Hi everyone. Happy new week to you.And it is also time for T again over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.
I've been sharing my September trip to Quebec with you, and today we are still on the far end of the Gaspe peninsula, a short distance north from Perce which was last week's T day post. (You can find that post here if you're interested: Perce.) Most of today's photos are from a Canadian National Park we visited called Forillon National Park. What a gorgeous place. We only spent a day there, but I wish we had one more day because there was a trail (or 2) I wanted to walk that we just didn't have time for.
Today's photos are only from one small area at the park's northern end which is called Cap-Bon-Ami.
This is Cap des Rosier lighthouse which is a tiny bit further north than Cap-Bon-Ami. Google posted the photo a bit out of order.
Anyhow, back at Cap-Bon-Ami.
This little white throated sparrow ignored me being fairly close so I was able to snap a few very nice photos.
And if I hadn't been talking with a woman from Ottawa I might have missed these seals sunning themselves on the rocks. She pointed them out to me. We saw a lot of seals on our trip, both before and after seeing this little pod. But these made the best photo.
Here's Cap des Rosiers lighthouse again, this time with a view from Cap-Bon-Ami.
And finally a view from a high spot, looking northwest.
These are just a few photos, but for the sake of not making this post a book, I'll have more park photos in another post. Plus I need my drink for T.
We never really had lunch that day except for a few snacks so by late afternoon we were hungry. We drove out of the park and headed past the cabin where we were staying to see if we could find a place for a meal. We did end up finding this microbrewery that served food, and it ended up being a good choice for dinner. Not only was the food delicious, but it was full of locals which is always a good sign. Here's my husband being a goof-ball outside of the front entrance.

This next photo shows my dinner (which came quicker than my husband's so he ended up eating a fair bit of it). It also shows our drinks. For dinner I had some pulled pork poutine, poutine being a specialty of Quebec. Basic poutine (which I believe is pronounced pou-tin but I've heard it pronounced several ways) is French fries, cheese curds and gravy, This time they substituted pulled pork for the gravy, and it was delicious! I've actually had more traditional poutine here in New Hampshire because some restaurants serve it.
My husband opted for a lighter lager on the left, which was this microbrewery's best seller. He got a big glass. I actually had 2 different beers in small glasses and I opted for 2 different beers, a red and also a brown.
This next photo is not very good, but it's the floor at the microbrewery, which I thought was very unique and quite a fun floor. All those little circles are beer bottle tops.
And in case you missed any of the other parts of my trip and if you are interested, here's the links:
That's all for me today. I hope everyone has a happy T day and week ahead.