Thursday, June 6, 2019

You May Be Doing This

Hi everyone. I have mostly caught up on my grading, prepping and planning at work/school. Now I am cruising through the end of the week, and I just need to keep the kids motivated. They are ready to be done for summer, and I am just about at that point too. Luckily this week has been on the cooler side ( because we all forget that it  is June), but it looks like summer weather is just on the horizon. Jut in time for the weekend. Hurrah.

And since enough of the work is caught up,   I'll be able to get some art time  too. Hurrah!

But I do have several journal pages that I finished last month and never posted, so I thought today I would share another one with you.
Halle's challenge at Art Journal Journey is "Words to Live By" and I believe this page fits that.

I wonder what Mr. or Ms Astronaut is dreaming of?

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Lovely page with your astronaut. He must have been very excited to be up there on the moon. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Fun page. The astronaut is probably dreaming of being able to take a real shower and eat real food. =^,.^=

    Speaking of dreams, I had a very funny dream with you in it. In the dream, I had gone to your house for a visit. You lived right on the ocean. In your backyard, moored at the beach, was a colorful pirate ship, like the one that you could see from the highway (I think 95 or Rte 1 heading North. Maybe it was Pleasure Island) Anyway, it was Winter and I was disappointed we wouldn't be able to go out on the pirate ship. Inside you'r husband and daughter were getting a room ready for me to stay. I was also drinking water out of a glass that might have been used for paint water at one time. :-D I heard an odd noise and on your porch there were hundreds of small toads and they were calling and making so much noise (this came because we've been having a toad call from late afternoon all night. Rather irritating! :-D) Anyway, I was trying to take a picture for the blog, but couldn't get my camera to work! Then I woke up. :-D Enjoy your day.

  3. Wonderful page, Erika - great words, so appropriate for the image :-)
    Glad you're nearly ready to finish for the summer - our summer hols begin later than yours - July - so kids only get 6 weeks off, but I'm not sure there will be much of a summer for anyone living up this end of the country. The Gulf Stream isn't doing us any favours this year...unlike the wonderful summer we had last year. Should've gone to Turkey with my son, lol. Have a great weekend!
    Cath x

  4. You need to show this one again on Apollo's 50th anniversary this July! I like it!

    So glad school is almost done. Three cheers!

  5. I love how you combined the astronaut figure with that quote. Cool!

  6. Wow - a terrific page my friend! Thank you for joining us at AJJ again - You rock!!!!! I am in the moon now as well - a happy astronaut if you want. We have daughter's graduation party for parents and friends at school tomorrow in the evening - and I am in baking fever therefore. The pupils are all so happy that they made it through all the tests. And I am happy that school time lies behind me now , too!
    Hope you have just one more schoolyear - can imagine that these last weeks are super exhausting for teachers and pupils .Susi xxx

  7. This is wonderful, Erika. So great that you were able to use one of your themes to compliment Halle's. That is a sensational entry, and of course, I truly LOVE it. This reminds me of the first space walk, which I have been exploring lately, too. Thanks for the lovely journal page and thanks for sharing it with us using Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  8. A fabulous page Erika and a great quote. I think your astronaut, will be hoping a friend will join him soon.
    I'm pleased you will be able to get some crafting time soon.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Very cool page, Erika. How nice that things are slowing down for you and you'll soon have more time to do fun things - at least I hope so 🤔 Eileen xx

  10. Such a fun page! You created a great landscape for Mr. or Mrs. Astronaut and that's a great quote too 😀. Glad summer weather is on the way for the weekend. Enjoy and happy Friday! Jo x

  11. Love it!! Glad to hear you are almost done as well. Yesterday was my last day.
    Thanks for linking up to AJJ with your fantastic page!

  12. A wonderful page with such a strong image.

  13. What a fabulous background you have made for this page. Just perfect for the astronaut to be on. A very strong image against that background gets the message out to us all.
    Looks as if you all are ready for the summer vacation. I remember those wind down times at school when the kids did not want to do anything but coursework had still to be in on time. Happy days!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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