Friday, September 6, 2024

Summer Views

      Hi everyone. The first week of September is wrapping up, and since it's Friday, I'm here with a post for Nicole's Friday Face Off and also Gillena's Friday Lunch Break. This week I'm sharing some random photos from August. Since it's a new month and feeling a bit  more fall-like (night time temperatures have been chilly and even one night was in the 40's/ between 5-8 degrees C) I want to take a moment and relive  summer. 😀 

      I'm done with my lake job for the year. I'll have to see what's up whether I got back next year, but if I'm available, I will. Here's a few more shots from the boat ramp.

Here's the same view as above on a foggy morning. The only difference is I am standing further out on the boat dock.

And a little later when the sun was burning through.

And Monday, September 2, my last day of work, was bright and calm for  a couple hours. Then the wind picked up, and it even cooled off quite a bit. Thanks goodness the next day I didn't have to go in because it would have been very chilly.

This next one is not a great photo, but one morning there were 2 bald eagles hanging out on some trees over the water. August was a good bald eagle month for me. I didn't actually keep track, but I saw at least 5 or 6 eagles at different places and different times. 

I had a great summer fishing with my husband. I landed 5 stripe bass. They all went back in, but I had to get a photo each time.

But no honey for me from my bees this year. They filled up their own box, but when I added the honey super they never made any honey in it.  That's OK, because at least they are thriving.

A light rain on the water at work one day.

And here's some creepy crawlies.

 And finally, here's Pete at my Mother-in-law's home on the lake one morning last week. We'd gone up to walk, and then I took the dogs down to cool off in the lake. 

With these chilly evening temperatures I bet the water has gotten a bit colder too. Sounds like we have a bit of rain coming this weekend, now if only the weather people could decide when it is going to be. 😏Have a super weekend ahead everyone.


Tom said...

...healthy bees is a great sign.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s not a bad gig when you can go down to the dock, enjoy the beauty of the lake, and get paid for it! I think that most of us could handle that! All the best - David

Iris Flavia said...

I am sad,but today is a HOT SUMMER´s day, yippeee
The boat ramp-pic is sooo beautiful!
My admin asks me to take 10 minutes every da and think "nothing" - with that view, I could!
Thank you, so wonderful.
Freedom. One wants to jump in and swim. And forhet the sorrows...

Why did you throw the fish bak in? They look big enough?
Sorry about the honey... not honey...
The creepy ones look rather cute!

Wonderful last pic - have a great Friday! Hugs

Angie's Recipes said...

wow...that's a great picture of you holding that big catch! The lake views are amazing. What did you do with that fish?

sirkkis said...

What a catch 👍 Wonderful photo. It's autumn in the air here. Our 'ruska' in Southern Finland has started. Happy weekend to you and yours🧡

Valerie-Jael said...

Congrats on cathching those lovely fish, but kind of you to let them go again. Your view on the boat ramp is wonderful! Have a great weekend. The bees look fine, but creeapy crawlies are not my thing! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning enjoyed all the photos, awesome fish catch-good eats! Happy Friday

kathyinozarks said...

and I loved seeing your bees hugs

hels said...

Do you use the boat dock to dive into the water, at least in summer?

CJ Kennedy said...

Your pictures are making me think of the great time I had at Weirs Beach. We thought we might have seen a bald eagle flying by, but we weren't sure. And OMG, you caught Walter! Sorry no honey for you, but glad the bees are doing well. Last I heard for the weekend weather was rain for Saturday night into Sunday, but it didn't sound like a washout. Have a good day today

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Our weather casters are calling it "faux fall" because our temps are in the low 80s F. Love the critters photos and so good to know the bees are thriving this year. Have a super weekend, dear friend.

BTW, ins lady still hasn't called.

Gillena Cox said...

Luv the stripped bass. Happy Friday. Thanks for linking your gorgeous photos to Art For Fun Friday


Granny Annie said...

Thanks for sharing. I love all you exciting adventures.

DVArtist said...

It's so pretty there. Wow! love the bass you caught. The bees look so good. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a nice weekend.

Carola Bartz said...

The crawlers are fantastic, Erika! I love all of them.
Your summer job sounds really nice, and since it was only two days a week very manageable. Having this lovely view at work sure helps! And those bald eagles - wonderful! There is a pair of bald eagles at our lake, but so far I haven't seen them, but ospreys instead. Here we pretty much have all summer chilly mornings and evenings, but not THAT chilly. The past few days it has been hot during the day, but tomorrow we're getting back to the lower 80s. I certainly prefer the lower temperatures, but September has just started and it often is our hottest month. Have a lovely weekend, hugs - Carola

peppylady (Dora) said...

I bet the lab likes the water.

Jeanie said...

That opening photo is particularly beautfiful. What wonderful representations of your summer. The photo of you with the fish really makes me smile. How are the bees doing? Will you have enough for a second hive (after the batch this spring which sounded dicey?) It seems like they are doing well. Honey in the offing?!!

Divers and Sundry said...

A great look back over the Summer. The water looks like a great place to be whether it's work or play.

Neet said...

Lovely photos Erika. The lakes look wonderful. Wow, that is one big fish but I would be scared of it flapping about - obviously I am not a fisherman despite being a pisces.
Hope Pete enjoyed his swim.
Hugsk Neet xx

Aimeslee Winans said...

I can't decide if you don't want to clean the fish or don't want to eat them. Will just ask why you throw them back...that one looks half your length! Does NH require a huge weight/length to keep? Texas men be fighting over that fish, heehee. Great photos as always and enjoy that cool weather, xoxo