Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Going Wild

     Hi everyone. Happy mid-week already. My week has been a little weird.  Monday night we had a storm right as we were finishing our dinner, and that storm knocked out our power until the middle of the night. At first the power company's text said our power would be back within an hour, so we never started the generator. But then we kept getting delay messages because whatever caused the power outage must have been bigger than  expected. At that point we figured we might as well just go to bed. It was an earlier than usual night, so I woke up bright and early Tuesday. Not a bad thing since I was supposed to be at the boat ramp for 7, except...Tuesday morning it rained, and I don't work when it rains. It would have been a lovely morning to sleep in, but that's OK because I could get a little caught up on blogging and a few other small chores while I watched the weather and waited to see if the rain stopped. 👍 (Which it never did-but that was OK too.)

     Now it's Wednesday, and other than some (potentially heavy from Debby) rain at the end of this week, we're supposed to have some  less tropical weather which I am really excited about. I'm ready for a nice long walk and maybe even a bit of gardening too. 😏

      Besides babbling about the weather, I also have a journal page for today's post. I am linking it up to Jo's Wonderfully Wild challenge at Art Journal Journey. It's the right side of a spread from my Greece travel journal that I don't believe I've shared yet.

     The motorcycles driving in Athens were wild. They seemed to drive all over the road and wouldn't think twice about cutting you off. And not to put down Greek drivers, but there are also a few crazy motorcycle drivers around in my neck of the world too. 

     I made my page by first taking a photo from a book and enlarging it to fit my page. Then I used a bit of gesso on it to make the speed limits visible, but less obvious. I used an old motorcycle die that I have and cut out 8 bikes from black cardstock.

     Here's the entire spread .

     One the left side I used part of a freebie map I picked up in the city. I added a photo from a book I use for cutting, I also added a Stamperia chipboard column, and I put the pigeon stamped image on top. The reason I added the pigeon was that at a few places in Athens we watched the local pigeons, and it was mating season, so you can image the birds (especially the males) were a little "wild" too. 

     I die cut the buses, and the blue car is a chipboard car that is meant to represent our rental. We ended up with a Range Rover, which was super when we headed up into the mountains, but it really wasn't very roomy for 3 people and their luggage-grin. 😏

Here I am, when it was my turn to ride in the backseat.

That's all for me today.  Have a great day!



David M. Gascoigne, said...

There are many reasons to travel light, especially these days when the airlines charge for checked baggage and anything else they can extort money for, but it looks like a small vehicle is another one! All the best - David

Tom said... sure were packed in like sardines.

Iris Flavia said...

I remember Santorini. Ingo hired a little motor-roller and as you say.... left, right, it was chaos with the other drivers! That was,now I feel old... in the 19-hundreds, LOL. (1197 or such).
In Denmark a pigeon.... on my back, and it was brown. You bring back some memories!
Your car looks like not a 4th person could join. No hitch-hikers through Greece, huh? Have a happy Wednesday- - hugs

Valerie-Jael said...

I used to have a motorcycle and loved it, but my husband begged me to get rid of it as it made him very anxious, and then I had a little, red Fiat, which I loved, too. And yes, motorbikes encourage their people to be wild! Love your beAutiful journal page, great idea. Sorry you had storms, but going to bed is a good idea. It's raining here again, so I m going for a wet walk! Hugs, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a crazy and unique page. I LOVE that background and it's great you have that motorcycle die. Not only a perfect page, but perfect complete spread that is worthy of mention. Adorable and just right for Jo's theme at AJJ.

What a load you all carried in that car.

CJ Kennedy said...

Maybe Greek drivers learned to drive from Boston drivers. You look cozy in the back seat of the Range Rover. I hope the rain stops so you can get the dogs outside for a good run. Rain, rain, and more rain, here.

Angie's Recipes said...

You must have bought a lot of stuff from Greece. I don't like travelling these days..The page looks fun.

Let's Art Journal said...

Sounds like a strange week so far but one that I'm sure will improve like the weather is forecast too 😊. Your page is such fun and what a wonderful trip you had in Greece with your friends! Take care and thanks so much for sharing your Greek happy memory page and photos with us at Art Journal Journey! Hugs, Jo x

R's Rue said...

You look cozy like CJ said.

*Vicki* said...

What a fun page! I love the numbers in the background and your geometrical design with the bikes! The "crazy" with that bird gives me a chuckle as does your photos with the luggage! Getting ready to do this we'll see how it goes! LOL

Christine said...

Lovely page!

craftytrog said...

A brilliant spread Erika, made me smile! The photo of you with the luggage did too :D

Divers and Sundry said...

We're still wishing for some rain, though it does seem like we get not enough or too much.


It sounds like you’ve had quite the rollercoaster week! Storms and power outages can definitely throw a wrench into plans. I’m glad you were able to catch up on some blogging and chores despite the rain.

Your Greece travel journal page sounds intriguing. I’m sure it’s a lovely reminder of your travels. Here’s hoping the weather clears up and you get to enjoy some long walks and gardening soon!

I just posted a new blog post at I invite you to read. Thank you!

The Happy Whisk said...

Hubby does the text thing when power goes out. Sometimes it's on early and other times not so much. Getting up early rocks!

Neet said...

Your photo of you in the back seat took me back years to one of the CHA shows. We had hired a large car (about a 7 seater) for three of us but one lady had got that much stuff from thme show and surrounding stores that we could just about see her head in the back of the car (and she had already had us go to the Post Office to mail stuff home).
Love your bike page -and they drive like that in Italy too, crazy. That was thinking out of the box and a great idea.
Hugs, Neet xx