Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Seamtress

Hi folks. I'm back today with with another page for Halle's Stitch in Time challenge over at Art Journal Journey
Time got away from me and I realized that there isn't many days left to join Halle, and I have this and one more page I want to share.

I started with a stenciled page, which looked too much like another stenciled page I used this month. So I painted it with some pink paint. Then I cut out this sewing images from a vintage sewing book I have had for a long time. Then I added this lady from an Art by Marlene  punch out book. But she didn't have any legs or feet so I drew those in myself. She looks to me like someone who would knit or sew. 
 And my inspiration for even making this page is my quote, which I found in an old magazine earlier this month. 

And that's my page.

Thought I'd show you the other thing I've been spending my time with this past week. More garden photos. 
My only yellow rose bloom right now.

But my orange roses are looking amazing.

I have lots of happy bees lately. I love the sound of them buzzing around me. No bee fear from me.

Milkweed growing in my flower garden. There's also some in the veggie garden. Hopefully it will attract butterflies.

Peony blooms don't last very long. which is sad.  But the remains are kind of interesting.

Just like apsaragus season is short too. But right now my plants are flowering and attracting bees galore.  The orange you see is their very full pollen sacs.

And what I thought were grapes are actually tiny little flowers. I hope they produce grapes. This is a concord grape plant and I could make some yummy jelly if they do produce fruit.

Hope you like my art and photos.
I will be by later on to visit blogs. Last night I had graduation at school (very well done with lots of seperation of people) and today we are going for a morning boat ride before the rain comes in.
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Yes, with that top that woman is heavily into fabric arts. Fun. Your garden is just beautiful. Enjoy your boat rid this morning.

  2. Good morning, great page, and I love seeing all of your flowers and garden spaces-really nice. Love your roses-Happy Saturday

  3. Love your fun journal page, and yes, she looks like a crafty woman who can knit and sew! Great pics of the garden, always great to see the bees in action, they are so important. Enjoy your boat ride and have a fun weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. What beautiful garden pictures you are sharing. Hope you get lots of grapes from your plant. Love the peonies, all too soon the rains come down and mine never seem to last long. I am always thinking I will cut them and bring the flowers indoors but then it seems a shame to rob the garden of those beautiful deep reds. Love your abundance of bees, what a happy garden you have.
    Love your journal page too, what a fabulous background those pattern pieces make and I think that lady is definitely one who not only sews but knits too. Look at her gorgeous sweater (maybe the wrong word to use in America but I cannot remember what friends told me to use) - so Kaffe Fassett.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. Always like seeing your art, Erika, because you show such creativity. And, the flowers in your garden were very colorful.

  6. That art piece you created for Halle's theme is fabulous, Erika. I can't believe you added the legs. You really are a great artist. I agree she looks like she knits, crochets, or sews. It was great you added another great entry at Art Journal Journey.

    Hey! At least you HAD peonies, not like me, with an evil, deceitful, fence hugging neighbor (GRIN). My grandmother's favorite rose was yellow, so I bought one the people at the cemetery planted on her grave. I had to check that it was legal, because so many places NOW (not then) were not allowing anything planted near or on graves. Hope you enjoyed your time on the lake today, dear. You have a fabulous garden area. I especially LOVED the photo around the rocks.

  7. A morning boat ride before the rain comes in sounds wonderful … enjoy.
    I certainly enjoyed all of your garden photographs.
    Pleased graduation went well.

    All the best Jan

  8. Beautiful art and flowers Erika, I love your lady's colourful sweater.
    Happy Sunday,
    Alison xx

  9. I love your page with this saying and individual details on the subject, it fits so well!
    Your flowers are also beautiful to look at!
    Have fun on the boat trip!
    Happy Sunday in your garden, Elke

  10. A wonderful page for Halle's AJJ theme. She looks a real homely gal in her knitted sweater.
    Super photos from your garden, the plants look like they are thriving, no wonder you have all the bees visiting to fill up on pollen.
    Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Orange roses! How spectacular! And I love those yellow things. Those are milkweed? Beautiful, Erika!

  12. Love this very clever piece for A Stitch in Time! I also loved your photos and the explanation of the pollen sacks on the bee. I had no idea...super cool!

  13. I like her sweater!

    I love yellow roses :) All your flowers are a joy to see. A morning boat ride sounds like a treat.

  14. Darling page, Eria. She's just adorable. Your roses are beautiful. Hugs, Eileen


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