Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday

I'm not sure about the rest of the world, but today in the US is Black Friday. It's all about consumerism and stores wanting to get people to spend money on Christmas gifts. I will admit there are some good deals out there if there's something you need, but to go wait in line and fight with the crowds is not my thing.
The hubby and I are going shopping later today, after all the crazy Black Friday shoppers for home to sleep and have their breakfasts. We are out of dog cookies (which is catastrophe-or dogtastrophy if you prefer) for the 2 pups, and my daughter asked for one of those Dyson battery operated vacuum cleaners for Christmas, so we are going to the local Costco wholesale this afternoon since they have  them $100 off to get one for her. I am still in shock that the girl is at the point in life where she is looking for a vacuum cleaner for Christmas. I know I would never want one for Christmas because somehow a vacuum isn't very exciting and just means someone wants you to clean, but I understand how when you are young and starting out buying a vacuum is tough on a limited budget. We've gone to the Costco Warehouse on Black Friday before and it is about as crowded as it is any weekend day so I am not expecting it to be too horrible.
At least I am hoping it won't be too horrible.
The funniest part of Black Friday is how my husband likes to go shopping to find deals (once the crazy crowds have cleared out) when for years he complained about the whole thing. Then one year he needed to go to one of the big chain hardware stores for some project he was working on and discovered a few things he wanted for Christmas on sale and so now he likes to go check and see what I can buy for him. What a guy!
So since today is all about shopping and Christmas, I have a holiday page for you.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey and also to AEDM. This is a pre-post so I may not actually link in until later, depending on how much is going on around the house this morning.
Thanks for stopping by, and happy weekend everyone!


  1. lots of good deals out there on line. I did all my shopping on line today from the comfort of my home. My daughter loves the crazy, me not so much.

    love the picture at the top of your post - journal page? very festive!

  2. I love the vintage ornaments on your page and the deer is very cute. Black Friday? No, thank you. I've been happily pointing and clicking my way through my list. Stay warm!

  3. I have never been tempted by Black Friday, but I do love Small Business Saturday. I love shopping local and the bargains on homemade or handmade items is often worth more than those found at some of the high end department stores. I hope you found some good deals and got the vacuum your daughter wanted, too. I love this page. It looks like Christmas may be on its way. So delighted you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey, too. You are a fabulous host and great artist this month, dear Erika.

  4. Oh trust me Black Friday is everywhere!! My inbox has been filled for a week already with BF offers....

    Have fun on your shopping spree, and as a confirmed battery operated vacuum user(though not a Dyson) it has changed my life!! I almost enjoy hoovering now and that is saying something as I hate housework!! If you don't have one I highly recommend you get 2 while you are at it :o)

    Your journal page looks very festive with those lovely ornaments! Hope you enjoyed your shopping spree!

  5. oh well, the contrast between christmas and consumerism... it is a few years now that the "black friday thing" spilled over to europe, too. well, i won´t go into details, but i can underline many of your thoughts:)
    they only got me with one thing... i needed gesso (which i can´t buy local) and when i looked last week the postage should have been nearly as much as the gesso itself... i withstood... and then yesterday the offer to send everything (normal priced) without postage fees. deal!! that was my black friday;)
    have a good weekend, erika ♥

  6. Your christmas page is so funny and I love all the charming details on the clever layering!
    Laughed out loud about "dogtastrophy" - dog cookies and food are the most important things at all! YES!
    I am with you about no home appliances for women for christmas or birthdays. But otherwise - when a woman wants an expensive thing and wish it - why not?! Right?! Wishing you and hubby a wonderful shopping day!
    Big hugs and thanks a lot for another wonderful page to admire for AJJ's November topic! You inspire the artists so much - I hardly manage to comment all the many entries! So noooo time to create something by meyself..... beneath all the pre christmas things here.


  7. Apart from being bombarded with Black Friday offers online, the whole thing passes me by. Partly because of the fact that in Spain, people don't give presents (traditionally. The children get their pressies on Epiphany, the 6th of January). My husband and I don't exchange presents either.
    This Christmas we will be going to Holland to see my mum and I have bought a 'Masha', a gadget that mashes potato and other veggies. Mum loves mashed potatoes and it is an effort for her to mash by hand, so when I saw someone use it, I though I'd buy her that. But normally we don't bother with presents.
    I do like your Christmas page. Depending on the size it would make an excellent Christmas card.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  8. I hope you had a good shopping trip Erika and found a few bargains and got your daughter her vaccum cleaner.
    Black Friday got to us in the UK but I don't think it is a vast as in your part of the world. For us, the sales used to be big on 26th December our Boxing Day with folk standing for hours waiting for the stores to open.
    Its a wonderful happy journal page, Christmas will be here before we know it.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Love your holiday collage. I try never to leave the house on Black Friday (except if we go out to dinner) but yesterday I had to leave twice, not to shop but to bail Rick out of two different incidents of flat tires! He wasn't happy because it was a nice day and maybe one of the last nice bike riding days! Then we went to dinner and the restaurant was practically empty -- on a Friday night! Great night to go out to eat, I guess. Everyone was either shopping or doing leftovers!

    Have a terrific weekend. Love the vacuum story!

  10. Fun journal page. I never go to sales, I don't like crowds. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  11. Pretty Christmas page. We managed to stay at home all day yesterday. We finally got some much needed rain. DH found some football to watch and I had my knitting and a book. No one wanted to stick a foot out the door, LOL!

  12. Good morning-I love your Christmas page-very pretty and love all the textures and elements.
    I am with you when it comes to shopping in crowds-I don't do it-I did a couple years when I was in college-but that was it. we don't have family so I don't need to shop either -lol but I have made allot of homemade gifts over the years-fun for me and hopefully the receivers enjoyed them
    I agree though if you need a big ticket item nows the time to search for deals
    Hope your shopping was fun Happy Saturday Kathy

  13. I have ventured out into the Black Friday crowds very few times long ago, and I admit I enjoyed the hustle/bustle. Now I stay in and enjoy stories of other people's adventures :) We'll go out later in the season to enjoy the decorations. I like your page. Those tree ornaments remind me of some we have, and I like that music background.


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