Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year

Welcome 2020 everyone. 
As I write this some of you are there already and some, like me, have not quite made it to the new year yet.  But it won't be long before the morning and the new year arrives for all of us.
It is time for new stories to be written, new art to be created, new books to be read, new places to visit...I am sure you get my point. It's exciting, and also a little scary. But I am going to put the little bit scary part aside because one must stay focused on the good possibilities. It is all part of the adventure of the new year. I am optimistic about 2020 as there are many good things ahead.
And I hope not just for me but also for you.
Wishing you all a wonderful year with lots of happiness, smiles, good health and peace. 

And since I see that Jo has a new challenge at Art Journal Journey, Something New, I thought this page for the new year would work and I am linking up.
Once again, happy 2020!


  1. May 2020 be a great one for you and your family Erika! Hugs, Valerie

  2. A wonderful journal spread Erika, you chose lovely words to add to it.
    Happy New Years Day wishes to you and your family, I hope 2020 will be good for you all.
    Yvonne xx

  3. Wishing you the very best of years Dear Erika. Strange how a blog can bring friendship and I feel a certain friendship to you via your blog - and all through Art Journal Journey.
    I love your latest blog page, those words are delightful
    "Winter white and fires bright Keep thee in God's Grace tonight" - the perfect ;message to send.
    May God Bless you and yours and may you have a wonderful, happy year.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. Beautiful artwork Erika!
    Happy new year!
    Alison xx

  5. I love the combination of light and shadows on this page, just right for the turning of the year. I hope we can leave some of the shadows of 2019 behind, but my guess is we're going to need to continue working to create light as we go forwards into 2020. I'm still in Christmas hibernation (don't come out fully until after 12th Night on 6th January!), but am trying to do a bit of catching up with people even so. Happy New Year!
    Alison x

  6. It's a bit like turning a page in a mystery, isn't it, the new year. Something is coming, we don't know what -- we don't even know who all the characters will be. But we can't put the book down, even though at times we may want to!

    Happy New Year, my friend. I had a lovely little surprise in my mail yesterday and it is quite beautiful! I loved it!

  7. I love that quote and hope it is fulfilled for us all in this day and throughout the coming year :) Happy New Year!

  8. This is LOVELY!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR, Erika!!!

  9. What an inspiring post! I love you take on the New Year, I'm certainly with you and keeping an optimistic outlook for 2020 😁. You page is amazing, I love the owl and bright ideas imagery and the wording is perfect too! This is such a beautiful start to the year, thanks so much for sharing it with us at AJJ! All the very best for 2020, may your dreams come true! Hugs, Jo x

  10. What an absolutely JOYOUS post, dear Erika. Yes, the new year is a bit scary, but definitely exciting and filled with hope and all kinds of possibilities. As we look ahead to 2020, I see all kinds of great things happening, and I SO look forward to sharing them with you, too, dear. Happy New Year to you, your family, and your two fur babies.

  11. All good wishes to you and yours, Erika, for this New Year. Thanks for sharing your creative talents in your blog posts. I hope that 2020 brings you many new adventures and lots of good things happening in your life!

  12. Here’s to a happy and creative new year

  13. Simply beautiful! A fantastic spread!!!
    Happy New Year dear Erika!
    Thank you for your lovely mail!

    Susi xxx

  14. This is a very nice and creative journal.
    I wish you a healthy, creative new year!
    greetings Elke

  15. Fab page, Erika. Love the poem/saying. The owl looks great!
    Happy New Year to you, too!
    Cath x

  16. My good wishes to you and yours for 2020.

    All the best Jan


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