Monday, July 22, 2019

T Stands for Theodore Roosevelt

Hi everyone. Glad you stopped by for T today, as it is once again Tuesday. Don't forget to stop by 
Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T Gang has been up to.
Today for T we are going to the North Dakota badlands where I visited earlier this month on my summer vacation. We're going to visit Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
For those you who aren't familiar with the story, Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States from 1901 until 1909. Before he was president, his first wife died in childbirth and his mother died of typhoid fever on the same day. (That must have been horrible.)
To combat his heart ache, Theodore went to western North Dakota to ranch for awhile. He absolutely loved his experience and claimed it made him the man he became. 
When a national park was created in this area, the park was named after Theodore.

Above is a page in my travel journal  I made about my visit to the park. 
The park has  3 areas: the north, the south, and  Elkhorn Ranch.  There is the cabin  where Theodore Roosevelt stayed in the South Unit and the Elkhorn Ranch where he ranched. We had time to visit the North and South Units but on 2 different days as they are not very close to each other. We didn't have time to go to the Elkhorn Ranch area. 
Here's a few photos from the south unit.

Besides buffalo  we also saw wild horses and lots of prairie dogs. 

And these cool mushroom shaped rocks.

I really liked this park.  There were lots nice little hikes to take which lead to fabulous views, and it wasn't particulary crowded.
But after a day in the park we needed some sustenance. We went to downtown Dickinson and found this brewing company.

When we arrived the  place was actually quite crowded, but it did clear out as we had out dinner. 
Here's my ticket for T day. We had this wonderful  Scottish style ale.

What goes great with beer? How about a yummy pizza?
Thanks for visiting. And have a happy T day and if you are not here for T, hope it's a good day.


  1. Erika, these are lovely photos of the badlands. We drove through there several years ago on our way to Mt. Rushmore. We enjoyed all those parks. We have such a wonderful country with so much to see! What a nice place you found in Dickinson. Your pizza looks yummy! Happy T Day!

  2. Looks like a wonderful trip out west. Fresh air and scenic hikes... of course, it's nice to stop for a cold brew and something to eat too:) Happy T day!

  3. I am so glad you shared more of this area and the park-I would love to go there. yum your pizza looks fabulous!! Happy T Kathy

  4. Love the photos, you saw some wonderful sights on your trip, scenery and animals. Really fascinating. Thanks for the info about Roosevelt, too. And your beer and pizza were surely just right afterwards! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. What incredibly gorgeous views of the buttes in the Badlands. Those famous hills. Stunning. I wonder if they were as impressive for you as the were for me the first time I saw them, especially since where I live the land is flatter than Bleubeard's chest. Absolutely gorgeous photos, Erika and wonderful how many memories they dredge up.

    Phat Fish brewing looks like a typical bar in the midwest. So typical. Now you know why I never found it enjoyable to drink or go to bars. However, I've never heard of your Scottish ale and of course, your pizza looked nice, too. Thanks for sharing theses photos of the State Park, the Badlands, and your beer and pizza with us for T this Tuesday. This was WONDERFUL!!

  6. it would be GREAT to travel to this national park, i´m afraid i never will... enjoyed your post, erika - happy summer ♥♥♥

  7. Interesting to learn about Roosevelt. Great page and photos Erika.
    Alison xx

  8. WOW--- fabulous photos and that pizza and the drinks look more than delicious!!!

    Happy T-Day dear Erika!

  9. I just love your travel journey art as it is both art and a reminder of your travels.
    The prairie dog is so sweet, not at all how I imagined one, thought it would be growling, large and fierce.
    The Phat Fish looks really growling and fierce!
    And even at this time in the morning your pizza looks delicious.

  10. I think Teddy Roosevelt would declare your page, Bully! Well done. The scenery is just breath-taking, I can only imagine how awesome it was in RL. I love the prairie dog. Looks like the squirrel telling me the birdfeeder needs to be filled. That pizza looks real good, too. Enjoy your day!

  11. I am really enjoying seeing the photos of your travels and reading interesting pieces about your countries history. It doesn't all get told in the history books we are given here.
    The pizza and the beer looked delicious,
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  12. That landscape is awe-inspiring! It must be wonderful to be able to see it in person.

    I'll join you for T Day pizza :) Happy T Tuesday

  13. I love the Badlands! So pretty. Did you happen to see a sign near the prairie dog town that said not to touch them as they had the plague?!?! That was a shocker for me. Mini-me and I just booked a trip to MT...we'll be going through Yellowstone during our travel.
    Sorry I am late in stopping by...a migraine had me out of commission.
    Happy T day!

  14. Thanks for explaining about Th Roosevelt. I didn't know that.
    The Badlands area is wonderful. We live in a similar area, so it all looks very familiar. Of course the wildlife is different.
    That beer sounds yumy. We like smooth and malty.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. A fabulous page Erika! What fabulous scenery too! I love to see prairie dogs in zoos -they look so cute (although I doubt that they are!) That pizza looks good although I will pass on the beer! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  16. Fabulous post! I love seeing your travels and the page you created captures your photos beautifully, those scenes and vistas are stunning 😁. But you probably guessed it's the beer that caught my eye, and I would love to try a glass or two! The pizza looks yummy too 😉. Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  17. I didn't know that sad fact about Teddy Roosevelt, Erika. How horrible. Beautiful photos/scenery. I hope you took that buffalo shot with a zoom lens. Aww, a prairie dog - so cute.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  18. Great photos from your trip. I like the art journal page you made. The land looks beautiful, but also a little desolate and forbidding. Seeing wild horses would be a treat for me. I like that prairie dog checking you out. The mushroom shaped rock is fascinating looking. The restaurant looks like a good place to eat. Happy T-Day!

  19. Love your page - and the story behind it - thanks for that!
    Stunning photography, now I see where your new blog header came from. So glad you had a great holiday and got some lovely walks in.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Teddy Roosevelt is such an interesting character. I would think discovering his ranch and this countryside would be fascinating for me. I love how you integrate all this into your art travel journal!


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