd need a permanent gardener to do all the work it requires. Ha-ha. Guess I better stick with just enjoying the memories or going back for another visit.
 I will show you the art another day in case you are curious about that. If you're curious you can check out the museum's website at Ogunquit Museum of Art.
And as always, thanks for visiting.


  1. Wow! A bear! Wasn't there a woman not far from you who was mauled by a bear when she startled him INSIDE her house? Glad nothing happened to your pupper. I didn't know there was a museum in Ogunquit. Is it on the Marginal Way? The views from the garden were magnificent.

  2. You are back to school aready Erika - your summer hols seems to have gone so quickly... it will soon be Christmas :)
    Oooh you certain;y do get close up to nature - glad Pete was OK.
    Lovely photos of the museum garden and fabulous statues - but I especially like the photo/view of the one with stone bench.
    Happy Friday - hope your day going well.
    Gill xx

  3. Oh my goodness, it must have been such a shock to see a bear sitting in your yard! I'm so glad to hear that Pete came back safe and sound 😁. I enjoyed visiting the museum gardens with you, it's a beautiful place! I hope you are having a Happy Friday and wishing you a wonderful weekend! J 😊 x

  4. Beautiful photos, I guess we would all wish for our gardens to be even a tiny bit like that one, but its good to dream
    The bear must have been a sight to see so close the house. Its good that the dog got home safely.
    Yvonne xx

  5. That museum is in a fantastic place, what wonderful views! How exciting to have a bear so near, but a bit scary, too. Your dog evidently enjoyed chasing it! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  6. I am glad your dogs are ok. Thankfully I have never met a bear unlike my dad. I love the pictures you took and love the women figures and the otters. There is one picture you took with a sculpture in the background that made me look twice...slightly phallic..yes, my mind goes to the gutter. I love delphiniums and this garden looks beautiful

  7. What an amazing place for a museum ! Wonderful photos dear Erika! Pure beauty everywhere!
    Great you took me with you chairwise!Thank you!
    Happy start of the weekend!
    Big hugs, Susi

  8. It’s beautiful in Maine! Love New England everywhere...

  9. I love your bear story. At least it was a happy ending. What a way to end the first week back at school.

    That museum is fabulous. What got me were all the sculptures and statues that were neatly hidden away in the garden. It certainly encouraged walking around the grounds to find them. Thanks for sharing these incredible and beautiful photos, and thanks for the link to the museum, too.

  10. I'm glad your dog had fun, but YIKES!

    What a wonderful location for a museum, and I'm impressed with the attention they pay to their garden spaces. I checked out the website and am particularly taken by that walking tour ;) If I lived close I'd spend a lot of time there. Beautiful photos!

  11. Oh wow, a bear in your garden, how amazing.... We have visited bear country many times, but never actually seen one! I would have been terrified, your dogs are brave!

    Stunning photos of that museum, who would not want a garden like that...
    Happy weekend, hope your first two days back in school went well!

  12. I would be scared to death if I had a bear looking at me a few meters, uff, I don´t want to think about it Erika !! The dogs came back healthy, and that's the most important thing!
    Thank you very much for sharing with us those fantastiques photographs of that beautiful museum in the garden.
    I wish you a nice afternoon, big hugs, Caty

  13. Holy Maloley! I would have been terrified. That is WAY too close for comfort. Yes, a total freak out, I think. Yes, time to bring in the feeders and hope he doesn't want to feed on anything else. Like you. Or Pete.

    Now that museum -- oh, my! That's just gorgeous and your photos are just fabulous. How wonderful to discover something beautiful that's new to you -- and relatively close. I would return, I know I would...


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