Monday, May 20, 2019

T Stands for Friday Date Night

Hi there. Tuesday has rolled around once again and it time to share our drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

So this week I am going to share with you some views from last Friday night.  OK, it wasn't wildly exciting, but after work  the hubby and I went out to do  a bit of local sightseeing., Mostly we wanted to see how far along the spring blooming was and how summer looking the scenery was becoming.
It was a beautiful spring evening, actually warm enough to eat outside. Of course I must mention that after our cold May,  65 degree F, 18 degree C temperatures, felt blamy to us.
First stop was the lake near our home, Merrymeeting. 
Then we went up to Lake Winnipesaukee, also known around here as the Big Lake. (Mainly because it is the largest lake in the state, second largest in the New England area.) 

If the lake doesn't look all that large here it is because Alton Bay is just one long finger on the whole lake.
We were way down in the bottom right corner on this map. 

Alton Bay is not the richest area of the lake, but it has its homey charms. (However property here on the lake is still outrageously expensive.) Here's the old railroad station. The train used to run through here and bring people from down south, meaning Boston and the southern New England states,  here during the summers. The train is now gone, but along the route there are still some of the old train stations.
Alton has fixed theirs up and it used for tourist information.
And all this viewing left us hungry, especially me, since it was one of those days at work that I didn't get more than a protein bar snack for lunch.
And guess what is right across the street from the railroad station.
If you don't recognize that you might recognize this.
Pure heaven!
That's my husband's drink in the back but I also had a Diet Coke with my sandwich.
Happy Tuesday.


  1. How beautiful and so wish I could see this place. I know hubby would love to kayak there. I have no idea what you are it something sweet?

  2. You had a great trip out to those lakes, they are huge!. Love the old station they have fixed up to use, great idea. And your food looks great, yummy! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. A fantastic lake !!! Thank you for sharing the images Erika!!!
    Happy Day my friend! I am sure you know it already but juts in case not:
    T-Day goes online this week as soon as E. has power again - poor Elizabeth!

  4. Awesome photos Erika, you live in a beautiful area. The lake walks must be lovely, especially when it looks so calm and peaceful like this.
    I can imaging the foodie heaven you would be in when you saw your favourite [I hope I am guessing correctly] lobster roll on the menu. It looks delicious.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  5. It looks like you had beautiful scenery to view on your date night. It has been cooler than normal here in CT, too, with lots of rain. (Yesterday was hotter than normal, reaching about 80 F.) I like the look of the buildings around the repurposed train station. That food looks delicious, and I think that's the place you showed a photo of recently, saying it was back open for the season. Happy T-Day!

  6. Beautiful area, and that looks like a very big lake. I love that the train station is being used too. Yum your sandwich looks so good-I have never had a lobster roll. Happy T wishes Kathy

  7. I've never been to Winnipesaukee. What a beautiful area! And that lobster roll looks fabulous! Himself and I will be going to the 99 after his doctor's appointment for a late lunch/early dinner lobster roll. I thought the 99 had a good one, but yours takes the prize! Happy T Day. Enjoy the sunshine!

  8. i´m sure i´d find a place to my liking at this sea!! and i really don´t know what you are eating (last photo)?
    happy t-day:)

  9. awe, man that lobster roll has my mouth watering!! I think it's so great that you can sight see on your boat-I'd love that. Love the charming train station building. Thanks for sharing and happy T day!

  10. I desperately watch that sandwich! And you don't have to have "exciting" to have a fabulous weekend and this one looks just my cup of tea!

  11. Lovely scenery, Erika. Oh yes, I recognize Pop's Clam Shell. Yay, lobster rolls!

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  12. Thanks for posting the map. The photos are inviting, but the map helps me realize how big that lake is. So many islands! The food looks delicious.

    Our high today is going to be over 20 degrees warmer than your 65 lol Happy T Tuesday

  13. Stopped by to let you know the T Tuesday post is now live. As soon as I notify everyone and make a pot of much needed coffee, I will be back by to share a drink with you. Hope to see you at TSFT.

  14. What beautiful views of the lake. I love visiting the lake and the appeal of living on a lake is strong with the exception of the cost. And those lobster rolls are so delicious looking! I am drooling. I certainly need to try one of those before I die.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Loved seeing your photographs, what a great trip to the Lakes.
    Food does look rather yummy!

    All the best Jan

  16. It looks like a gorgeous place to live! Lovely lake, even the little part where your house is! Happy T Day!

  17. Wonderful photos around the lake and a bit of the atmosphere and history, too. I want to know what the sign "Stop the spread of exotic Plants! means.

    You went to Pops, and had a Diet COKE? Had to laugh after the meal you consumed. Thanks for sharing your day on the lake and your trip to Pops with us for T this Tuesday. Still laughing about the diet coke!!!

  18. aww I love that area....dont know where it is though lol. That food looks baaaad for you lol
    Bridget #2 WOYWW

  19. So beautiful, a friend of our son, her father owned a lake house near Sacramento, it was so peaceful, unfortunately he sold it as it became too much work and his daughter couldn't afford to take it on, such a shame.
    I'm not sure what the food is but it looks like a lot of food!
    Happy T Day
    Jan x

  20. I certainly get the picture about the size of the lake - your pics show quite a large lake area which has some beautiful scenery around it! What a surprise (ha! ha!) that you ended up by Pops for your favourite treat!! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  21. Such a picturesque area to explore! This southern girl thought you had a pulled pork sammich at first, lolol. Had to look closely at the restaurant. Down here we have ham sammiches, up there y'all must have CLAM sammiches, heehee. Those fried clams your hubby has look good, too. xoxo

  22. You keep teasing us with these lobster rolls! I have to admit this one sure looks good.


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