Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday Art

 Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday. I'm here today with a bit of art for a couple of challenges. 

I'll start with a journal page for Jo's Wonderfully Wild challenge at Art Journal Journey The swallows were my idea for the wild part.

     This started as a page to use up some extra yellow paint. The red mesh is actually the elastic edged top that came on a quart of wild local blueberries I bought earlier this summer. I cut the elastic off and then glued it down on the yellow background.  I thought the black and white house worked so I added that, but I didn't want it floating on the page. To fix that I used this scrap of felt button trim that was sitting on my work table and that was left over from a page I made for last month's challenge (Halle's) at AJJ. The sun face and the birds are acetate images, and then to finish my page I used some other OLD stamps (the word and the fragment definition).

I also have a tag for Pinky’s Seaside challenge at Tag Tuesday

     I started by first stamping as much of the postcard as would fit across my tag. Then I stamped the life preserver and the anchors. I colored those in, and the silver metallic marker I used for the anchors covered up some of the black edging, so I restamped that images so you could see the outline. After that I used blue watercolor paint to color the part of the tag where there wasn't any image. I then stamped the "on deck" phrase and added the punched out seagull and sailboat images. 

      And since I'm on the topic of the seaside, here's a few photos from over the summer when I've been out on my husband's boat along the shore.

I love this take on  Captain Morgan rum. It’s quite clever.

Here is what happens when one seagull moves too close to another one. And when they think you're going to feed them, which we didn't.

A cormorant  drying off his feathers. 

And finally, all the cranes at the Naval Shipyard.

And that's all I wrote for today. Hope you're having a super day!


Iris Flavia said...

Love your work and ohhhhh, the boats, the water, SUMMER!!! Thank you for sharing all this and giving me a huge smile, hugs! And to a great Wednesday

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Some people are indeed very creative with the name of their boats, and they have far more scope than the few characters permitted for a vehicle licence plate. Maybe he had to mortgage his house to buy the boat! All the best - David

Tom said...

...Captain Mortgage is a neat name.

Angie's Recipes said...

A nice page...I really like the yellow background and swallows.

Hels said...

I love your coastal images, thank you :) Almost all of our holidays are enjoyed swimming, sailing and picnicking on the beach.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, awesome art Erika, and I enjoyed the ocean photos Happy mid week hugs Kathy

Mae Travels said...

Your photos capture a seaside essence that I really appreciate. Especially the cranes in the shipyard.
best, mae at

Hels said...

Since you are on the topic of the seaside, I will also maximise my pleasure :) Australia might be a large continent, but 90+% of us live close to the coast. Almost everyone loves beach holidays, swimming and travelling by boat.

Neet said...

Love the yellow page with the netting placed on it. It makes for a very attractive page in your journal you have made such a good job of sticking it down. the dictionary words are perfect.
Such a lovely tag too and followed with so many lovely photos of your time on the boat.
Hugs, Neet xx

Divers and Sundry said...

Out on a boat in the summertime. Nice! I love the birds

Christine said...

Lovely art and photos!

Jeanie said...

Captain Mortgage cracks me up! When I saw you had cranes (after the birds) I was confused -- looking for, well, a crane. Oh, I get it!

CJ Kennedy said...

Your wild page with swallows reminded me of somewhere over the rainbow. Captain Mortgage made me laugh

Lowcarb team member said...

The name Captain Mortgage had me smiling :)

Enjoy these last days of August.

All the best Jan

pinky said...

Oh wow, I love the cool photos of the boat Erika!! Your seaside theme tag is just wonderful! Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday!

Let's Art Journal said...

Fabulous page! Loving the bright yellow and the red netting, and the black stamping compliments your design beautifully 😊. Such a great tag too and I loved seeing the boats, Captain Mortgage styled like Captain Morgan made me smile! Thanks so much for the inspiration over at Art Journal Journey and sending you happy and creative wishes. Hugs, Jo x

Aimeslee Winans said...

I like the page and the tag both very much, nice work and photos.xox

Sandra Wright. said...

Your Tag is so lovely, , fab photos too. Thank you Erika for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday x