You might surmise that this journal page might be a dead give away of why my post is titled as it is. But I picked this topic because of my adventure yesterday.
But first, my wild west journal pages. We went to Tombstone last February on our trip to Southern Arizona. I like this page-although it is quite uncomplicated. A little spray ink-yellow and brown, some bead board paper under the photo. Some craft paper die cut letters. The gun from the Tim Holtz western set stamped a few times, an October Afternoon button and this cool wood looking sticker from a set of western stickers I bought last summer at Archiver's. Not sure who made them
Here's another page from inside the Birdcage Theater also. I don't like this page as much as the one on the top. I used some brown and yellow striped paper on this page that I brushed ink onto. I added a bunch of tape and some more of those western stickers. I don't know about you, but pages like this are hard to get the color right when you download them, they get this yellow tinge I can't get rid of. Anyone have any suggestions?
My favorite part of this page is this horse shoe. It is a chipboard die cut from October Afternoon. I painted it and then used some crackle glue. Once dry I inked it in some darker brown. I also added some small brads to the holes and then sanded half the finish off of those to give it an old worn look.

So anyhow, why I titled the page the wild wild west. That's because my friend has a sort of new car- she bought a 10 year old in like new condition Porsche Boxer. Convertible. Just YUMMY! We cruised out to the western part of New Hampshire which is hardly Tombstone but is the west of this state. Western NH is beautiful and very different from where I live here in the Eastern part. It is way less developed out there-fewer box stores, more little local stores. Didn't see one Home Depot or Walmart or MacDonald's or Target on the whole trip. We traveled these little back roads. Fabulous. Not tourists today but travelers. Part of our 8 hours of chatting was trying to decipher the difference. Lots of little towns with a town common and the white meetinghouse that is from the 1700's. Lots of beautiful old colonial homes. Quieter. Less traffic. More rolling hills-we aren't flat here but we are getting into the lower end of the White Mountains. We're not quite as gentle a scenery either.
Western NH is kind of like it was in NH back in the 1970's. It is so beautiful out there. I had such a great day.
Took some photos I will post later on.
And today I am off the the very eastern part of my state-to Portsmouth-to go meet with my intern at school. I am not ready to go into the building, but hopefully this will take about an hour and then I can fly free. I was hoping not to do this until August, but he is impatient and that is indeed a good thing to see.
My latest read! And what I am really waiting for-that I pre-ordered on Amazon and should be here tomorrow according to the tracking number
I should be all set to read it since I am close to finishing Explosive Eighteen.
have a great day- can you believe it is already Thursday and already July 12th?