Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Alice Finale, for Now That Is

 Hi everyone. 
I am back with the last spread from my Alice In Christmasland book.
So a few questions remain.
Did Alice get larger and back to her normal size?  Did she do this before Santa arrived and  did she get to meet Santa? And hopefully she  has a happy ending.

Now I want to say that I wasn't really ready to wrap up my story, but I came to the last spread in my book. So I had to somehow end the story, at least in this journal.
Oh no.

So I kind of cheated a bit and didn't really end the story but did end the story.
 I hope it is not a huge let down.

Here's what it says:

Alice screams
And she went to pull herself upright and felt her head getting dizzy and dizzier
And even more dizzy.
And then Alice felt herself falling.
And there was something tangled around her legs. THUMP!
And Alice shook her head and found herself sitting on the floor
with her blankets wrapped around her legs
and Chessie sitting there looking at her.

I know, I didn't tell you whether Alice got back to her normal size.
You can decide, for now.

I made this page by using stickers for the Noooo letters.  I drew and cut out the bed and the pillows. I used some Studio Light/Art by Marlene punch outs for Chessie the cat and Alice. Although I added glasses on Chessie and I added arms and some hair fixing for Alice. And I made Alice's blanket with some felt and some paint.

And then when I read Yvonne's comment for my last Alice post, an idea just popped into my head. Instantaneously.
And so I have started Alice in Christmasland book 2.  
I hope to wrap up the story there.

I will be back with more posts, but you will have to wait a little bit for Alice.

I am linking this up to Yvonne's words and numbers challenge at Art Journal Journey.  Thanks Yvonne for this fun challenge this month!

That is all for me today. Thanks for visiting. 


  1. I look forward to seeing Alice in book 2. But for now, I'll allow my imagination to take me to a happy place, since I don't think we should experience sadness at this time of year (whenever possible).

    You are a master at embellishments. I swear that felt you painted looks JUST LIKE a blanket. This is absolute genius. I love it. I'm also truly impressed by your imagination and how you led us through this Christmas tale. It's a lovely entry for Yvonne's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    BTW, for TWO days I've forgotten to compliment you on your new blog banner. It's certainly appropriate, too.

  2. Another wonderful page and well done on finishing the book, at least for now. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. What a cliff hanger of a story and the thought that there is going to be another book for us soon. Hooray I think you know I've enjoyed the chapters
    in Alice's story so far and am already looking forward to what happens next.
    By the way I think she is still small and she has more adventures to come.
    Thank you Erika for all your support this month at AJJ and your fabulous journal pages.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Oh, nooo, I hate finals! Good things should never end... (but they have to).

    "... at least in this journal" gives hope for more, though!
    AND! I wrote "Noooo" before seeing your work, too, that is a sign, is it!

    So glad you continue!!!!
    Erika, I enjoy this very much, hugs to you!

  5. Your pages in this journal are absolutely stunning! WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!
    Wishing you and hubby and the dogs and the whole family a Happy New Year dear Erika - I hope it's the best year ever for you that wait around the corner - I guess as you retire and life starts then...yeah!!!!
    Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration and thank you for all you did this year to support me in such a wonderful way.
    We had not that wonderful Christmas this year.

    We had to put our younger ( nearly 10 years old ) Ridgeback girl Quinnie to sleep on 25th. She just felt so good until a few days before Christmas. We visited the vet and saw there that a cancer was just big big big and metastases everywhere in her body already. We were so shattered.She was so noral until this time...unbelievable.
    The Vet was so nice and came then after calling him to our house to put her to sleep even though it was Christmas day. Now we have just our pourly nearly 14 years old Liyongo here who obviously misses her.

    I am not so sad as my hubby. He misses her extremly and can't believe it until now that it went so quickly.

    I am just thankful for the many years with her.She was such an angel!
    Her mother died at the same age and also abruptly and unexpected - the same illness - we heard it just now.

    Big hugs


  6. I'm happy with this ending, and love how you created this story. The story itself was fun, and the illustrations made it perfect.

  7. So much fun -- and I'm delighted that a sequel is in the offing!

  8. Fun story. Did it happen or was it just a dream? Hopefully, you’ll have time to work on the story while the snow flies. Hope it’s just a dusting and not too deep.

  9. I have to laugh about "...didn't really end the story but did end the story." That's cool! Your page with the big NOOoooo is fabulous and the story to the picture too! Alice and the dog are sweet!
    I wish you a happy New Year 2020 and all the best for a creative new year!
    Big Hugs, Rike

  10. Gorgeous story !! Erika you are really very good telling stories... can´t wait to read the next chapter. I loove how you put layers, letters, blanket with felt, pillos... stickers... super!
    I wish you a very Happy New Year 2020!! full of love and great moments,
    Big hugs, Caty

  11. Who doesn't love a sequel? I've enjoyed episode 1 of Alice in Christmasland. The title makes me wonder if we have to wait until next Christmas for episode 2. Eileen xx

  12. This was a fun series of art journal pages. I hope you don't get a bad forecast. I've heard ice and snow for places north of me, but here along coastal Connecticut, it's supposed to stay all rain. Fingers crossed. And a belated Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  13. Thank you for the fun and exciting Alice story. It's really fabulously created.
    I wish you and yours a very Happy New Yer 2020 xx
    See you here again then!

  14. What a fun story! Alice certainly had a wonderful Christmas adventure 😁. It looks like you had lots of fun creating the story and the artwork - fabulous! I can't wait to see what she gets up to next 😉. Wishing you a wonderful new week! Hugs, Jo x

  15. It's pretty impressive that you did this Alice book and brought it to some kind of end - even though it seems you're going to continue it. The cat is hilarious! Happy New Year to you.

  16. Wonderful page.
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Marjut

  17. A great final spread, and intriguing! Looking forward to part two.
    Alison xx

  18. Oh look what I've been missing... I love Alice so I will have to come back and enjoy the full story very soon. I'm not going to look too closely at this page for now - I don't want to spoil the ending!!
    Alison x


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