Friday, February 26, 2021

Assorted Friday Art

 Hi everyone. Today I have some assorted art to share as we start to wrap up the month of February.

I have another page for Valerie's Heavy metal challenge at Art Journal Journey.

This is also my page for February 7 with Cheiron Brandon at Creative Jumpstart. In this lesson we were creating a story with TH relatives and a created background. 
I decided I was in the mood to collage so I went my own way and used up a few scraps which is how my page came to be what it is.
I made my background by first doodling one night while watching tv. I wanted to do something with this background pattern so I  collaged some printed tissue paper and some left over wrapping paper.  I added a few pieces of  ruler printed tape, a piece of sanded down gold paper (it was too shiny if you can believe that), some word circle stickers as well as these ladies with their apple. This page still needed some more pop and the ladies needed something to sit on so I added the brown metal paper trim as well as the copper medallion. This is the first time I tried out this die and some metallic paper, and I must say I love the results.

I think background is still looking like individual pieces not a complete finished background, but it is what it is going to be, at least for now. Smile!

 My story is about these 2 ladies, Eleanor and Gloria, who are teachers. Eleanor on the left was given an apple by her students. I don't know if that is a worldwide idea or not, but giving an apple to your teacher is a way to show appreciation. She must really be loved because she got one giant apple! Gloria doesn't seem to mind not getting one, but being that big, Eleanor's could be easily shared .

And I have a little more art to share today.

Last Friday I showed you the little frivolous spring book I made (post here if you are interested: Watercolor Book #2)  There were still a few empty pages that I've now completed  from this project, and I thought I would share those today also.

After reviewing my post I noticed how light these last pages feel compared to the my first piece. I guess it's much like this month has been. Cold days and then for a few days earlier this week, some beautiful spring like weather. Now we're back to some colder temperatures.

That's all for me. Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Love your beautiful journal page, the background is great! Thanks so much for all of your support this month, that means a lot to me! And your frivolous little book is darling! Really happy and different! Love it! Have a great weekend, Hugs, Valerie

  2. Talk About Impressive - Way Cool


  3. Absolutely gorgeous pages Erika!
    Hope you have a great weekend xx

  4. What a wonderful nostalgic day book page from you and I think that's great the background.
    Oh how sweet your watercolor book pages, I am thrilled about them !!!!
    I wish you a beautiful weekend, hug Elke

  5. Wow, great assortment of art. I like the bright colors.

  6. Wow - lots of goodies on this post. I love your background for the teachers and the giant apple. Some great collaging.

    The Spring book is super fun and I love the girls in it - each is very fun and happy. A great book to make as we hopefully get to Spring soon! Love your words too. You have some fabulous stamps!!!

    Fun post. Hugz

  7. I like that collage and the story about the teachers. I'm not sure what you're seeing in that background, but it looks perfect to me :)

  8. Such a great assortment of art you've shared, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  9. I don't know how I missed this one! I love your "ladies" and to me the background and elements seem to work together well. Love the book too. So colorful and happy!

  10. I just love your collaged background. Especially with the Graded Spelling Book on it. How appropriate for a couple of teachers! Yes, I have heard of the saying 'an apple for the teacher' although no-one ever gave me one. I did get the occasional bar of chocolate though and just after I started at my last school I was met by three boys looking sheepish one morning. They all had their hands behind their backs and one pulled out a red rose (velvet - probably free with washing powder at the time), cannot remember what the other two had but they were trying to bribe me not to put them in a group with a teacher they did not like on a trip I was organising to the capital city.
    Love your story about Eleanor and \Gloria.
    Your little book is fabulous - I have that stamp where the March wind is blowing and it is one of my favourites.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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