Thursday, February 25, 2021

Metallic Stars

Hi everyone. 
This month is winding down.  I  still have a couple of pages I want to share for Valerie's Heavy Metal challenge at Art Journal Journey before the month ends. Here's one of those pages. 
I used a Gelli printed page and then did some stamping. I added some images and also some little plastic beads along the bottom to create some texture.

I still needed some metal, so I added some silver and gold glitter to the stamped stars. I'm not sure how well that shows up in the photo above so here's a close up.

I'll finish off my post with a few beach walk photos from last week. No stars or even sun as it was another cloudy  (there's been way too many of them this month) day. These clouds were from the oncoming  second snow  that would move in that night.

There were also a lot of washed up lobster traps that day. 

If you look carefully you can count 5 in this next photo.

The signs of the shipwreck I have shown you before were all covered over by sand also. 

 Just these ducks were in the area now.

The beach was really empty that day because it was RAW and COLD! We only did one lap that day instead of our usual 2, although I don't think the cold bothered Pete. I pulled my big fleece collar (used as my walking mask because it doesn't steam up my glasses) down off my face for this photo.  It is NOT my usual go  out mask, but I did have that one in my pocket.

My favorite sky view is here.

Hope your day goes or is going well.

Thanks for stopping to visit.



  1. Hi Erika, love your page, great colours and you did the stars really well so they sparkle. Love the photos, what a gorgeous beach to visit, even if it was very cold! I've never seen so many lobster traps in all my life, there are none in the Rhine! Have a great day, and thanks for making another page for my challenge! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh, the stars... Great work, I miss a clear sky full of stars!
    Hi, nice to see you, good idea with the walking mask!
    Luckily it warmed up here and the glasses stay clear.
    Beautiful pics.
    I never saw a lobster trap before, thank you for sharing all this :-)

  3. Your metallic stars page is so interesting with all the stamping and layers and the girl gives it a fine focal point.
    I love to see your photos of the beach and it does look rather chilly today.
    It's also good to see you and I like your very useful fleece collar.

  4. Good morning, I lover your art page
    and the photos are stunning-my favorite is the last one-stay warm hugs Kathy

  5. Nice to meet you - that's a lovely photo and I like the sky.
    Like your journal page also. That's a fab Gelli Print you used and the addition of the girl and the dog plus other stamping makes it a lovely page. I like the thoughts of the beads at the base for texture.
    Thanks for sharing
    hugs, Neet x

  6. A beautiful page and wonderful photos Erika! Nice to see one of you. You and the beach look beautiful too! :-)
    Alison xx

  7. Beautiful photos and beautiful art piece!
    I enjoyed the beach walk! Thank you!
    I hope you're not mad at me! I was really curious about the real life of a geisha!
    Sorry if I was too bold!

  8. Beautiful stars. I have recurring dreams with stars and skyscapes so very drawn to stars. Look at your rosy cheeks. It must have been cold on the beach. I hope we're done with snow for the rest of the season.

  9. I like your fleece collar. That's a great idea. It's nice you have somewhere to walk with no snow! We're melting but I'm looking forward to none! The lobster traps are interesting. Do people collect them?

  10. The beach did look deserted, Erika, except for you and Pete that is and I wondered which beach you walked at. Friends went to Wells Beach this week and said it was unusually busy there.

  11. Nice assortment of art and photos. Your last photo is stunning! And as bleak as it looks, there is still a beauty to these Winter scenes.

  12. Love the stars, the girl, and the dog - very inspiring and positive and fun. Super cool page. Love your beach walk pictures too - especially your selfie! I would definitely walk if I had a great place like that to walk! Wow.

  13. oooo, that sky! I bet it's wonderful walking there even in the cold.


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