Sunday, December 20, 2020

Winter Arrives

Hi everyone.  Hope everyone has had a nice weekend. My daughter and her beau came to visit Friday night into Saturday. We had a nice dinner on Friday, a big breakfast Saturday morning, watched the season finale of the Mandalorian (wow), and also watched Die Hard. While watching Die Hard we had the annual discussion of whether it is a Christmas movie or not.   After Katie and  Zach left on Saturday my husband and I still had some snow clean up from last week's big storm, he had wrapping to do, I still had holiday  (ok make them New Years) cards to you can see it was a busy weekend.

Winter  officially arrives tomorrow (or for you reading this on Monday, today) for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer for those of you south of the equator. Seeing I live north of the equator, winter will be arriving.  Like the quote on my journal page today, I am going to think about this day being one step closer to spring. The days will be getting longer, and although, it might take a little while for noticeably brighter days, they are coming. Hurrah!

My latest page for Tracey's The Meaning of ... challenge at Art Journal Journey celebrates today's winter solstice. 
I particularly like this page.

The background is a not so successful Gelli print. I made it a long time ago. but it seemed to call for  a winter themed page, so I guess it wasn't as unsuccessful as I thought. The blues and browns remind me of the cold and colors of winter. I then stamped the winter scene on some acetate and cut it out. I love the howling arctic fox. I also added a die cut snowflake, a small paper dot and the quote, which is part of a larger stamped quote about the seasons. I am only using the winter part of the quote. 

The 21st is also the day the conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn will be the brightest it has been in centuries. Have you read about this Christmas star? I looked it up and it said the best time to see it is looking southwest close to sunset. I also discovered there is a meteor shower on this equinox too. It's a busy day if you like looking up.

That's all for me today. 
 For most of you who stop by my blog. I wish you a happy winter, hope yours is as mild or as cold and snowy as you prefer. And for the rest of you, happy summer. I'm a little jealous too, since New Hampshire winters are  a little too long for me.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Wonderful journal page, the winter solstice is always an exciting day! Enjoy! Hugs, Valerie

  2. I like this page -- I'm glad you could use your gelli print, which I don't see what the problem was. (Maybe you covered it up?) I am hoping that it isn't too cloudy tonight to see the grand conjunction. I've been looking forward to it.

  3. I really enjoyed this lovely tribute to the winter solstice. It's a truly magical entry, Erika, and goes so well with Tracey's theme, too.

    You have my vote that even though it came out in the summer, Die Hard is definitely a Christmas film (IMHO).

  4. Lovely page Erika, I quite like the snow flake stars and the wolf.
    I'm sure you are looking forward to Spring Erika.
    In Australia the seasons start on the first of the month so we started our Summer on the 1st of December. I like to see winter pictures with the snow, but I must say I much prefer the warm weather. Luckily in Perth our winters are quite mild, we might get about 20C during the day, going down to an average of about 8C at night.
    Have a wonderful Christmas

  5. Such a beautiful wintry page Erika!
    I watched the Mandalorian finale today, it was a fabulous ending. I can't wait for the new adventure to start.
    Alison xox

  6. I've been very impressed by The Mandalorian! It never disappoints, and I love where they're taking the characters. I'm voting with the "yes" people that Die Hard is a Christmas movie ;) but I know differing opinions are well-represented. We're supposed to have clear skies tonight, and from our attempts to see it other nights it looks like we'll have a good view. I'm looking forward to it. Our high today is predicted to be 60 lol, so winter will have to be a frame of mind.

  7. Erike, curious minds would like to know how the debate was settled over whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not. It's in our DVD collection and we have yet to watch it. But, by our definition, any movie that takes place on or around the Christmas holiday IS a holiday film. That's why we include Trading Places, Serendipity, and While You Were Sleeping among others in our holiday DVD viewing.

  8. Sounds like you had a super weekend Erika, I miss my Son and his partners visits :( I'm with the Yes vote for Die Hard too as there have been many Christmases where we've sat and watched them all one after the other.
    We always know when Winter is here as it's Hubby's Birthday as soon as the solstice arrives it's the sign that nights are getting brighter. Love your page, she's howling to tell us Spring will soon be here hoorah!!
    HUgs Tracey xx

  9. Love that page of yours - I love how the colours are on the acetate you used and the fox is magnificent - a perfect idea to use him on here.
    Glad you got time to spend with your daughter and her beau.
    I do not know the Mandalorian but I am about to investigate.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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