Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fun and Whimsey

Happy Sunday. And Happy Veteran's Day as we call it here in the US. I saw it is also known as Remembrance Day,  or Armistice Day as well as other names, so whatever it is called in your corner of the world I wish you a happy one. 
I also know it is the 100th anniversary since the end of the Great War, World War I, but I would not have known that if it wasn't for what I have read on blogs. It hasn't been mentioned here at all.

The sun is shining here, but the wind is a blowing. I think this is what they call blustery or maybe even slightly like a hurricane (no not quite but my dry sarcastic side is getting the best of me this morning). I will not be raking today unless I want the leaves to blow right back into my face.
I was still doing a bit of work table cleaning when I created this page the for vintage or modern challenge over at Art Journal Journey .   It's a fun and whimsey take on the theme. Guess I'd call it Vintage Modern.
I began with this vintage printed piece of vellum which I attached with some glue and lots of stitching. Then I attached all sorts of bits and bobs off my table, creating faces from some of them, and adding some of those googly eyes. I colored a few bits orange just some some contrast and stamped the word humbug.
And that is my page today.
I didn't get to post yesterday as I planned over at Art Every Day Month, but I did my drawings pages for a couple of days so I did make a bit of art. But I am back today.
And since it is Veterans Day, I thought I would share this handsome fellow not from the Great War but from the big one that came along after that. I don't think either of my grandfathers served in the first world war. I know one of them was new to the US during those years and the other was living in Finland.

This photo is none other than my Dad. I'm not sure where he was stationed when this photo was snapped, but he is my favorite Veteran by far.
And although I don't have anyone in particular to remember from the Great War, I once visited the Imperial War Museum in London and their fabulous exhibit to the trenches. I can still vividly remember the smell they created so you could know what it was like to serve in those trenches, and it was not a pleasant thing for sure. Here in the US it is such a small part of our war memories comparidly, but  for many of your nations it is was a much bigger and more important memory. History is such a fascinating story, and there are so many point of views to it, isn't there?
Happy rest of your weekend everyone.


  1. Fabulous piece, Erika - so much detail in there. Love the stitching and the little men :-)

    Great photo of your Dad and lovely to learn a little about your personal history.

    Anzac day isn't today - the Kiwis like to be diverse, lol - but it's heartening to know that so many other nations are thankful for the sacrifice of so many for our freedom.

    Have a great week.

    Cath x

  2. Stunning page, Erika. There is no Veteran's day in Greece. Kisses, my friend.

  3. Your whimsy page made me smile. I love the bowler hats and face you made. i hope the leaves blow all the leaves away for you so you don't have to rake. I hate raking leaves. My mother's father served in WWI that was how he became of citizen of this country.Your dad was a handsome fella.What a great smile. It might be blustery out, but the sun is out and it's not snowing. Have a great day.

  4. You'd have to love raking for its own sake to rake in the wind, but I've known people like that ;) I don't know of any relatives/ancestors who fought in WW1, but I wonder what they'd think of the state of our military today after the hope that theirs would be The War to End All Wars :(

  5. yes, an important anniversary, we must be happy for every day of peace and freedom. this is not what everybody has, sadly...
    fun piece you created by cleaning your workspace:)
    and what a handsome father, beautiful photo!
    happy rest of sunday!! xox

  6. Beautiful journal page Erika, and a great photo of your dad, he was very handsome. Have a great afternoon and a good start in the new week, hugs, Valerie

  7. Your vintage/modern page is gorgeous and I loved to see the photo of your Dad! Handsome guy!
    Happy AJJ and happy Veteran's Day dear Erika!

    Big hugs, Susi

  8. A wonderful, thoughtful post about Veterans Day and I'm so glad you shared your photo of your dad. I love the piece too. Vintage Modern is a great way to describe it.

  9. A fantastic journal page and a super post to read Erika.
    I love the whimsical faces on the page and all the detail in the background.
    It is a great photo of your Dad and thank you for sharing some of your personal family history.
    Today is a special day for many countries and peoples in our world.
    I hope you have had a good Sunday.
    Yvonne xx

  10. My grandfather fought in WWI. When I was a child my parents took me to the battlefields many of which are now covered by huge soldier cemeteries. This memory has stuck with me my entire life.

  11. I am sure that Rememberance Day is celebrated (or not) in as many ways as there are people who have a connection to it.

  12. amazing piece! you brought all of that together so well with the organe - I think that really pulls it all together. I could spend quite a bit of time trying to see all that you have put in it!

  13. This is a post of beautiful and thought provoking contradictions. Your journal page is beautiful, filled with lots of whimsy, bowler hats, mustaches, red birds, and cogs, among others. It's perfect for your theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Your tribute to WWI is thought provoking, and very personal with the photo of your handsome father. So glad you shared this personal memory with us, too.

  14. Another fun page for the challenge, - you do vintage modern very well :o)

    It's called Remembrance day here in the UK and as someone who's had to teach history as part of our curriculum, - I did know it was 100 years ago....

    Have a good week ahead, and hopefully the weather won't be too bad...

  15. So many gorgeous details on your wonderful vellum background! I smiled about the word humbug, it is a German word for nonsense. Is it an English word too?
    Wish you a good start in the new week!

  16. Fabulous page and I love the little details! Love the photo of your favourite veteran!! Hugs, Chrisx


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