Monday, August 23, 2021

T Stands for Going to Lunch

 Hi everyone. I hope everyone had a nice week. My week was nice, with some days out and some days at home. We had some rain, some sunshine, some beautiful temperatures and some steamy weather too. Luckily Hurricane Henri totally fizzled by the time it reached us in New Hampshire, and all we had was rain. I hope anyone else in the storm zone didn't have any serious weather.

 This may not make the most interesting T day post I've ever written or you've ever read, but it was certainly not a week to be bored with the weather or  life, that's for certain.

Since this is my post for Tuesday, it is time for T at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog .

Last week I actually went out to lunch 3 times. The first time I stopped at a Chick-fil-a fast food drive through after visiting my mother who lives 2+ hours away in an assisted living back in my hometown. I didn't get any photos because I just wanted to grab a cold drink and some food so I could eat while I started the drive home. 

I also had to go to Portsmouth (New Hampshire) one day to get my allergy shots. I  ran a couple of errands and then met my husband for lunch as he works in town. Right down the road from his office is a place called Paddy's, and they have a really nice outdoor seating area. We weren't the only people there so I felt uncomfortable taking photos of the area, but for T day, I did get a shot of our unsweetened ice teas. You can just make out the umbrellas from the other tables as well as their outdoor bar in the background.

Unfortunately I forget to take a photo of the salad I had for lunch, but I hope you believe me when I say it was delicious.

On my last day out I met up with my friend Deb. I haven't seen her for awhile, and we decided to go walk the Wolfeboro Rail Trail.  We were  busy catching up so that before we knew it we had walked 5.5 miles or about 8.85 km.
Here's a couple photos of the rail trail. This one has 3 really good things going for it. It is flat in an area that is not flat; it has a couple of places with bathrooms; and it is a pretty place to walk.

People have also made donations for these granite benches. We didn't use any, but I like the dedication (to their parents)  quote on this one.

And here's just a couple of views on our walk. I've shown you other photos in  the past with other views, but I thought these were pretty.

For the last 5 years, Deb and I have a tradition of going out once a summer for hot fudge sundaes. We hadn't done that yet this year, and she goes back to school teaching this Wednesday, so if we were going to do it, we needed to do it.

After our walk we visited Johnson's, the only restaurant in my town. They have a take out window with outdoor seating, but since it was hot and there were no tables in the shade, we asked if we could sit inside and order our sundaes at a table. Since it wasn't very crowded, they said we could.


This was the most unhealthy of lunches, but it did taste very delicious.  Plus it is fun to have these traditions.  I can't remember when I last had a sundae. When I got home I was hot, tired and felt like I had eaten too much sugar, so I spent the rest of afternoon lounging on my hammock.  That was a pretty good way to end the day also.

I have one more T day reference here also, and that is the glasses of water we had with out sundaes.
Don't forget to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what all the lovely ladies have been up to.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you have a fantastic week.


  1. I have been thinking that it's time for a summer ice cream expedition, with a sundae. Great idea!

    best... mae at

  2. Sundae's for lunch and a lounge in the hammock sounds like an awesome way to spend the afternoon! Glad that you were able to relax and have some fun times.
    Happy Tea Day,

  3. The fudge sundaes look delicious! I walk a rail to trail everyday. It is called the Red Bud trail. It is nice you were able to get out to eat and out for walks this week. Happy T Day.

  4. I'm also ready for a sundae. Looks like Deb already ate her cherry!

    Wow, that rail trail was beautiful. Not sure I would want to walk near that lake, though. When I see standing water, I envision a gazillion mosquitos just begging to let them suck my blood dry. Seriously, we have the worst mosquitos this year.

    Your iced tea looks very cold and refreshing. And of course, water is always a good choice with anything sweet. Thanks for sharing your week, as well as your various drinks and sundae with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  5. Henry says "good boy"...
    Oh. Here it´s hot tea. And a sweater/jumper... warm clothes...

    Great bench!

    Nice the staff still is able to think and let you sit inside!
    Oh, hey, at times you have to go unhealthy :-)
    You live for a fun life after all, right?
    Happy T-Day!

  6. Hi Erika! Why does unhealthy food always taste so good? The trail you walked looks great, love the message on the stone bench, and having bathrooms is a great plus! Glad you had such a good week with lots of nice food, drinks and friends! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Wow that sunday looks seriously yummy and seriously unhealthy. It doesn't matter. We are all allowed to indulge from time to time. (My mouth is watering)
    The railway walk looks great. Such a beautiful area with the lake and the trees. We have railway walks too locally. They call them Via Verde (green roads) and there is one out of our village where there used to be a railway the went from the sugar factory (now in ruins) to the coast. It was also used for esparto grass. It grows here a lot and it was exported to many countries, England being one of them. I think I would like to write a blog about it some day.
    Happy T-Day,

  8. Great walk pictures - so impressive you walked so far and you deserved that ice cream for sure! What a fun tradition to have. Fun to eat out three times in one week! I ate out twice at my Aunt's house - I count that and the food was wonderful both times. Happy T-day, Erika and hugz too.

  9. Now, THAT is a lunch. I would have done the same and yes, years since I had a sundae in a restaurant too. You can pour a little chocolate sauce on ice cream at home-- but it is NOT the same!

  10. I have never walked that rail trail but would like to. The thing I notice is how vegetation free it is. We are over-run with ticks this year!

  11. Lunches out are always a good idea. We have some rail-to-trails here but none with bathrooms. Nice! Those lake views are lovely. An unhealthy lunch every once in a while isn't unhealthy at all, just a treat :) It's if you did it once a week instead of once a year that'd make it unhealthy ;) Happy T Tuesday!

  12. That trail looks awesome. I love ice cream and am craving a sundae right about now🍧

  13. Happy T-day Erika !! Those photos are beautiful, thank you very much for sharing them with us. Wow, you had a very busy day, and well spent. What I like the most are those ice creams, how delicious! and the walk along the train tracks. The lake looks divine.
    I wish you a very nice Wednesday, stay safe, and big hugss

  14. Hi! It's been awhile since I popped by ~ that far of a walk deserves a nice big ice cream :) I'm glad you were spared from the hurricane and enjoyed some nice outings ~ Enjoy your week!

  15. Wow, what fabulous eats and the walk looks amazing! I'd love to join you again in Portsmouth sometime and the ice-cream sundaes look so good, my hubby would love them 😉. Glad you had a fun time! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  16. I'm not complaining that the wild weather this week was a dud for your area. The rail trail looks like a very pretty place to walk. I like the idea of having a sundae lunch. Yours looks amazing. Stay cool for a few more days. Happy T Day

  17. Looks like you had a nice time at the eateries. The photos are always so beautiful.

  18. That is a such abeautiful walk you did with your friend, with such wonderful views. I would have enjoyed that as well. That's a lot of sundae (but delicious!!), no wonder you felt tired after that. But so worth it, wasn't it? Happy T day!

  19. Beautiful pages and ice cream sundaes, delicious!


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