Sunday, November 25, 2018

Weekend Warp Up

Hi everyone. It's already Sunday evening. Wow- this 5 day weekend went by fast. And 4 weeks until Christmas for those of you who celebrate. I'm guessing that will go by as fast as November has.
So I am back today with another page for Art Journal Journey and the latest Vintage or Modern challenge. Still 5 days to join in if you've been thinking about it. And I am also sending out a huge thanks to all of you who have shared some art this month. Your support is very much appreciated here.
I'm going modern today. My page began with me making some glue circles (by squeezing out the wet glue from the tube and then letting them dry).  I used a couple of blue ink pads to color my page, and after that I glued down some book page scraps that had green painted circles on them. That inspired me to do a bit of doodling.  To finish I added the deer die cut, stamped the quote and added some red ric-rac trim along the top and bottom edges.
Does book paper work for designer paper? I am going say it does so I am  also linking this page to Moo Mania and their Tc-tac-toe theme.
And finally I am going to link up to Art Every Day Month, day 25.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend.  Mine was busy between the Thanksgiving holiday, Black Friday shopping and my daughter and her beau being home this weekend. And although it was busy it was a lot of fun. I even managed to squeeze in some art time today when everyone finally cleared out of the house.  :) 
Have a great start to the new week. 


  1. What a fun way to combine three challenges into one. I was drawn to those circles on the right, even in the thumbnail I saw. They really drew my eye in. Great job and a fabulous entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  2. That's a fun page, love that frosty blue in the background. Fun weekends always seem to go away to quickly! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  3. Another fab modern page, - like the idea of the glue circles!

    Have a good week ahead, - scary to think it's only 4 weeks until Christmas...

  4. What a great idea those glue circles are, and what a gorgeous shade of blue you have used. The circles were your sounding board for more circles to be added and I love how you built up this page in your journal
    Hugs, Neet x

  5. You are so well organized with having fun with family, shoppin fun and making art and blogging! I am in awe of this vibrant collage - just makes my dark and snowy Monday morning bright and happy! Thank you for joining Moo Mania & More as well with you super AJJ and AEDM 25 project! You are a JOURNALING ROCKSTAR in my eyes!
    Happy start of the new week my friend!
    Big hugs, Susi

  6. A super modern art journal page Erika!
    Glad you had a good long weekend. Our daughter popped home too, she got some driving practise in our car, ready for her test on Wednesday.
    Wishing you a happy Monday,
    Alison xxx

  7. You use so many interesting techniques! This one looks great. (We got your snow. Ick.)

  8. The glue circles are cool. Your page is so vibrant on this very, foggy morning. I like the deer, too. Is he looking back thinking how fast November went by? Have a good day and stay dry.

  9. Its a great idea to use glue for the circle,. I will remember this idea.
    Its a fantastic page Erika and the little deer die cut is an adorable addition.
    Yvonne xx .

  10. you always get me with circles! awesome page. well, i did not have so much for ajj this month as i was busy with the scrapsquares, which are too small for the challenge.

  11. Erika, it is me again - the link has finally worked - tried about ten times. Thanks.
    Hugs, Neet x


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