Thursday, April 23, 2020

Do Not Crush

H i everyone. Another week is flying by. I am almost done with week 6 of teaching from home. Six more to go.

Yesterday was quite cold and windy. We even had snowflakes. It felt like early March not late April.

And Mom is definitely having some breathing issues. She never answered the phone when I called, but at least my daughter got through and got to talk to her for a couple of minutes. She said it was really hard to hear her trying to get enough air to speak. I spoke to her Monday so I don't know how much worse it was yesterday from Monday.
I just hate the idea that breathing is so hard for her. And I hate the idea it will probably get worse. and I wonder what worker at her assisted living came into her apartment (as they have isolated the residents) who was asymptomatic and gave it to her.  I just hope no other resident ends up with this disease. It could be a much bigger issue if that happens.
But since I can't visit Mom, I just try to keep myself busy. Or take a nice long afternoon nap. That works too.
I have another page for Art Journal Journey and Valerie's Geometric Shape challenge.   I started by stenciling the blue geometric design on some watercolor paper. (And let me remind you that Stencils is the latest challenge right now at Try It On Tuesday.)
I then hand cut some black paper rectangles.  In retrospect I wish I had cut them a little bit smaller, but the size still works. Then I took some white gesso and rubbed it in the middle of the page. I die cut the flowers and colored them with ink pads. I also used a piece of some yellow paper tape, a vintage women sticker and the quote sign from my stash.
And that's my page for today. 
And for a little good news, the flour I ordered from King Arthur Flour has shipped.  I haven't been able find it in the grocery store for probably close to a month now. Granted I only go to the store once a week, but I should be good to keep baking and feeding my sourdough now.
Take care everyone. And thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. So sorry to learn how much your Mom is going through. Praying for improvement is all anyone can do. Your journal page shows thought, from the required geometrics to the lovely centerpiece. I ever used just gesso for a background, it works! 🙂

  2. However you fill the days, look after yourself Erika.
    Your journal page looks fantastic with the geometric background. and the pretty spring flower style spray you added, super inspiration for Valerie's AJJ theme
    Its good that you have had the flour delivered and can look forward to your sour dough bread.
    Stay safe , loving wishes to your Mom.
    Yvonne xx

  3. Sorry that there's still no good news about your Mom, sending her healing vibes! Good idea to keep busy, I try to do that, too. our page is wonderful, love the white, blue, black and yellow as background for the lovely flowers. Thanks for another piece for AJJ, much appreciated. Take care, I'm off for a little nap now!

  4. The flour I ordered for Rick and me on April 4 has finally shipped. YAY. I have no idea when it will arrive but at least it's on the way. I used my last for oatmeal cookies yesterday.

    Erika, you know I am so concerned about your mom. I'm glad your daughter spoke with her and I hope you will be able to as well. Knowing breathing is hard must be so tough for you, I admire you can get a post up and done. You bring up a good point about the isolation -- there's an asymptomatic worker in there somehow and I hope they can test them all to find out who. Stay strong. Please, stay strong.

  5. I hope your mother is doing better. I love the page you created and the sentiment. Makes me think of do not crush our spirit. A very positive page. Oh, you ordered flour from King Arthur? That's good to hear, because I can't find it in stores and when I tried ordering from the website a month or so ago, they were out of stock. Take care.

  6. It must be so worrying, sending get well wishes to your mum for a speedy recovery! Your page is beautiful, the flowers in the centre look so pretty against your background 😁. Glad you got some flour, I've been unable to get any for about a month now and my supplies are now running low. Take care and wishing you and your family well! Hugs, Jo x

  7. I worry for a friend in her apartment here as she has carers going in - I hope they are careful! What a fabulous page! Love the colour of those die cut flowers!
    I am doing a happy dance at the moment - a very good friend arrived with flowers and flour this afternoon - the two things I really was missing - it was great to chat from a distance too! I cried when she left! Take Crae, Chrisx

  8. I feel so bad for your mom and for you. When you can't be there in person but talking is so difficult... I hope she's better soon.

    I like that geometric design and the color you used. It all came together so well!

  9. Oh I love those stencil prints! They remind me of coffee beans for some reason and that yellow tape with inch markings look really cool just like a flattened meter stick :)

    I am continuously praying for your mom (just said a prayer before I wrote this) and I hope she finds relief and comfort and be completely healed in the Name of Jesus!

    Stay Safe Erika!


  10. I hope your mother will soon turn the corner and start improving.

    be well... mae at

  11. Nursing homes and care facilities are the worst hit (along with jails and meat packing plants). It would be good if they tested everyone who works in these facilities, but they are having trouble testing people they BELIEVE have the virus. I hope your mother comes through this, At least she is not on a ventilator yet.

    Six weeks to go. Guess you will be glad when it's done for the year. I feel for you, my dear. I wish there was something I could do.

    LOVE this page and I have a similar stencil, but it is small (about 2 inches by 3 inches. I like how you used it, too. The way you isolated the flowers and the woman in the middle really brings your eye in. It's quite clever. It's also great for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey. Lots of geometric images. Great page, dear.

    Glad you got some flour. Sally left some bread and other goodies on my doorstep a couple of days ago. I was in heaven.

    Stay safe and take care.

  12. That's a super page Erika, I love the geometric background patterns.
    Sorry to hear your mum is still suffering, I'll continue to pray for her. And I hope you get some good weather soon.
    Alison xx

  13. Snow, still? Yikes!
    I agree. Being not able to breathe properly on your own must be horror. One of my Aunts - long ago! - died from it and my Mum had to wear such a stupid mask.
    When she moved it started beeping and most of the time I needed to get help - at least I could be with her.
    You´re in my heart, I hope it gets better really soon.

    Beautiful page, we´ll stay strong.

    "King Arthur Flour", what a name, LOL! How about "Emperor Iris Toilet Paper"? I could do that, that really is my surname, in German, certainly.
    Thanks for that, it gave me a smile after all :-) Hugs

  14. That's a nice idea. It looks really good. Love the taping.
    Cath x

  15. It's one of the most terrifying things about this disease that it attacks our breath - the thing we take so for granted but is the life force and fuel at the heart of all we do. I do hope that there will be some good news soon - I'm keeping everything crossed.

    In the meantime, you've created another wonderful page - those glowing flowers at the heart of a very art-deco style patterned background, and with that elegant woman at the heart of it. Lovely.
    Alison x


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