Saturday, November 23, 2019

Saturday and the Sun Is Shining

Hi everyone. 
It is day 23 of Art EverDay Month, and here in New Hampshire the sun is shining, even if the temperature is below freezing. 
I'll take it.
 The shadows in the house are always so cool.

And I always think of my Nana on this day as today she would have been 110 years old. She and I were very close, and I really miss her. She was a baking and a knitting queen, as well as someone easy to talk to. When I was in my 20's and she was in her 70's we traveled a bit also. What a pair we must have looked like to strangers, but she was such an inspiration and could probably have outwalked me in a pinch.
And luckily I had her for many long years as she died at 91, so I am thankful for people like her in my life. 
And here's a page from my summer/fall journal
And when I want to do a slow sketch/paint, I can do OK. I didn't quite get Maddie right, something isn't perfect about her eyes, but I did get Pete.
I am happy with him also about the way I managed to be able to work black ears on a black dog.
And I got the shading on Maddie's snout perfect.  And in the photo she was sticking her tongue out that that and panting.
My Nana would tell me that I need to have more patience with many things in life. (In fact she told me that a lot as a kid.) And I guess when I used some patience to do this journal page she was quite correct.
I have the day to myself today. Hurrah. I am going to make some bread dough, prune my roses a bit, and spend a bunch of studio time. And get a walk in too, once it warms up a bit and the bread dough gets made. 
Hope you are having a super weekend so far.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. So good to see the sun even if from inside the house. Cute puppers. I think you're too critical of your work Since Himself is refereeing a karate tournament and The Young One won't be up until half past stupid this afternoon, I'm using the time to clean the kitchen and the studio. Enjoy your day.

  2. Glad you have a sunny day. The dogs are lovely. I am sure you still miss your grandma, she must have meant a lot to you. Hugs, Valerie

  3. I like your light and shadow photos. There is something about how the sunlight looks at this time of year. I briefly paused to admire the sunlight shining into my kitchen early this morning. Although the sun had been up for awhile, it was sitting low like it does at this time of year. Around 3pm, it starts dropping below my line of sight at my house (which is at the bottom of a hill), even though darkness doesn't come until around 5pm + or -. (In the heart of Winter, it's pitch black around 4:30pm, as I'm sure you know.)

    I like your dog sketch/painting. I wish I could draw. Your Nana had wise advice for you. I still need to work on my patience.

  4. I find myself drawn to those three plaques in your shadow photo. Nice!

    Our memories of people who have been close to us mean so much through our lives. What a blessing to have had your nana with you for so long and to have had the chance to spend so much time with her!

  5. Ooh, the girl CAN draw! This is brilliant Erika - and very brave. I especially ove the shading on the dog closest to us. That's not easy to do but you got the light and the shadow. Love the way you did the tongue, can be proud of that. Your Nana sounds like a lovely lady. It's good to have lovely memories of people and she obviously had a great effect on you. Hope you managed to walk. Sometimes a walk on a cold sunny day is really pleasant and you'll get to hear the birds, too :-) Lovely art.
    Happy weekend!
    Cath x

  6. love the shadows. Very artistic shots.

  7. The painting of your dogs looks fabulous Erika wonderful expressions and eyes.
    I hope you have enjoyed your day, I can imagine the aroma of the baking bread in your home.
    Yvonne xx

  8. What a lovely post, it was nice to read about your Nana, she sounds a lovely person.

    Wish we'd had some sunshine today - in my part of the UK it rained!!!

    It sounds as if you've got a good day planned … enjoy it and the weekend too.

    All the best Jan

    PS I liked your art :)

  9. Hi Erika beautiful work my friend and your nana sounds like a lovely friend ,I can see that you miss her,you have lovely memories xx

  10. My Nanny was my champion as well. She lived to be 104 and was as sharp as ever. Her body just gave out. She would be 114 now. I too miss her everyday. I love your dogs! Have a great weekend.

  11. You accomplished a LOT more than I did today. I mostly rested. No art at all. Your drawings and painting was amazing. I love the ear on Pete. It reminds me of fur, truly,

    I love your photo of the art you created. Are those made with polymer clay? I made something similar for myself and sent one to Halle, too. It was years ago, though.

  12. Bright and sunny but cold is one of my favourite weathers... enjoy it - we've got grey clouds and damp air again!

    Love your dogs - you've really captured their personalities it seems to me (not that I know them!). Sounds like you've got a weekend of lovely stuff planned.
    Alison x

  13. Hi Erika, sounds like you planned a great Saturday? Hope it worked out ok. The photos of the shadows look like painting - cool abstracts.
    The painting of the dogs is fabulous and it's good that it created fond memories of your nana, she sounds like a lovely grandmother.
    Avril xx

  14. Your home looks so beautiful. I love the painting of the dogs. You really capture them (Can't do dogs to save my soul!) It sounds like the most wonderful weekend. You need it -- hope you are well by now!

  15. Gorgeous dogs!
    I miss my grandma still after she has gone nearly 40 years ago and there is nearly no day I am not thinking of her. I feel with you!


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