Friday, December 18, 2020

Photos for Friday

Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Thought I'd wrap up the week with a photo post.

 This past Wednesday morning it was cold.  It was 18 degrees F on my car thermometer, or  almost -8 degrees C. Yet the plans were to meet 4 friends for a walk, since with the  big snow coming, walking days could be limited for awhile.

The 4 of us all  taught together. Two of us retired this past June and the other 2 are retiring this June. Right now at my old school, Wednesdays  are not teaching days, and the building is being cleaned so no one goes in. Teachers need to schedule 2 hours of office time, but they can do it at their convenience. With most teenagers, later in the day is better than morning. So a morning walk fit into their schedule. 

We went to walk in a part of the University of New Hampshire campus called college woods.  It was a great place to walk.

A skim coat is forming on the Oyster River.

There have been some very busy beavers down by the river. 

And these above ground tree roots are really interesting. The big tree on the right was dead, and I wonder if the left tree roots killed it or the left tree is getting something (nutrients/anchoring) from the other tree.

It was a 2 mile loop (with lots of side trails which we didn't try). We walked it twice as it was a nice trail (fairly flat, wide, well marked so we didn't get lost this time!) and we wanted to walk a bit more.

Then the predicted snow arrived Wednesday night and  all day Thursday.

Nineteen inches (48 cm) of powder, at least where we measured. I think it looked higher in some other spots.  Some towns near us got 30 inches (76cm), and the high point in the state was the town of Claremont that got 43 inches (109 cm).
We got dumped on!

When my husband snow blowed he created this giant cloud of snow

It's all that white fluff.

The forecast doesn't look like we are going to lose this soon.
Guess it will be a white Christmas.

Have a great end of your week and start to your weekend.


  1. Yikes! That's some serious snow! GLad you got your walk in before the big dump. Love the snow cloud!

  2. Love the beautiful woods you went walking in, it seems to be a great place. Never seen trees that beavers have gnawed away before! You got a huge amount of snow. Your snow storm will be arriving here in a few days, so hope we won't get so much snow! Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. I do love a woodland walk, and your spot looks perfect!

    Wow! That's a _real_ snow! I wouldn't know how to act.

  4. I love your beautiful area. You are so lucky to live in such a secluded area, where you can walk and not meet other people or cars on a busy street. The photo of your husband on the snow blower was even more powerful than the 19" of ruler. These were great photos of your snow. We are going to have a very windy Christmas, I fear. LOVELY photos from your part of the world, dear.

  5. I forgot to mention that the Taylor and Ng mugs are cobalt blue and white, even if they look black on your screen. I have matching tea towels to many of them, too.

  6. Happy Friday! Wow, the snow looks amazing and I'd love to have a go with that snow blower too 😀. Looks cold out there though - brrrr! Stay warm and have a lovely weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Looks like you had a nice walk before the storm. Wow as to beavers. I've never seen gnawed trees. Those two trees look like they are hugging. You got a lot more snow than we did. Only 10 inches though there was a lot of blowing and drifting. Your hubby's snow blower flume looks like one of the snow making machines on the mountain. Guess they won't have to make snow for awhile. Stay warm!

  8. Your Hubby´s face says it all, it made me laugh, thank you! I´d be pis##d, too!
    Oh, so glad we don´t have snow, it´s cold, but dry.
    Interesting how trees die, too.

  9. Wow! You really did get clobbered with snow. We are snowbirds and spend our winters in Florida. Philadelphia our home area got about 6 inches - not too bad. I realize that I have never seen a beaver or their work on trees! Enjoy your white Christmas

  10. I'm so glad you managed a walk before the snow hit Erika.
    Beavers are amazing creatures. We only have them in a few areas of the UK now, and conservationists are trying hard to get them established again.
    Wishing you a warm and safe week,
    Alison xox

  11. That snow looks so beautiful but that is how I like to see it. We are never ready for a heavy fall over here. Never learn! I used to go out and clear the road so my beloved did not skid as he returned from work but nobody ever came to help but would thank me as they saw me doing it. Too old and unfit nowaday.
    With snow like you get you need that powerful machinery, lovely to see how he has made those inroads through the snow.
    Glad you got to walk with friends before the snow came and what a lovely and interesting walk you had.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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