Thursday, September 23, 2021

Latest Projects

Hi everyone. Hope your week is going well. There's a lot on my agenda today as the hubby is off. We need to go to his mom's and get a few things put away. NOT my idea of a fun way to spend a day off, especially since some showers are in the forecast, but they need to be done, and that's better than trying to squeeze them in on the weekend. Especially when our home deck project does need to be finished! I'm hoping to get lunch or dinner out of this day's chores! Smile.

I love to putter about; it's something I picked up from my Dad. I've been busy with a lot of various creative projects (besides working in my garden and on journal pages) lately, and I thought I would show you a few peaks of them today. 

I had this idea to gather some leaves from around my yard and use them to Gelli print last week.
The leaves and paint on my gelli plate are wonderful images even without pressing paper on them.

Here's some of the prints I pulled. They are laid out on the floor of my daughter's old bedroom to dry.

You will see many of these pages again in some form or another before too long most likely since my painted paper stash is down to a last couple of pieces.

And do you like these not so new chairs?

My husband has been cleaning the under the porch storage area at his mom's house on the lake over the course of the summer. He does a little every time we visit. There were so many old buckets and shovels and floaties from when the girls (my MIL has 5 granddaughters, no grandsons) were little that needed to be gone through. This is especially true since the girls now range in age from 25-33 and so no longer are using buckets and shovels, etc..  Recently he's made his way to the back, and there he found these 2 old chairs pushed under the porch of the house. 

After a chat with his mom and one of his sister's, we decided to take them home. I'm the only one with time to get them cleaned and painted, and I thought they would work around the fire pit in our yard. They have since been washed and have had a little sanding to clear the rust. More to come with those.

Here's a couple of finished pages from  a felt (and other supplies) book to remember covid. And yes, I know there is an e before the r in sanitizer, but since I ran out of space, I thought that was the best letter to leave off. 

These pages are shaped like the items they represent, and the white stitched paper background is not a part of them. They are just laid  on the paper just  to photograph them.

Finally, with one of my husband's niece's wedding receptions in August, and another one of his niece's receptions in early October, I made a couple of wedding cards.

Acetate and alcohol ink was used to make the background, and then I stamped this image and the bottom quote. I picked up this stamp with making these cards in mind. It may not be the most traditional wedding style image, but since both women married in 2020 and are just celebrating now in 2021, I thought the image was a good one for the celebrations.

The added white flowers  are just to make it a little more wedding like.

Have you been up to anything interesting? 
Thanks for visiting.  



  1. Oh my, you have been busy! Love the leaf prints you made, I bet you had a lot of fun playing with them, and it's always good to have a stack of papers to use. And I like your idea of making a Covid book, too funny with the sanitizr, sometimes we have to sacrifice things! And the wedding card is great, too. Have fun cleaning and painting your chairs, it looks like a lot of work! Hugs, Valerie

  2. I Lov the Gelli prints. I must look into doing that with Fall leaves coming here soon. Thee chairs are perfect shabby chic nostalgic. Love those too. You are busy!

  3. The leaves came out super-great!
    Dunno what it is this year, they stay green, fall down, get brown. No colors.

    LOL. Believe me I had to play with buckets, showels and baking sand-cakes three years ago still! (OK, with the Nieces, of course, I´m not weird). This made me laugh, thank you :-)
    Cool chairs, do they swing a bit?

    Guess. I bought TP. With scent. Post to come!
    Nice last one.
    I´m a bit sad my parents were already gone and my Bro could not afford to attend our wedding (it was in Perth). To you, hugs :-)

  4. Bet you'll get dinner out of the deal! I hope so! Love those chairs -- those will be fun around the fire and a good find. And I really like the prints you pulled. The Covid book is a great idea and I especially like the sanitzr!

  5. Wow the leaves are just beautiful as is the art. I do like those chairs. A lot can be done with them. Have a great day.

  6. Lots of wonderful projects Erika! I love the leaf prints especially.
    Hope all goes well at Mom's, and the decking gets finished this weekend.

  7. I really must get over my hatred for, or fear of, the gelli. Your prints turned out great. They are SO seasonal, too.

    I was surprised those were metal chairs. Your husband brings you the greatest recycling gifts! I look forward to seeing them finished.

    You always come up with the best ideas for a dedicated journal. You are on the right track for the COVID journal. These sure signify what I think of. LOVE it so far, dear. Hope you enjoy your husband's day off today (grin).

  8. Oh, those gorgeous leaves!

    I love the old chairs. They'll be perfect at your fire pit, and I remember chairs like that being comfortable. Just enough movement, and a good size and shape for a variety of body types. You won the find-of-the-day award!


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