Friday, September 24, 2021

Back to the Sculpture Park

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday.

I thought I'd end the workweek with some more views from Andres Art Institute, the sculpture park a friend and I walked through a few weeks back. I hope you’re enjoying them.  There were so many interesting pieces we saw, I think I took too many photos. 😀

Let's start off with this sculpture. Perhaps it is a bit steampunk, or maybe lots of symbolism?

My friend and I wondered about the tail. Are people becoming machines? Has human culture changed into something more of a mechanical?  Perhaps the artist is saying that the mystery of life is gone. Hmm. Any suggestions?  But I like it. Especially this face.

I wish I'd remembered to snap photos of the artist's and sculpture's name for all of the pieces we saw.

(Referring to the above sculpture) I do like the next photo I could get through the opening, even if I haven't figured out exactly what this piece is about.  Two people as one, maybe. A side view of someone with their head in their hands.  Hmmm.  Is the shape as pleasing to your eye as it is to mine?

I am never good at guessing the artist's meaning, but I thought this  next sculpture looked like  a digestive system all tied in knots. I am sure I am very wrong. Smile! The title is below. So maybe I am on the right track, even if my friend did laugh at me.

  In this next piece, the sculptor did a super job  embedding rocks so they look like that's how the big rock formed.

And yes we had to touch it.

Do you think this next one feels a bit celestial also?

Here's another favorite of mine.  What do you think?

It could just be a shell, or it could be

And 2 more for today's post.

And finally, I'll leave you guessing for this last one.  It is exactly what it looks like.

I'll give the the answer on Sunday when I show you more.

And here's my other posts to the park if for some reason you want to link over: Another Sculpture Park  and More Photos from the Sculpture Park.

Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Fantastic sculptures at this park. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. I love these sculptures, they are all so tactile and I would so like to touch them. That huge face looks a bit like a death mask. And the last one looks like a boat to me. Thanks for sharing these lovely pics, hugs, Valerie

  3. I have no idea for the last photo, but the one above it is magnificent! I love faces, and that one is amazing!

  4. Happy Friday! Wow, those sculptures look amazing 😁. Your photos are so beautiful, thanks for sharing. Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Hugs Jo x

  5. Thanks for this post, Erika, which brought back memories of our first ever visit about a year ago. I do recall seeing several of the pieces you posted here and also took way too many photos! Now, you have me thinking about a return visit😀

  6. First one definitely an Egyptian steam punk. 2nd one reclining mediation and the opening vision. I really want to visit there. Very cool.

  7. What a great park! Those sculptures are so beautiful.

  8. These sculptures look amazing Erika! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  9. Thank you for these wonderful impressions of this sculpture park, I love that too. You brought great photos with you. I wish you a beautiful weekend, hugs, Elke

  10. I love steampunk :-)
    Well, yes. Machines take over. What might the future bring?
    Great pic through the sculpture.
    LOL, no idea if the artist thought of the digestive system - I just presented my Niece with a book on that and she said "thank you"... hmmmm... open to interpretation ;-)
    Love "the beginning of the world".

    Looking forward to Sunday - it looks a bit like Arch Noah maybe, but reckon I am wrong.

  11. I like all of these -- but especially the steampunk sphinx. The one after was really arresting too. I really do like this park -- it is much different than a lot of them and I love the work you've shown.

  12. I enjoyed the walk and those are compelling sculptures. I miss going to the sculpture garden in dc
    the one with little blocks of lines really intrigues me to draw

  13. My apologies for visiting so late. Life got in the way of computer time.

    That first sculpture looked like a cross between steam punk and Egyptian queen.

    I really liked the second one. It looked like something I might make using poly clay. I loved the movement, too.

    I'm impressed you could get through that opening. Up close it looked like an eye, but back I agree it could be two people or one kneeling.

    I was NOT impressed with Site of Reservation, but I loved the Touch Me rock.

    YES, yes, yes. I love the one that looks celestial. That one spoke to me.

    Beginning of the World reminds me of a shell, so I like your interpretation.

    I didn't care for your next to the last sculpture, but the last one reminded me of a city on a hill. I just hope I'm caught up by Sunday to be on time to see the name of this one. Thanks for these, dear.

  14. "Too many photos"? I don't think there is such a thing ;)

    We have a couple of parks/botanical gardens here that have sculptures. They make a nice addition, I think, especially when they are so varied as in the case at the park you visited.


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