Sunday, June 28, 2020

Last June Page for AJJ

Hi everyone. We've got some rumbles of thunder and they are saying we could have nasty storms. We could the rain as the lawn is really getting brown and the gardens are screaming for moisture. But with storms, it is easy for them to miss you, and maybe all this distance rumbling is just going around us.
Can you believe that June is just about over? This month flew by and it seems like I have been out school for months.
And I want to send a big THANK YOU to Halle who was a great host this month at Art Journal Journey. Her theme of A Stitch in Time was a lot of fun to play along with.
Today I am sharing my last page for this challenge. I painted some of page light pink and once it dried I added this pretty flower tissue. I also added a scrap of music tissue paper. Then I stitched on this page from a vintage sewing.  I stamped the quote on the top, and added the little cloth images as well as the TH found relative and also  butterfly sticker.
And there's my page.
Thanks to all of you who joined us for the fun. Although there are still 2 days to join into the challenge.
And thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. I hope you get the rain if you need it. I'm busy carrying water to my herbs and veggies, so I can feel you.

    WOW, Erika, this is PINK. I really like the way you painted it and added the bright tissue. But the focal image is amazing. I love the chart, too. It's a great final entry and a wonderful page for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  2. I forgot to tell you how much I like your new blog banner.

  3. Another lovely page, well done! Have a great week!

  4. Super layers, I love the old sewing pattern you used for this fantastic page and the pink feminine background.
    We got some heavy rain this weekend and the ground just soaked it up, good for the plants, I hope your storms weren't to bad.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  5. A wonderful page Erika! I love all of the different elements you used.
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

  6. Boy, that month flew by. What happened to June? Seems like you just started this challenge yesterday! And a nice page it is, too!

  7. i Love your page-and I really enjoyed this months theme-thanks to all of you at AJJ

  8. I love your page with the patterns in the background and with the pattern sample! Have you designed wonderful again.
    I also wait all morning for it to rain but it doesn't want to, so I have to water my balcony plants. It's storming pretty hard on me.
    Greetings Elke

  9. I wish I could sew. Lack of patience. And talent...

  10. So well done and I love the pretty paper doll - she was a good choice. I agree with the words...

  11. That is a super age to finish Halle's challenge on - love the sewing around the paper pattern instructions and that TH girl is just perfect in the bottom corner. Great backing sheet too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. So very pretty - and the lovely white area of the sewing pattern lifts the whole look too. Sorry I've been missing so much again lately - it's a strange time.
    Alison x


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