Thursday, May 9, 2024

To See a World

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. 

      I'm back today with another page for Valerie's and my challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month our theme is poetry. After yesterday's silliness, today I have a few lines from a poem by William Blake. I copied this poem from a children's book of poetry, but if you look up the poem you'll find there's  a lot more to it. Here's it is, Auguries of Innocence, if you're interesting in reading the complete poem.

     I made a stenciled background, added a fabric flower on some rough hand cut stem and leaves. I added some sequins to the middle of the flower. Then I added a clock, but left the hands off since the poem mentions infinity and I couldn't figure out how to show the hands spinning constantly. I stamped the hand and fussy cut it, and then added the poem which I photocopied from my childhood poetry book.

And let me finish my post by sharing some spring photos. First, here's a view of a peach orchard I drove by the other day. The trees were all so pink. ❤

And here's another view in my garden gazing ball.

The other day I finally got into my older bee hive. The bees not only made it through the winter, but they are thriving.

Let's hope the new bees get to this point soon. 
Have a super rest of your day.


  1. I love your page and the words (the whole poem was a bit "scary") and yay to the pink trees!!
    And to your bees!!! I think one "knocked" at the window by my workplace here at home yesterday! A good sign! Hugs to that and to a great day!

  2. ...Erika, I hope that you, the peaches and the bees do well!

  3. Great to see the bees doing well, Erika. Lots of honey in store for this year! With luck there will be a profusion of pollen and nectar-laden wildflowers. Both the flowers and the honey are something to look forward to. All the best - David

  4. Your beautiful page reflects the poem, Erika. I love the pink trees, great photo. And the bees seem very busy. Please make me a coffee and I am coming to taste the honey! Ha ha! Hugs, my friend.

  5. I love your page, Erika, great idea, and I love the words very much, this is a favourite poem of mine as you will see in a blog page from me in a few days! The photos are lovely, the peach orchard and the gazing ball are both fabulous. And it's wonderful to see how well your bees are doing, I think you hsve the best fed bees I have ever seen!
    Have a great day, take care, have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Cool to see your bees are doing GREAT! The page looks lovely, so are those pinky peach trees.

  7. Gorgeous page and lovely spring photos!

  8. Your page is fabulous! I love that flower and your lovely poem to go with it too! So awesome to see those bees!

  9. Dear Erika,
    I really like your idea of representing infinity with a clock without hands!
    I'm happy about your spring impressions (even if the sky looks quite threatening above the beautiful pink peach blossoms), and the great reflection in the garden gazing ball, but most of all I'm happy about your bees. How wonderful that they are doing so well. Your close-up is great!
    All the best, Traude

  10. I'm glad that your older bees have survived the winter and are doing well. The photos of them are great, by the way. You also created a beautiful page - good idea to leave off the hands of the clock to show infinity.
    On my blog you said that you thought I had retired. That is partly true - I retired from the high school in 2021, but I have still been teaching German at the German School.

  11. Lovely art, wonderful photos and the bees made my day.

  12. So pleased to read that 'the bees not only made it through the winter, but they are thriving' :)

    All the best Jan

  13. The words fit well on your illustration, like it 👍
    Sorry, I'm not a friend of bees, they scared me and I'm allergic on honey 😯
    Happy weekend 🌞🌷

  14. What a delightful journal page you have for us today Erika. I love the red of the flower against that yellow background. I am sure I have that poem (that verse) as a rubber stamp somewhere. Now I need to look through my 'wordy' stamps to see what else I have that would work for your challenge.
    Oh gosh, those photos of the old bees are fabulous, especially that first one in close up. So pleased for you that they have weathered the winter (thanks to your careful wrapping up) and now dfingers crossed for the new bees.
    Love that gazing ball.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. Your bees look fabulous! Three cheers!

  16. Creative series of photos and art work too ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Blake's poem is definitely a good one and so is your page.
    That gazing ball photo is fabulous! You should enter it somewhere.
    Had no idea that peach blossoms were pink, they look like cherry blossoms!


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