Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Not Sure

 A couple of shots from yesterday's 8 inches of snow. This is my street.
 And my backyard. While this snow may not last all winter, I don't think it is going to be a quick melt at this point. It is pretty to look at.
And my art today is this recent page from my calendar journal. I don't know if I would call it a more modern or a more vintage page. 
I made it by layering some paper. Then I added many of these gold leaf stickers to make the background before I added this wise man who is giving us his advice.
I am linking this up to Art Journal Journey and this month's vintage or modern challenge. If you're interested there's still time to join the fun.
And I am also linking up to AEDM, day 21 already.
Today I'm home starting my Thanksgiving weekend break. This is always such an enjoyable weekend with my husband home and lots of good food. My daughter and her boyfriend are coming for part of it too. And I don't think we're suppose to get any snow for the next 5 days either. I am definitely thankful for that!
Wishing you all a fantastic day.
And thanks so much for stopping by my blog!


  1. That's a very striking journal page today. The snow looks beautiful, but I'm happy it's not here yet! Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family, have fun. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Holy cow -- no quick melt there, I think. Too early. I'm glad you can stay home and welcome others instead of hitting the road!

    (Love your piece today. I'd call it vintage. But very cool)

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  3. oh my, that load of snow! but it looks wonderful. good if you don´t have to drive...
    i like the ajj page very much. i would have called it vintage, but actually it doesn´t matter. aren´t the vintage pattern modern again?
    wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday! xox

  4. WOW, on the snow! We didn't get any, just rain. No complaints from me, btw. Did you have school? Early release? That snow won't melt any time soon with the deep freeze coming. Good thing your young man is wearing that vintage sweater. he's going to need it. Stay warm and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    PS. Don't think many young people would get the Flipper joke :-D

  5. Pretty to look at, Yes! Such a beautiful scene! We're expecting a high tomorrow of 62 lol

    It sounds like you have a cozy Thanksgiving planned. Enjoy :)

  6. Your Journal page is brilliant ! It looks just fantastic Erika!
    Oh my gosh - that is enough snow for the whole winter!

    Thank you for yet another inspirational page for your theme!

    You ROCK!

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! Enjoy it!

    Big hugs, Susi

  7. That's such a gorgeous winter wonderland view for someone like me who have not experienced real snow yet. Your art journal is fabulous, love it Erika. Thank you for visiting my blog and left some love. Hugs xx

  8. It looks a vintage or maybe retro page to me Erika. A fabulous background
    for the guy and I like the way you added the leaf stickers.
    You will be pleased to be home for the holidays especially with the snow you have in your area. Have a super time with the family.
    Yvonne xx.
    p.s. The woman on my page is a stamp ALL&Create, all I had to do was add some scribbles for her hair.

  9. Now that really looks like a winter wonderland, I seem to think you don't usually get snow until December so the snow must be early this year? It looks so beautiful but I guess not that much fun when you have to travel either πŸ˜‰. Your page is amazing, looks like you put the papers and gold leaves to good use with beautiful results 😁. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving, we have a few things planned to celebrate too! Enjoy and have a wonderful time with your family 😁. J 😊 x

  10. Oh my goodness, so much snow, but oh it does look so beautiful!! The background to your journal is so striking and quite modern to my eyes, but that boy is definitely more vintage, so for me it's a combination of both, perfect for your theme.

    Happy Thanksgiving and have a great time with your family!

  11. We had a very light snowfall yesterday, but nothing compared to your photos Erika! Ours was gone very quickly.
    I love your vintage style page.
    Have a happy Thanksgiving!
    Alison xx

  12. What a lot of snow. We rarely get any to speak of but I really like the brightness and how everything looks so clean and fresh

    Yoru arty page is fantastic with a vintage feel but a modern twist as well. A clever mix of images and backgrounds

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Oh boy, look at all that snow, so beautifully fresh and white and powdery. It would be very early to have it here just now, I wonder if it is early for you?
    Nice advice from that serious young man and I love the patterns behind him.

  14. Running late again, dear Erika. I mulched my leaves and dead plants yesterday using my lawn mower, so I am ready for the snow to fall here. You got whomped. I hope it melts enough that the roads are OK when you have to go back to work on Monday. Until then, I'll admire the beauty of the area you live in.

    Your journal page is lovely, I enjoyed seeing all the layers you created and the young man with all his words of advice. This was a fun entry and perfect for your theme at Art Journal Journey.

  15. Enjoy the hours and the minutes, instead of counting them - I like this sentence! Great artjournal page!
    And I like your fantastique winter photos!

  16. All of this snow we have been getting is a little too early for my liking. I think all those who rave about how pretty it looks (and it does) should come and shovel all that prettiness off my driveway!


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