Saturday, November 24, 2018

Lots of "Stuff" Today

Hi everyone.  It is a lazy Saturday morning here and I am procrastinating as I have lots of chores I could go do. So let me show you a few fun things starting with a tag for Tag Tuesday.
I was a bit upset my quote got a little shaky on the right, but I liked the rest of it enough to leave it.
The latest challenge is a tic-tac-toe set up.
I stamped part of an image from one of Lynne Perrella's new ancient Egypt set which I just had to buy myself. I do love her art and am always excited when she puts out some rubber stamps. Then I added a button and this little die cut bunny which I ended up not using on another page.

And then I have this fun retro science page that I recently made. Many of the stickers came on a freebie sheet from Google that was laying around the science copy room at school and that no one seemed to want. After several days of seeing them (and worried they would end up in the recycling trash)  I grabbed them with a robot page in mind. I had these robot stickers in my stash and was glad to finally have a reason to use them, because I think they are pretty fun.
And I read on Divers and Sundry's blog that today is National Evolution Day so I thought this page might be appropriate with all the talk on artificial intelligence. Maybe even if you are a fan of the old Jetson's cartoon or Lost in Space you might even think of these guys are friends or family, so I am going to link up to Try It On Tuesday and their friends and family challenge. 
My background is a piece of printed paper that I Gelli printed on, and then everything else is stickers or some sticky tape except the little silver stars which I glued on. 
I am also linking up to Art Journal Journey and my vintage or modern theme which runs through the end of the month. (Wow, November is flying-only 1 week left). And I am also linking up to AEDM.

And yesterday we had successful shopping. We got the dogs their treats (they are much happier this morning), my daughter her vacuum, and even found this dog bed on sale for our dog Pete who used to love his dog bed until Maddie decided a few years back it was just a big toy to attack and shred.
And when we brought the bed home to Pete, he took a sniff and walked away but the bed shredder Maddie took a look at it and must of had some second thoughts about shredding dog beds
The hubby and I were watching a netflix film last night and she went on the bed, snuggled up and fell asleep.

And I will leave you with this funny photo from yesterday's shopping.
You could buy this hat for your snowmen, but we thought it was funny just to borrow it for a few minutes.
Happy weekend!


  1. you were busy procrastinating, haha... i love this perrella stamp - must look for it... she really has such a great style, that always is tempting for my wallet.
    a big grin to your fake snowman;)

  2. Ha ha, your husband looks great in that hat. Wonderful science page, great idea, and I love the tag you made for Tag Tuesday, thanks so much for linking! Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. What a fun tag. I also love the Lynne Perrella stamps. So nice to read she has new ones out. I think the quote was fine since it shows what happens when you try to turn back the clock.

    Your Ajj entry is so fun. I like the look of it and was glad you salvaged those stickers. They also make good friends for TioT, too. It's a really fun piece. Thanks for sharing all this art and the new dog bed and snowman's hat. But most of all, thanks for sharing your art at Art Journal Journey.

  4. Its a great tag and a super stamp you used. I liked the quote as well, oh to be able to alter the clock. Our clocks all work on batteries or electric these days which makes winding them a task not needed any more.
    Your science page looks real fun with the robot family. Thank you for adding this page with us at TioT's as well and thank you for your support to our themes.
    Maddie looks realy comfortable in the new bed, I hope they agree who should be the owner.
    I've never seen hats for snowmen on sale here, its a super photo you shared.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Thanks for the mention :) I love the connection with AI and was a huge fan of The Jetsons and Lost in Space. Their robots were characters with personality! Your dog in the bed cuddling up for TV-watching :) was an "awww" moment for me. I _love_ that hat! It'd be tempting to wear it myself. I'm not sure I could consign it to a snowman ;)

  6. what a fun, eclectic post!

    I'm glad you stayed with the first page even tho the stamp was shakey. I think we should honor our imperfection!

  7. Cool! the middle robot looks a bit like Robby from Forbidden Planet. I just love him. And what you call your shaky quote looks like someone winding a clock to me. Yay on your shopping expedition. Your hubby is a good sport. Himself would never pose hat or no. I like the hat and glad one of the puppers is making good use of the bed. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  8. Your tag is so beautiful - I am with you about Lynne Perrella and her stamp sets!
    And this fantastic retro sience page! WOW! You really rock Erika! Thank you for yet another fabulous idea linked to your collection and for linking to Try It On Tuesday as well!
    You need a second dog bed I fear!
    This hat fits him perfectly -lol!
    I watched Julia Roberts in EAT.PRAY.LOVE this morning at netflix. Nothing over the moon, but quite nice.

    Happy Sunday dear Erika!
    Big hugs

  9. what a fun post-I am happy you had a good time shopping and were able to get what you wanted.
    I love your tag very much-and I like the lettering is not perfect. I get upset with myself if stamping does not turnout perfect-but I think it is really ok in the end-adds to the piece's charm.
    I actually learned that when reading about a new weaving style from Japan called saori weaving-the goal is Not to be perfect in any way and just have fun.
    Love the tall hat!! Happy Sunday hugs Kathy

  10. Looks like a great time -- and Pete looks divinely happy in his bed!

  11. I love Lynne Perella stamps and this tag is fabulous! Your fun space page - so pleased you joined us at Try It On Tuesday! Looks like a fun shopping trip...and successful too by the look of Maddie.....and hubby!!! Hugs,Chrisx

  12. Love the stamp (I may have to buy it!). Your tag is fabulous!!!


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