Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

I want to send a big Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are celebrating the holiday today. But since today is a day of giving thanks, I also want to send a big thank you to all of you who visit my blog, even if you aren't celebrating Thanksgiving.
And my Art Journal Journey page for today is a retro vintage take on something many women of the past and present, get to do today. And I will also add many men too because I know plenty of men who will be in the kitchen today also.
Those men may not be wearing one of these vintage style aprons though.
So those of you who are roasting turkeys or mashing potatoes, this page is for you. Or better yet, for anyone who is cooking today. I don't personally wear an apron, but I remember my mom wearing them. Do any of you wear an apron?
I am also linking up to Art Every Day Month.
Keeping it short as there is things to do today!


  1. That's a lovely page, and very much 1950s style. I never wear an apron, except when I'm painting! Happy Thanks giving to you and yours, have a great day and don't work too hard! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Perfect for TG day! I don't wear an apron when I cook except on rare occasions (like I am dressed up and then it's a full-on, cover-me-up-as-much-as-possible one. I do wear one when I paint with acrylic or am doing gelli's because -- well, I'm messy!

  3. I don't wear any aprons but it would be good to do as I often make a mess. Love this vintage details - so lovely!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    I take your page for me as well as I had a big "kitchen struggle day" yesterday with baking cake and today is also a lot to do in the kitchen again , we have a little dinner in the evening. Julia's friend celebrates birthday and we have a little celebration here with him after he returns from work.

    Another fabulous page for your great topic Erika!

    Big hugs, Susi

  4. i used to wear an aprons but nothing fancy like your model. now I don't bother wearing an apron. Himself and I did all the cooking of side dishes and dessert yesterday. Today, I just have to cook the turkey. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. nope, no aprons here also... but you came over a great page in your old magazine/catalog, they look wonderful (and again, no, i would not have loved to live in these times;)). it´s a nostalgic look we enjoy. my mom used to wear these sleeveless overalls though.
    the page you created is awesome!
    wishing you and yours a happy thanksgiving! (no feast over here)
    hugs, johanna

  6. I love this vintage retro page. It is so 1950's with the aprons. My mom had a ton of aprons and had one apron while cooking but when done, she changed the apron to one that was more frilly! I actually used to wear aprons since i am messy and would use the apron to wipe my hands with but I don't wear one now

  7. I only remember an apron when I have already splashed myself with something. Great page love all the images you have found. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  8. I only remember an apron when I have already splashed myself with something. Great page love all the images you have found. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  9. Thanks for the thanks for visiting, Erika, and thanks for all the visits you make to my blog too. And thanks for the page as I made the meal tonight. Lots of thanks! I think I recognise the oven (although it's not my current one, haha!).
    Hope you had/are having a great Thanksgiving day. It sounds like a marvellous happy celebration over there.

  10. I have aprons, but, its always to late if I remember to wear one. My hubby wears his when he bakes the bread.
    Your retro journal page is fantastic Erika.
    I hope you are having a lovely Thanksgiving Day.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Happy almost belated Thanksgiving, dear friend. I love your retro page. It is SO RETRO, I love it. It screams mid-century modern and is fabulous. Those aprons are out of this world and the pot holders are a hoot. Thanks for including it at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I have never worn an apron in my life, and never will. Even art aprons offend me!

  12. Great page Erika, I love the vintage images!
    Hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving!
    Alison xx

  13. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Erika! Love your fun retro page with all those lovely aprons. I read through the comments as I was curious, and funny, none of us seem to wear aprons anymore. I have 3 or so, hung up on a hook in my kitchen, but I never wear them. Hubby, when he carves our Turkey (which we have for Christmas) wears one though, but only then.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. I really love your vintage Lady with these different aprons and the other gorgeous kitchen details! I never wear an apron, because at home I do not wear beautiful dresses at all :) so it does not matter when I get messy in the kitchen.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Erika! Even if it's a bit late...

    Love these images - so typical of the era. You're right - lots of men love being in the kitchen, these days - my son and my friends' sons do most of the cooking in their houses. But not in aprons like that - unless for a joke!

    You create some brilliant pages.

    Cath x

  16. Such a pretty page, the colours and images look so retro - I love it! Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you are having a wonderful time 😁. We celebrated with a festive sandwich from our local sandwich shop and it was so big that that I felt that I had a huge turkey dinner with all the trimmings 😉. Wishing you a Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  17. Belated Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family Erika. Yes, we also had snow in Nashua last Tuesday and were driving into and then out of it as once we got through MA and into CT there was no snow. But friends told us that it snowed all day in Nashua adding to last Friday’s snow. Thank yiu as well for your visits and comments on our blog site. Enjoy your vacation and time with family.

  18. Great vintage aprons...reminds me of Mom at Thanksgiving...xox

  19. Great page, I like that vintage style. Not sure the women in my family were ever that thin but the style brings back memories

  20. I gave my few little aprons to my daughter. I have a apron smock that works well when I remember to use it *sigh* I cooked a turkey breast and used instant mashed potatoes lol so I cheat ;)


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