Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Modern Man

Hi everyone. It's Sunday evening here in New Hampshire and once again we're on the snow watch. Looks like it could be another nasty morning commute tomorrow. 
And it's only November.
So today I have a page for Art Journal Journey and my Vintage or Modern challenge, and I am going modern.
I'm heading off to someplace warm and tropical to escape this early winter weather.
I found this man while looking through my sewing pattern book, and his outfit really caught my eye. I know there are boys at school who would wear this outfit, but I certainly couldn't see my husband in it. So I think that alone inspired me to try to use him on a page.
So I created this beach background with some paint, marker, and water based pencil. Then I added the stylish man to the scene.
A HUGE thanks to all of you posting entries to AJJ so far this month. And if you haven't yet had a chance but want to join in, there is still plenty of time.
I am also linking up to Art Every Day Month-Day 19!
Happy start to the new week, and thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. My hubby would wear his nightmares:) I love that you found this picture and you created. Page that works perfectly. Love the brightness

  2. I saw want to jump into your page and walk along that beach. Say hello to the young man as I walk by. I like his jacket and tie. Though Himself would never wear anything that bold.

    Hopefully this storm will fizzle out and just be rain. Ant the storm for Tuesday will skip us, too.

    Take care.

  3. Lovely page, it looks warmer there than it does here! Sorry you've got bad weather again. Still dark and very cold here this morning, but no snow yet! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  4. First of all, the background looks AMAZING!! Love how you did the waves, I'd love to go to a wonderful beach like that right now. The guy in his super cool outfit brought a big smile to my face, - what a character :o)!

    Hope your commute won't be too bad, and have a good week!

  5. Oh my this guy sure has courage to wear that colouful outfit.
    It is an amazing page and I love the beach scene background.
    Hope your journey to work will be a safe one.
    Yvonne xx

  6. I really LOVE his outfit and he looks very good in it!
    But the best is the fantastic beach you created for him! Another wonderful page for your topic at AJJ!
    We got snow as well this night and it don't stop.
    Shoveling is indicated. Good to have a snow blower......

    Happy new week Mrs. Master Hostess of AJJ!
    Hope your way to work is not too bad!

    Hugs, Susi

  7. haha, i think a guy needs a lot of self-confidence to wear this in public;) but it makes such a nice and vibrant page, super!

  8. Love this page, and that guy is something else. My hubby wouldn't be seen in that, outfit even in a nightmare.
    Great beach scene for him as well.

  9. I love your modern man Erika, and I wish I was somewhere tropical right now! Keep warm.
    Alison xx

  10. Definitely don't see Rick in this ensemble!

  11. This one made me giggle, Erika. Sometimes I'm glad I'm an old-fashioned girl. Eileen xoxo

  12. I can only imagine what my wife would say if I came down the stairs in that outfit........and it wouldn’t be “Looks good, dear!”

  13. Looks - and sounds - like a great way to escape the cold. It's bitter here today, with the Easterly winds. I'm still not ready to imagine snow, though. Hope it soon warms up a touch for you. ~There's a limit to how much we can face when we go out of that door...

    Not so sure about that jacket - definitely not for the retiring type of man, haha.

    Cath x

  14. Goodness, Erika, that man on the beach is a real HUNK. I love that outfit and I know a couple of guys who would wear it. It's perfect for your theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  15. I'm sure your modern man will be very happy to see the modern woman waiting for him in the next post. I feel she may not approve of his fashion choices... Fab, fun page.
    Alison x


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