Monday, December 30, 2019

T Stands for the Photos that Didn't Make It In 2019

Hi everyone Happy T day. And happy last day of 2019. I'm not sure I am ready for it to be 2020, but I guess ready or not, here the new year comes. 
I can't complain about 2019, and I hope that will be true for 2020 also.
I'm also hoping we won't lose our power as we have a mix of snow and sleet coming down. We shouldn't, but I am preparing just in case. I've got the wood stove going and I'm writing this post early just in case we go down.
So today  I want to celebrate a year of T with photos that I took for T but that never made it into a T Day post.
So here we go, a different year of T.
Let's start with breakfast. There's a cup of tea and glasses of water.
Perhaps you prefer something more formal. There are coffee and tea urns  here.
Or how about an outdoor breakfast in Florida? OJ, some yogurt and a chocolate muffin.
But let's move on to later in the day. A late lunch perhaps. Or maybe make it cocktail hour.
There's quite a few tropical drinks to pick from. I took these back in late February when my husband and I took a trip to Key West, Florida.
And I had to try a few local beers over the 5 days of our trip.

And Key West is quite the party town. I can't say I am  a big party girl, but we did stop at one restaurant and sit on the deck and enjoy a rum drink with our meal.
And it made me smile to be about as far south in the US from New England that I can go and the recommended beer is Sam Adams out of Boston.

And then last winter we took a trip north to see my college team play hockey, and when there we had to try a local beer with our pizza. 

But it wasn't all about beer.
While out one day last spring we stopped for our first ice cream of the season. You can see my diet coke bottle in the cup holder.
And while visiting a friend, we went out for lunch (yes, we both had lobster rolls) and a glass of ice tea.
And someplace I had this Diet Coke. I think it was at Pop's, which I have taken you to several times.
And at some point we stopped for burgers at 5Guys.
And in late June my husband and I took a little trip to North and South Dakota by way of Minneapolis. We stopped at a Costco in Fargo and bought a bottle of pre-mixed margaritas so we could have a nightcap at our hotels along the way. The bottle cost around $10 (if I remember correctly) which is way cheaper than going out where we couldn't even get 2 drinks for the price of the bottle. Here you can see my fancy margarita glass.
And while driving between stops we wanted a little cold ice creamish snack. Not knowing the areas, and finding a MacDonald's right off the highway, we got a shake to go.
And for lunch one day we visited a brewery in Bismarck, North Dakota.
And this was my dinner one night when we got in late and there was a 24 hour restaurant near our hotel. (Dickinson, North Dakota). I must say I always enjoy chicken and waffles.
And speaking of Dickinson, North Dakota. Here is a cool tea set from the former Dickinson pottery that we saw in a museum.

And the night before we flew home, we went to the HardRock at the Mall of America to get my daughter a shirt for her collection. 
And during the summer we went with some friends as well as my daughter for lunch and split a pitcher of sangria.

And even though this is a brewery, after a summer day we split a pitcher of water instead of beer.

And I don't know much about this, but the cup said it was biodegradable. 
And now we've made it to Labor Day weekend, and when we went out with my daughter and her beau, we dinner drinks in these fun little fish bowls.

And one Friday after work my department went out for an after school drink. I didn't drink but had water which came in this really interesting glass.
And a museum view from the Wright Museum of World War Two that shows how an American kitchen would look at the time.  I guess it was breakfast with the items on the table.

And on our autumn travels, we stopped at this general store which are fairly common here in New Hampshire. 
And during some fall baking, I had a bottle of Diet Coke. 

And here I am eating some fall baking with my mug of tea that I take to work and refill during the day. I am having a sweet snack of some tiramisu. I have a student who comes from Italy and he likes to bake (and  he is very good at it too) and about once a month he brings us a pan of tiramisu, his specialty. 
And a before dinner drink at my sister-in-laws this Thanksgiving.
And my 23 year old niece made me this grapefruit juice and beer mimosa to have with dinner. It was pretty good.
And I really like the glass.
But best of all is a glass or refilled bottle of water. (We don't drink our water so I refill bottles from a big jug).

Just don't drop or lose the top.
I'm taking home some leftovers.

Or should I say, have a great new year.
Don't forget to stop by   Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T gang has been up to.
Have a super T day.
And most importantly, I want to wish you all a very happy 2020.
Have a great new New Year!


  1. What a fun post Erika, I really enjoyed it-especially seeing all the drinks-in the cool glasses and containers. Loved that beer can from Florida.
    Happy T and Happy New Year's Eve Hugs Kathy
    Oh and I received your beautiful card in today's mail-thank you -I will share it next year-lol

  2. Wow! That was quite a recap! So many places, so many different drinks. How fun to explore. We tend to stay in our little bubble. Maybe someday I'll get Mr. G to catch the adventure bug.
    Happy T day!

  3. OMGosh, Erika. What a fabulous post about drinks that didn't make it on your blog in 2019. I think yours was even more clever than my review. This is totally awesome. I'm even hungry now, too. I'll be scrounging for something to eat soon, I fear. I loved how you took us through the months and we remembered where you went, but didn't get to see all the wonderful places you actually visited. This is one incredible T Tuesday post and I absolutely LOVE it. Thanks for sharing this with us for T this almost Tuesday. BTW, I now want a lobster roll. Never had one before.

    Have a super Tuesday, New Year's Eve and New Year, dear friend.

  4. What a fun post with so many drinks, it inspired me to get a new coffee from the kitchen to drink while looking at them. Some yummy food, too! You got around a lot - that's something I miss these days. And tiramisu, sigh! Have a wonderful 2020, good health and happiness for you and yours! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Thankyou for taking me on a virtual trip with you, seeing the photos and all the tempting drinks was really interesting. You must have traveled many miles to visit all those destinations.
    Happy T day wishes. I hope the weather stays kind and you don't get the snow.
    A very Happy and Healthy New Year to you Erika and your family.
    Yvonne xx

  6. I like your assortment of photos that didn't make it into a T post. Great idea. I hope you made out okay with the storm. It seems like the forecast changed to it ending about 12 hours sooner than they originally said. I was just warm enough to be all rain for it, thankfully, but I saw that farther north, you and CJ were at risk of snow and ice. Ugh. Happy T-Day and Happy New Year!

  7. Wow. We never had a power breakdown. It must be frightening. Though, well, being in nature (which we were)...
    Did you try the Strawberry? Sounds yummy.
    Diver Down is a beer? LOL.
    Road trips, ohhh, so long ago, I enjoyed them immensly, so wonderful to join you here!
    Cute glasses. I think I need to bring out our pressies for once!
    It must´ve been hard but hopeful years after WWII, but I am so thankful I live now...
    Love the Mayflower can, but, weee 6.7% is a lot!
    Grapefruit? Interesting. Greetings from one leftover-taking-home Queen to another ;-)
    A great and happy T-Day and a beautiful start to 2020!

  8. I love the idea of all the photos that didn't make it! Have a wonderful New Year!

  9. A fun retrospective. 2020 should be a good year for you. Aren’t your retiring in June? Lots of time for art and stuff! Have a Happy and Creative New Year!

  10. Wow, so many wonderful memories and all containing a drink, how amazing is that! I really enjoyed seeing all the photos from your travels and there were so many fabulous glasses and drinks - yum 😉. Wishing you a happy T Day and all the best for 2020, may it be filled with peace, love and happiness! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Snow can be fun but sleet? Never! I hope you keep your power through it all. My favorite of your photos here is the fish bowl glass. Cute lol Happy New Year's Eve, and Happy T Tuesday!

  12. That was fun, Erika. Boy, you sure do get around! Chicken and waffles? Really?? That's a weird combo. But then so is grapefruit juice and beer!

    Tiramisu is my favorite dessert. You also showed one of my favorite meals - lobster rolls!

    Wishing you a Happy T-day and a very Happy New Year! Eileen xx

  13. Happy New Year & All The Best In 2020


  14. What a fun post! I enjoyed seeing all those fascinating and (for me) mostly unknown drinks. I recognised a lot of the posts of course.
    Happy New Year and
    A belated Happy T-Day,

  15. This post made me smile - I have quite a few that didn't make it too! I also can think of quite a few places where we had drinks and I just forgot to take photos! The joys of being part of TSFT!Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx


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