Monday, November 12, 2018

The Modern Girls

Happy new week all my blogging friends. Monday has arrived and we are in the cold here in New Hampshire. There is actually accumulating snow in the forecast for later this week. Even if we don't get the snow, it has sure been an early arrival for winter this year.
I'm still hoping to do a little raking today just so it won't be so much work in spring, but we'll have to see how much it warms up outside.
So while I wait, let me show you today's post for Art Journal Journey. This was a paint use up page that I then bordered with scraps of paper. I stamped these Jane Davenport ladies that I won over at Valerie's blog. I added the painted hair, some painted butterflies, some left over flowers that I cut to make part of the order, and finally the quote.
I am also linking up to  AEDM.

That's all for me today. Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Gorgeous page, love the colours, and glad you could use the JD faces. Have a great week, look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

  2. Colorful page. You must be channeling Spring or Summer instead of the cold temps this morning. Stay warm!

  3. Love that border idea, Erika - had never thought of using up scraps that way. The flowers look brilliant off page.

    Fab quote, too... hope the weather isn't quite as cold as you're expecting and you get your raking done... Happy Monday!

    Cath x

  4. jane davenport obviously released some great stuff recently, and you put it into your art beautifully! the anaΓ―s nin quote fits perfectly.
    it´s slowly getting colder here, too. somehow i thought winter would not come this year;) xox, johanna

  5. I like your quote. I think those woman are remembering such a moment :)

    It's cold and raining here today with a low in the 20s and chance of "mixed precipitation" predicted for tonight, but I'm not holding my breath lol The panic here at the mention of the word "snow" is the stuff of legend ;)

  6. Such a beautiful page! I love how you used the stamps with the collaged layers - fabulous πŸ˜€. I hope you've had a lovely weekend, sorry I haven't visited earlier we had an unexpected surprise with friends visiting so I now have a lot of blogging to catch up on πŸ˜‰. Wishing you a happy new week! J 😊 x

  7. What a beautiful , vibrant page with the fancy girl heads! Simply great!
    You really rock your theme again Erika!
    Sorry for you that it is so cold already!
    We have always foggy mornings but till noon it gets nice and not too cold! Could dig out my bulps already!

    Happy start of the week!
    Hugs, Susi

  8. This just jumps out with all these colours, I just love it. And it is so very Modern.
    Art every day is just up your street!

  9. A fantastic page Erika, those ladies look so pretty, you gave them lovely hair styles.
    We've been clearing leaves as well, but I don't think there are many more to come from the trees in our garden, they just seem to blow in on the wind from everywhere.
    Yvonne xx


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