Friday, May 22, 2020

Long Weekend Ahead

Happy Friday everyone. It's just about the long Memorial Day weekend here in the US and although this weekend usually includes some going out activities, I think mine will most likely be gardening, art and NOT  doing online school. Only 2 more weeks of that to go! 
 I did visit a local garden center greenhouse yesterday late afternoon to beat any weekend rush (but I think people have been buying their plants early this year-they were pretty picked over. The woman I know who works there said it's been crazy ever since they first opened.) I got some flowers for my deck pots and also veggies for my garden, so this weekend might be a good time to do some planting. And my daughter and her beau are coming tonight for a short visit, so we're talking about maybe doing a fire pit outside. 
I don't think the boat will ready for the water, and boating is allowed as there is a lot of social distancing, as long as you're OK with people who are on the boat with you. That's OK with me as I think the docks will be too crowded this weekend with the holiday weekend. 
But what the weekend brings will be seen as the days get here.

And here's a page for Mia's flower challenge at Art Journal Journey. My garden fairy or maybe garden queen page. She doesn't look like me but that's what I have been filling my free time this past week doing. 
My page began with Dina Wakely's spray gloss paints and a stencil. I really like these paints. They give a bolder finish (I think) than the spray inks and as they are paint, they dry and stay in place when you put things on top of them like matte medium or water. I used the leftover piece from some flowers I die cut to stencil the flowers, which I then painted white and detailed. I used 2 shades of green watercolor crayon to make the stems and leaves.
The face is from a Studio Light/Art by Marlene pop out booklet. I created the wings and then used another Studio Light sticker quote book for the quote. I also added a few small gemstone raindrops.

And my bird feeders have been Grand Central Station lately. I have been having to fill them every day.
Here's some of my visitors. 
 The titmouse and below, the first pair of cardinals nesting in my yard. I've seen them in  other people's yards, but now I have them in mine.
 The  hummingbirds returned ast weekend which was very exciting.

 And Mama Baltimore Oriole. She and her mate returned last weekend also.
 Here's Dad.

 These titmice are so cute.
And these red bellied woodpeckers (why are they called red bellied when there isn't much red on their belly?) are really amusing. First of all they are very loud when they call, and then they have these really well defined and jerky movements.

And of course I have tons of chipmunks and red as well as grey squirrels. 

And lastly for birds, I had a hawk around with a nest for awhile. I'm not sure if it is still there as I haven't seen it for a bit. And I never could get close enough for a good view of what it kind it is.  It might even be a falcon from what I can see.

 Before the leaves came out I could see it through the trees sitting in a nest.
If anyone can help me out with an ID I'd appreciate it. 
Of course now we have leaves so the nest has vanished into the woods.

OK, not only dd this post take me a long time to write, but it is long enough.
I need to get ready for class.
I'll be by to visit blogs soon.
Happy start to your weekend.


  1. I trust you'll have a delightful fire pit gathering :) Sounds like fun! and you do have The Perfect Place for it :)

    Your bird selection is wonderful, and you get such great photos!

  2. Best wishes to you Erika for as Happy a Memorial Day weekend as possible under the current restrictions. We will not be doing anything more than being outdoors as much as possible and cooking some hotdogs at home. The holiday parade and anything else will be no-gos this year, but sure people will gather and social distance in their backyards. Hope the next 2 weeks of closing out the school year go as smoothly as possible for you. I really enjoyed the colorful bird pics, especially the cardinal and Baltimore oriole and the titmouse were always fun to see at our former home. The hawk looks similar to one that had "lunch" at our home a couple of times. Thankfully, only a couple.

  3. Your journal page is bold and beautiful like a paradise garden, just lovely. Glad you got to visit the garden centre. And I love your beautiful 🐦🐦🐦 bird visitors, always good to see the different species over there. Hugs, Valerie

  4. I am forever amazed by the seasons Erika especially that we dont have them here. I remembered just a few weeks ago those woods are all dressed in pure white snow and now it's all green! Love the beautiful birds you shared to us! Please have an amazing Weekend!

  5. I love your garden fairy page. I need a garden fairy to help[ me out. We went to Home Depot yesterday. Not much of a selection of plants. I got some pink petunias because that’s all they had. I was hoping for a hanging basket but they didn’t look that great. i had an empty hanging basket pot so planted some of the petunias in that. Your bird visitors are awesome. Really great photographs. Have a great weekend and visit with your daughter. Sitting around the fire pit will be fun. Take care.

  6. Ooooooh! What a beautiful work of art! I love your background and the beautiful face you added. And the sentiment is wonderful, too! Also, I absolutely loved seeing all of your beautiful photos! All of the birds are so beautiful and your back yard looks amazing! HUGS!!!

  7. Oh wow, Erika! What a great variety of birds - we don't get most of those, so it's such a treat. The crested tit is gorgeous but the others are just amazing! Such bright colours...makes my poor garden birds pale into the background, but I love them all the same. Chipmunks, too? I'm in awe of your little visitors.
    I'm resisting the SL pop out book so far... but oh I do love their stamps and some of their dies. Their stuff is so interesting and so different! I did order some stamps, though...
    Gardening is a good way to spend your day off. I didn't realise it was our Bank Holiday this weekend, too. I thought it was next weekend, but it wouldn't be May then... love your journal page. That paint sounds - and looks - really good!

    Can't imagine going to a garden centre just now. Isn't it strange how life has altered in such a short time? I haven't been able to get my tomato plants, boohoo! Nor all my hanging basket plants, though I'm only short of one kind now, I think. With your land, you'll be kept busy in the garden, I think. That's the downside of having so much space. The boat can wait until it's safer - something to really look forward to.

    Hope your Mum is still doing well and feeling better every day. Thanks for the info about the bread - duly copied onto my phone/laptop via my app. I may even try it this weekend, though I do want to use Wholemeal flour and only have Self raising WM.
    Enjoy your weekend break!
    Cath x

  8. I love birds, Erika. I really enjoyed the photos you share with us. And what a surprise: A hummingbird in your yard? I thought they lived only in tropical places! Wow! I have never seen a hummingbird in Greece!
    As for your page, it is gorgeous. Great background. I am in love with the lovely lady and the positive sentiment. Thank you so much for joining again my challenge at AJJ. Hugs, my friend.
    And hope that you will join my blogaversary candy!

  9. So Beautiful page, great idea how you did it. What wonderful bird life, these are great photos of it! Have a great weekend and take care, hugs Elke

  10. Its a lovely sentiment you added to the beautiful journal page Erika. The colours look so pretty on the background as well, it makes the lovely girl stand out more and she does seem to glow.
    I hope you have a super weekend with the family and the weather stays fine.
    I loved seeing the photos of the birds, you have a wonderful variety of birds to look out for.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  11. A gorgeous page, and beautiful birds!
    Happy weekend to you Erika,
    Alison xxx

  12. Sounds like a good and restorative weekend in store. Those birds are fabulous. Your camera must be super-fast to get such a great hummingbird shot. Well done. And I love the orioles! Making me happy, Erika! Happy weekend!

  13. awesome visitors-I enjoyed seeing all the photos-I miss not having the bird feeders-there are night visitors that are problem here so need to decide if and how to feed birds again.
    count down time-2 weeks it will go fast Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  14. I swear you must have been thinking of me when you chose that quote, Erika. I loved it and the crown you gave your girl. It's perfect for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Wow, I loved seeing all those birds. They were all so well photographed, too. You have a super camera.

    Sounds like you have the weekend planned well. Glad your daughter and her boyfriend are coming to visit this weekend. That should make you happy.

  15. Oh, again, beauty all around!
    Shame on our schools. I learn only via blogs about this day.


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