Saturday, June 13, 2020

Talking to Myself

Hi everyone.
Happy weekend. It's sunny right now but the breeze is chilly. A great day to garden but my daughter came for a visit so not sure I will get to that. Maybe tomorrow.
I have been having a bit of a self conversation lately. Most of me loves this staying home and doing my things around the house and yard, lounging on my hammock with a good book, walking, gardening, making art.  As long as I can get outside I can do this.
And part of me hasn't stayed in such a small circle of area for so long since I was a kid. I am craving a nice road trip. Something new. Some different scenery. I miss planning fun summer activities. Staying home is great and then all of a sudden I need something to shake it up.
I think it's the uncertainty of how long this will go on for that gives me these moments.  Simple plans that  used to be able to happen can't. 
Then something happens that reminds me it isn't all that bad. Like my daughter coming home for part of the weekend. And us having Klondike ice cream  bars out of the freezer and having a Helen Hunt movie night on Netflix (Twister and As Good As It Gets).
And then I am OK being home again. 
What a roller coaster..Do you have these conversations with yourself? Or am I the only one  who find that I go along good and then all of a sudden I miss something  badly and it makes me sad for awhile.

Oh well. One day wee will be back to something more normal. How about today's art? 

I have another page for Halle's Stitch in Time challenge at Art Journal Journey.  
I started by inking up a background stamp with some water based brown ink, and then I sprayed the page to leave ghosts of the images. I used some non-water based ink to stamp the sewing pattern stamp. It was out on my work table so I used it again as it is a great stamp (by B-LIne Designs).
The 3 ladies are old Hero Arts stamps that I stamped, colored and fussy cut. Then I stitched the big circle on my sewing machine,  stamped the words and added a bit of yellow sticky measuring tape.
Et voila.
And look what I found on my grape vine yesterday?

I am guessing either flower buds or baby grapes.  I've never had anything like this on the plant before.

 And maybe  by the end of today I'll peonies.  (Sorry Elizabeth. I know it makes you think of the plant you loss.)

They're popping open!
Have a great Saturday everyone.


  1. Hi,
    I think this shut-in has been greeted with mixed feelings. On one hand, we are more isolated but we have stopped running around and relaxing and enjoying our homes and immediate family more. Your peonies are exquisite. Hope its a good week for you!

  2. I don't mind staying at home. I'm a Hobbit that way.Yeah, it's fun to get out and do things once in awhile, but if I can't I don't crave it. Can you say "introvert",? boys and girls. If I crave company or different places there's always the Internet. I think my mother had that same pattern. It's looks very familiar. A neighbor had a grape vine when I was a kid. We couldn't go into her yard to pick grapes, but anything that hung over the fence we could have. I'm trying to remember, but I don't think the grapes had a flower, just green grapes that would turn purple when ripe. We ate them green. Gorgeous peony. Enjoy the visit with your daughter!

  3. I often talk to myself as I rarely have anyone else to talk to. And I know what you mean about wanting to go somewhere else. Anyway, enjoy your weekend with family, it must be wonderful to have family. Your journal page is very pretty, reminds me of the sewing patterns in my youth. And your peonies are gorgeous, and you even have grapes, wow! Hugs, Valerie

  4. I have conversations with my cats. It's a way to talk to them, yet get the weight of the world off my shoulders. I don't use baby talk, just talk to them like they were a friend. With this virus problem, I've been more isolated than normal. I'd love to say things are going to get better soon, but I fear we are in this for the long haul.

    That's a lovely journal page you created, dear Erika. I like how you treated the background and I LOVE how you stitched the circle. I know what a great seamstress you are, and this wonky stitching was fun to see. Your three ladies are wonderful and I love how you colored and fussy cut them for the page. It's a great addition to Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Yes, I feel like crying because my peonies would be blooming about now, too. Yours are stunning. The grapes remind me of gooseberries that grew wild when I was a child.

    Enjoy your time with your daughter, dear.

  5. Doesn´t anyone talk to oneself? It helps me get my thoughts in order...
    Yes, so sad we cannot plan. We usually have to book our flight a year in advance. And certainly this time we did not.

    Love your work, the ladies look fantastic! Never knew there were stamps like that around!
    Ahhh, nature, lovely... a great Sunday to you, too!

  6. Love the journal page -- it's just fun.

    I'm very good at being a hermit but I understand what you mean. It's the little things -- Rick and I are at the lake and in the first time in forever here we're in separate bedrooms because he goes out in the world. I go for walks but I don't count that because I'm not usually near people period and when I am, they are far. BUt he'll go to the store and even though he's careful, it is too big a risk to take. I miss going into places like the store, not that I love to shop but I miss that feeling of choice. We're at the cottage so it's someplace new but I know I won't be doing any side trips, like a day at Mackinac Island and I get a little sad about that. I'm mostly sad because I will probably miss the wedding of my cousin's daughter in September and we'd been looking forward. But, it's worth the price, being safe. I hold onto that.

  7. A wonderful page Erika, and lovely photos of the baby grapes and peonies.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  8. Peonies are Gold and Silver here Erika! They are very very expensive and only the richest can have them on their wedding arrangements! This one you shared is extra beautiful! Love the ladies on your art, makes it look so vintage chic!

  9. I tend to be a homebody, so this hasn't been as hard for me as for some. That said, I'm looking forward to a trip to a local park soon :) Your grapes look promising. I've never had a peony, but those flowers are wonderful!

  10. Fabulous page, Erika.

    We've been in lockdown amost three months and I definitely have good days and not-so-good days. The hardest part is not knowing how long this will last.

    Enjoy your visit with your daughter. Happy Sunday. Hugs, Eileen

  11. I can relate to your homebody tendency at war with the want to explore. I'm right there. I don't need to get out all the time as long I I can putter in my yard. I am really wanting to take some sort of road trip though...stay by a lake...hike...explore. Again...outdoor stuff.
    Love you page for A Stitch in Time! I thought those gals were cutouts from a pattern definitely fooled me.

  12. I know how you feel, Erika. I got to see my granddaughter yesterday, for the first time since mid March. I was fine when at my son's house, but when I got home, I couldn't stop crying - for hours! I think you just get on with it and accept it, until you get a little reminder of how much more full life with people is. It won't be like this forever!

    'As Good as it Gets' is definitely one of my favourites :-) It really makes me cry laughing! I often wonder how long it took to shoot a scene without giggling or breaking down in fits of laughter. He does it so well - and she's brilliant, too, of course.

    Love your peonies. Another flower I really love. Love your journalling, too. Your page says it all, with the perfect ladies so typical of sewing patterns. I bet I still have loads of those upstairs, though I haven't really sewn for 25 years. Once upon a time it was so easy to pick up cheap fabric from our markets, but that's no longer the case. Lovely memories, though. I once made a great dress from a 50p remnant - I wore it for years, lol.
    Have a great week!
    Cath x

  13. Erika you are not alone in having a conversation with yourself. I am often telling myself to cheer up,when there seems to be no difference from yesterday and the day before. Its the times we are living through.
    I loved the journal page you created and the photo of your roses is beautiful.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Your page is super fun love the girls on the pattern bg. Super fun to watch Twister with your daughter too - I love that movie (and Klondike bars - now I am craving one). I went out to my Sister's (30 miles away) yesterday but I really wanted to come back home after a few minutes - I feel safest here. Not a good thing probably. Still it was enjoyable driving the roads and it never think that. Take care of yourself. Hugz

  15. Absolutely love those retro women on the sewing pattern paper - it's so evocative. Glorious peony photos, and I look forward to seeing how the grape vine develops!
    Alison x

  16. Beautifully your journal page with the pattern. Oh yes it is not easy when you have to stay there for so long. I am glad that I have my life partner. Nice this grape vine and when they are ripe they are delicious. They are beautiful peonies!
    Hugs, Elke


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