Monday, November 19, 2018

T Stands for my Daughter Taking Us Out to Dinner

Happy T day my friends. Its another snowy day here in New Hampshire. And after this Tuesday snow (they say maybe up to 6 new inches/around 15 cm),  the bitter cold is coming back. All this wintery weather is making me want a nice warm meal, and it was great that last Saturday night because my daughter took my husband and myself out to dinner.
I had some maple glazed salmon with rice and some butternut squash. (OK, I could eat this again right now as I write this post.) And for my drink I had a diet coke. I figured I would skip the alcohol and save some of my daughter's cash and just have a diet coke as my drink. 
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T Gang is up as well as joining in and sharing your drink related post. 
I also have a page for Art Journal Journey today and the Vintage and Modern challenge. Yesterday I showed you my modern man, and today I have his gorgeous modern girlfriend.
OK, when I used matt medium to attach her to the page she got a little wrinkled. Maybe she is a little more vintage and that's why she has some wrinkles.
This lady is also from my sewing pattern book, but I created a collage at the bottom of her image using some of the bits and bobs I cleaned off my work table.. 
I am going to link her up to Moo Mania and their Tic, Tac, Toe challenge.
I am using designer paper, a die cut and some circles. The circles are the little green gemstone dots on the right side. I could also do the diagonal row that goes tissue paper, washi tape and circles. 
And finally I am linking up to Art Every Day Month
That's all for me today. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
And for those of you who I only visit on T day and celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have wonder holiday. 


  1. So nice that your daughter treated you to a yummy dinner. Your diet coke glass has my initials on it! So far no snow for us. Maybe you'll get a snow day? Nashua has already declared a 2 hour early release day. Weather dudes saying 1 - 2 inches of snow for us South of the Pike, but that's the way Thurs/Fri storm started and they kept upping the totals. I'd rather be on the beach with the young woman with her stylish straw hat. Is it July, yet? Stay warm it's going to be wicked cold for Thanksgiving. Stay safe on the roads.

  2. That meal looks great and I LIKE your wrinkled vintage lady :)
    Yes winter is here much too early this year.
    Tha ks for stopping by!

  3. LOVED the wrinkly lady. I often have that problem with very thin paper. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Thanks for sharing it as part of your theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Your salmon looks wonderful and I would LOVE some butternut squash. Nice of her to treat you two to dinner. Thanks for sharing your meal and your diet coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika. Happy Thanksgiving, but I suspect I'll visit you before then.

  4. I love your modern beauty, and dinner looks very tasty Erika!
    Alison xxx

  5. Beautiful page! Love the look of your dinner, yummy. It's got cold here, too, but no snow yet. And the cold always makes me so hungry! I could easily devour a meal like yours right now for breakfast! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. my mouth is drooling and my stomach snarling... good i´m going to have lunch in about an hour at our italian restaurant!
    beautiful summer girl, and you made a good job using all these bits and bobs from the desk! they made a great bottom line!
    happy t-day and have a great week:)

  7. Your dinner looks so delicious-I love grilled salmon and I love the winter squashes too. what a nice treat from your daughter.
    Loving your latest art journal page as well-an the tic tac toe theme is fun
    Happy T and Happy Thanksgiving hugs Kathy

  8. I love that your daughter took you out to dinner -- that's such a wonderful gesture (and thoughtful of you to get diet Coke!)

  9. Fabulous page! I love the colours and how you have collaged all the elements together - beautiful 😁. You made me smile about the wrinkles too 😉. Your meal looks so delicious, what a lovely treat and so kind of your daughter! Stay warm and sending you happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  10. yum- I sure could eat your meal anytime too:) Great looking modern page. I love all the collaged bits across the bottom and how they all seem to fit so well together. The matte medium is supposed to be best for preventing wrinkles on papers but sometimes I have the same trouble. Oh well it's OK when it's not meant to be perfect anyway. Hope you don't get too much snow. happy T day and a happy Thanksgiving too!

  11. Yum, that salmon looks good... I must be hungry, lol.

    Great page. Love the model image... they do make me feel so inadequate, though...:-( Definitely a modern girl!

    Cath x

  12. That meal looks delicious! I like the lady's hat. Just my style :) Happy T Tuesday

  13. That meal is making me hungry too, Erika. I love both salmon and butternut squash. I call that a sunshine meal ;-)

    The Tic Tac Toe challenge is very clever and so is your page.

    Happy Thanksgiving and T-day! Eileen xoxo

  14. Erika, your journal page is fabulous! I love the bits of Asian characters and Japanese wave incorporated onto this page. And your food sure does look good. The butternut squash would be my favorite!
    Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Tea Day,

  15. Your salmon looks wonderful! What a great dinner your daughter took you out for. Great Tic tac toe project, too. Happy Tea Day!

  16. A beautiful lady, she will make a lovely partner for yesterday's handsome chap. Its a wonderful page Erika.
    Your salmon meal looks delicious, I think I would enjoy this kind of meal as well.
    Happy T day wishes .
    Yvonne xx

  17. She is not wrinkled, she is "texturised". Always good to have a bit of texture in a Journal page.
    Love how she is wearing her heart on her sleeve.
    Hugs, Neet x

  18. Erika I can imagine how good this meal tasted! Looks fabulous! I love the modern girlfriend of him - so clever with the washi tapes and scraps -- a very cool collage style dear Erika! I say thank you very much for supporting Moo Mania by way of a sideline as well. You are a genius , I really hope you know how much I appreciate your hosting of AJJ and your amazing support ! ♥♥♥♥♥
    Our snow is still here but now it is more rainy weather. I met up with a blogging friend in Vienna yesterday and the half day it rained there ...and it got very cold- I am sure we get much problems again with street conditions as mearly every year. A bad accident near my village yesterday as well.

    Wishing you a happy belated T-Day and a fine rest of the week and fingers crossed for you that those loads of snow can be handled well and you can drive to work and home well!

  19. Great collaged page and oh, that dinner looks delicious!
    Alison x

  20. Oh that was so nice of your daughter to take you out to dinner. And it looks absolutely delicious. It is butternut squash time here and I have bags full of them as this beighbour, then that one, brings me squashes. I have made soup, mash, and today I will make 'chips' in the hot air fryer.
    Your 'modern lady' is looking very smart indeed in spite of her wrinkles. Perhaps that is what is making her attractive...
    Happy belated T-Day,
    And a happy Thanksgiving of course

  21. A very beautiful collage, Erica.

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

    Have a nice weekend

  22. Lovely artwork and photographs. So, how bitterly cold was your NH Thanksgiving Day? Here in CT, with the wind chill, it was very unpleasant.


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