Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Kiln shopping
I've taken a few classes and have done some playing around with PMC and bronze and copper clay. I've been looking at kilns and trying to figure out what to get. I wish there was a kiln with digital control for like $350-400. I'm not planning on going into business and making mass amounts of clay jewelry, but, it would be fun to be able to make a batch when you need it or want something. Plus its so cool and fun.
I've taken a few classes and have done some playing around with PMC and bronze and copper clay. I've been looking at kilns and trying to figure out what to get. I wish there was a kiln with digital control for like $350-400. I'm not planning on going into business and making mass amounts of clay jewelry, but, it would be fun to be able to make a batch when you need it or want something. Plus its so cool and fun.
So today, Katie couldn't join a big group of friends going to Funtown in Maine because she had to work until 11 (she wanted to work for the cash but she really wanted to go with her friends), so when she got home from work she and I went to Maine ourselves and I went kiln shopping/questioning and then we went to Freeport and went shopping-a fun roadtrip for us and something we've been talking about doing for awhile now. It didn't clear out until afternoon anyhow, just muggy and overcast, and by the time we got to LL Beans/Freeport the crowds were thinning out so we had a great shop. It ended up being a good day for us! Not that we bought all that much, but a few bargains each, and I got some more Bronzeclay 9so much cheaper than PMC-the Bronzeclay is $20 for 100g verses like $70 for 25 grams- and a new purse which I've been keeping my eyes open for for awhile now. Gotta love it!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Crescent City CA-unedited and now a few edited too

These top 2 photos are the new edited ones that I played with last night while I watched Ghost Hunters International.
So on our trip we visited Redwood National and State Parks (they're kind of combined) on the very northern coast of CA. We drove into Crescent City to get some lunch, and the sun disappeared and the coastal fog appeared. So here's some unedited photos-most of these are the Battery Point Lighthouse- there's a view out from the beach, the lighthouse itself, a window into the private residence here and the boueys hanging outside of the lighthouse. the other photo is a Tsunami sign...after the Alaskan Earthquake in 1964 (I think 1964, but don't quote me on that date), a tsunami hit here. Me, being the science geek too, had to have a tsunami warning sign. You see signs up and down the CA coast, we don't have signs like that here in New England, though I think we could get one, maybe, if some huge cliff face fell off into the ocean-but we're not on the edges of plates, like the CA coast is.
Guess what its doing here in NH?-pouring again. Got to turn up the tv its raining so hard. Today I walked the mall with Katie- good exercise and kept me cool in the AC-though I did walk with the dog this morning-but humidity is here. Makes my ankles hurt- wonder why? Anyhow, hope you enjoy those unedited photos.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
More San Francisco

San Francisco is really a gorgeous city- I love that it has a downtown but its really more neighborhoods with homes...and green...and hills-those crazy steep hills. You can see that in the parking photos, with the cars parked along the road and also the top cable car photo as it crests the hill. And green- the photo of an alley we walked past, with the trees in it. Not your usual alley. Plus, the newpaper I saw while we walked through Chinatown-I love that. This was my second trip to this city- even though it has been over 20 years sicne my last visit and did forget about the hills a bit...woe- need to stop and catch your breath a bit there. Plus, don't forget the cool bone chilling wind- even in July- dressed in layers-plural. BRRR.
So today in New Hampshire we had a gorgeous day- one of the best all summer. Warm, not humid, blue skies-oh I love it...and we've had more rain and gray than days like this. kate and I went back to the lake...spent most of our time across the lake at my husband's aunt and uncle's house visiting- which was fun. These are the kind of summer days that stick in your mind and come back when you think of the word summer.
Monday, July 27, 2009
San Francisco street signs

Some signs that you wouldn't always see elsewhere- obviously areas of the city but also cable cars (this is the only city in the world they're still in use) and parking on those hills. Woe-those steep steep hills.
Humid today-summer weather! Cleaned and sweated-did some scrapping-went to the lake for a swim- which really felt GREAT the water's still cold enough- till some afternoon storms came through- and then came home and napped. Awe- the beauty of a nap. Almost done with Club Dead too-then I'm starting the White Tiger by Aravind Adigo. And its suppose to be hot all week-but maybe not super sunny-though today- sitting on the dock in the felt like SUMMER!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Unedited Mendicino, California-last Sunday
The flowers in this town were brillant-and its was a really cute little town-with a slightly New England feel-remember Murder She Wrote, how we all here in NH and in Maine- where it was supposedly set, said it wasn't quite right. It was set in Mendicino- wish I had time to hit the shops, but hubby wasn't having that, plus we still needed to get to San Francisco that night.
Today I finished my bronzeclay clar and got to use copper clay. Can't wait to get my pieces back once Marisssa fires them in her kiln. Then went to Barbara's for dinner up on the lake- and a swim of course, its finally summer warm and the swim felt fantastic.
Wow- we're into the last week of July. I can't imagine that's really true.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A few more vacation photos and babbling...
Here's some natural shots of of the coast of Northern California.

Saturday- another day of sun with me indoors at a class. I am taking a 2 day bronzeclay class with Marissa O'Brien down in MA. Its great- today we made some tear aways and also did our intro. to bronzeclay-some instructions and lots of play. Tomorrow is an advanced class, making beads and other 3D pendants. Fun, fun, fun!
Right now I'm watching Torchwood's mini series-Children of Earth. Its good. On day 5- want to see what happens but Dave's asleep and he won't be happy when he learns I've watched it all without him. I'll tell you, it was hard to get up this morning-I'm still on CA time I guess.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Home in the rain
Today, let me show you a couple of redwood photos. These trees impressed me with their height and width. Wow, gorgeous. In Redwood National Park there's a dirt drive through this old growth forest-its called Stout Drive and I recommend it highly. Its too narrow for anyone driving a bus or pulling a trailer, but wow. These photos do not due justice at all to these giant old trees.
Below is a drive through tree. I guess there's 3 of them in the area, and they're all on private property. It cost us $5 to drive through this one- but it was one of Katie's wish list items. Funny, you wait in line, drive up so far, then the driver squishes out and takes a photo. Then drive out and the next car repeats this. Funny.
Back in Stout Grove.
So here in NH- we're back in the rain. The summer that hasn't been- so far. Guess its waiting until its time to go back to school before it arrives. Still doing laundry today, in my dirty basement (seeing Leo ripped open a bag of dog food and its everywhere), stamping a bit, going to see the new Harry Potter tonight when Dave gets out of work. Looking forward to that. This weekend I'm taking a 2 day bronze clay class, should be fun, but wish I had one more down day before it starts. Oh well, should be fun and I am exceited about it, no doubt.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
We're Home from the West Coast
Home sweet home- arrived about midnight last night and got up at 11:30 this morning- wow-how long has it been since I slept so late?
So our trip was fantastic- full of adventures- I have LOTS and LOTS to tell you and share but for tonight- here's the main stops on our trip, of course there's so many trips within the trip.
But after landing in San Francisco we went to Lassen Volcano National Park, then Lava Beds National Monument, Crater Lake National Park, Redwood National Park and finally into the city of San Francisco itself. More later, when I'm not so tired...since I am ready for bed...even after sleeping so long this morning. The time changes, the busy vacation mode, the clouds today...enough for me to want to sleep. Till next visit...
Monday, July 13, 2009
An exciting week ahead

An exciting week for us-with a trip that we take off on tomorrow at 6:30 a.m. (meaning we need to get up at 3 a.m. and leave for the airport by 4 a.m.) (eeks-but the adrenoline will get us through and we can nap on the plane), and just checking out the Hero Arts Blog this morning, one I love to read, and they're getting a new website look this week. I "borrowed" their lead-in for the week- because its so appropriate! Today I need to finish up a bunch of chores, finish packing, deliver my puppy to my mother-in-laws house, contain my excitement...
Off tomorrow and the adventures that lie ahead with that- Happy Trails again.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Getting ready

Tim Holtz does this on his website, sorry for the stealing the idea, but this is where we are headed in 2 days.
Today was a starting to get ready day, a bit of packing, getting laundry ready, running to Wamart for those last minute items, finishing my book (Dead in Dallas), trying to straighten house out a bit so that when my mother-in-law stops by to feed the cats its not a total disaster, unless the cats make a mess, which is always possible.
So we're off for a bit more than 1 week- to do some National Parks in Northern California and hopefully get into Oregon, a new state for all of us, and then to wrap up our week with 2+ days in San Francisco. Its exciting. Anyhow, if I don't blog tomorrow- will have lots of photos to show you when we come home. Happy Trails...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A couple of beautiful days

Friday night concert at Great Waters in Wolfeboro. Although only 3 entertained us, the band was the Four Bitchin Babes. A++++++
Yesterday was an absolutely GORGEOUS day. Harley got groomed (he is such a handsome doggieman now), so after Katie and I dropped him off early we went to breakfast at IHOP and then down to Wallis Sands State Beach. It was crowded-as you can see in my random shot above, and it was beautiful-about 75degrees and not humid. Below this is my Katers sunbathing photo. Love her bathingsuit. Got to see a former co-worker who retired and now runs the beach in the summer, and got to see a few kids from school too.
Last night I went with my friend Vicky and 6 other very nice ladies (none of whom I knew before last night) to see the 4 Bitchin Babes at the Great Waters Music festival up in Wolfeboro. Had never been to one of their concerts-either the 4 Babes or a Great Waters concert ( called that because its right on the shore of the big lake), and all the ladies were fantastic and funny and it was a great night- a bit chilly, but I love outdoor concerts in the summer.
Today I was tired- it started out sunny (very important after all that rain)- but clouded in later in the day. We went up to my mother-in-laws place in Wolfeboro-didn't swim but enjoyed reading by the water- a favorite thing to do! Below here is some fun photos of my honeys-including my very handsome newly groomed doggie-man Harley and my boat loving husband and Katie.
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